Trump bans Haitians from entering US
niggers btfo
Trump bans Haitians from entering US
niggers btfo
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That just means they'll import more Indians
Caribbean coons BTFO
Trump racist confirmed. Now liberals will be correct that racist president is in power. Good job Sup Forums
Indians are better than Hatians.
Okay, NOW he's a racist
Indians don't come for low tier jobs. Poos have infilitrated silicon valley and push for more pajeets even thought htey can't code
How the DR so much better than Haiti?
Everyday we winning
The average IQ of indians in USA is 106. Idiot.
>US Bans Haiti, Belize and Samoa from Temporary Visas
So what? There are smarter Americans that can code better than poos.
Shithole confirmed
I love my president
Why in motherfuck are there 'low skill' work visas.
Why would you ever need to bring in external help for 'low skill' work
That's not very good. If we're importing people, we should be importing the best. 125 min.
oh no
What are niggers Alex?
haiti all niggers, DR the ""whites"" run the show biz and gov also this article explains a lot in a non bias way
Saw an article on Reddit that H-1Bs make up 3/4 of Silicon Valley. I guess the surprising part is they're hardly at the big guys like Apple, Google, and Microsoft, but smaller shittier companies.
shithole shitskins on suicide watch
Talk to anyone in IT fields. Indians are low-skilled and get jobs because they take less money, but they're poor coders.
>As of Thursday, Haitian farmers and other laborers seeking to come to the United States as temporary, seasonal workers under the federal H-2A and H-2B guest worker program, will no longer be eligible.
Unfortunately people think since they cant understand indians then they must be smarter because your average managerial faggot has low self esteem since he was made manager visa vi his complaining skills and nothing else
low iq shithole rekt
For votes nigga. No ID required
Hatian Farmers? Are these the people who grow mud in order to turn them into mud cookies? Truly it is the US's loss that these oppressed souls cannot come here
Trump is a jackass. I hope this move tanks his own buisness
>Mar-A-Lago, sometimes dubbed the “Winter White House,” reportedly employs more Haitians than nearly any other nationality. (Romania is the only other one that comes close, according to The New Yorker.)
The club applied for and received 70 H-2B visas for its recent 2017-2018 season. The H-2B is a visa that is targeted to low-cost, low-skilled workers and is not under any executive review. The H1-B, which has been in the news, provides visas for technical employees.
That made me sick
It's 9/10 poos and CEO is a poo.
Lol you think Trump would hire a fucking animal haitian?
youtube vid comment section still open
>Trump Administration Bans Haitians Workers
Also makes the shittiest software available
Why would Trump do this if it would hurt him?
Compared to OSX and Linux? Don't see others trying to make better OSes.
How new are you?
Never seen the video of ISIS slowly cutting off a little boy's head yet?
Welcome to Sup Forums. You can never leave.
Did you even read the headline? It's not a ban against Haitians, but a ban against low skill work visas. Effectively it's the same thing but the distinction is still important.
And it should really be a global ban against low skill work visas in general shouldn't it?
it is indeed sickening. clip evidently takes place in venezuela. but i wouldn't put it past Haiti
Gotta do it country by country until legislation is passed against H1B visas. For now all Trump can do is come up with reasons to exclude specific countries, but the amount being allowed is still what it is no matter what until new legislation is passed.
Literally the opposite of the truth.
It's the big guns that are interested in this type of labor force.
What country is this from?
Don't bully i bought an xbone because my brother has one and we've played xbox together for like 10 years.
Anyway the xbones UI was so fucking garbage when it came out it wasn't even usable and I didn't try to play agian till like 6 months later and the UI was still terrible. Just this year they basically copied the 360's final UI.
Microsofts poos can't even play test shit and realize how shitty it is.
>asks why are we letting in people from shithole countries
>cabinet cant give him a good reason
>proceeds to not let in people from shithole countries
Sup Forums
Haiti is 95% pure negro genes.
Dominican are something like 40% white (>white I guess but still), 40% nigg and 20% original Caribbeans.
ban indians
>DHS said in a regulatory filing that it was removing Haiti from lists of more than 80 countries whose citizens can be granted H-2A and H-2B visas, given to seasonal workers in agriculture and other industries.
It cited what it said were “high levels of fraud and abuse” by Haitians with the visas, and a “high rate of overstaying the terms” of their visas.
>trump bans haitans
LMAO holy fuck please keep getting more extreme Trump
Do it for us
How JUST'd are the blackpillers who keep saying that Trump is cucking on every issue? Richard Spencer get fucked
according to uplaoder, Venezuela. wonder if its some revolution shit like oscar perez. but it really does look like your run of the mill drug trafficking slaughter tbqhfamlam
Yeah, I guess he's making steps in the right direction and thank god. I don't enjoy seeing America weakened by idiotic leaders like it has been in the last 20 years.
Id hait to be Haitian right now
Half measure. All those niggers need to be bombed into dust so we can give nation back to the French people the niggers stole it from.
i love this man god bless him now if we could just get rid of the commies that are parading themselves as liberals we could truly maga
im all for treating people the way you want to be treated and the golden rule but the current sjw and feminism movement can get the fuck out of my country.
at least they vote for trump unlike fucking haitians
Hey dumbass, have you ever been to Mar A Lago? All Trump does is hire H1B Haitians since he can pay them less than Americans. So you can fuck off
They aren't from Slovakian white houses.
People already knew what Trump was about in 2016. Trump still won. No one is afraid of you faggots anymore, now it's your turn to feel the heat.
>hacking at the guy's neck, instead of mercifully chopping his head clean off
Fuck Trump
Because he's an idiot. To impress your base and putting your own business at risk? Now I can see why Trump always go bankrupt, he doesn't know how to run a company
Is Haitian a race now?
what a fucking travesty
get over it dildos
I think you are lost buddy lebbit is that way >>>>
All the big tech corps have tons of poos. Have you seen James O'Keefe's latest videos on Twitter? Everyone is foreign and half are poos.
Name and address please. You aren't afraid of us. Then name and address.
>Meme flag faggot
Be a faggot somewhere else.
What race is "Haitian"? The same race as "Muslim"?
Lefties - pretend to be educated. Doesn't even know what "race" means in English.
not turning our country into a breeding ground for minorities is racist when they have plenty of their own living space
And Trumps Approval ratings sink even further. Its unpopular in America to be a fucking racist. The country of immigrants
wait wait that means the majority of them won’t be eligible to enter the U.S
Holy fuck..the madman is actually doing it isn’t he?
Eat shit fag
Damm fucking straight.
Why do we need niggers? romania and eastern europeans are white and actually work
a loud minority means nothing
It's Slovenia, dipshit.
Haitian average IQ = 67
Dominican Republic average IQ = 82
Baby boy heard a dog whistle. Have fun at 7th grade tomorrow, cunt.
So trumps business is doom because of niggers get fucked faggot
Kek, the Krassenjews posted on Twatter yesterday that Haiti officials were going to release documents that involved baby doc and Trump back in the 80s some shady shit.
Looks like Trump is hitting back.
He met up with the Russian puppet Dictator of fucking Kazakhstan yesterday
From Omaba with the Queen
To Dump with Shit tier dictators
Hilarious. Those places are fucking shitholes and the migrants are uneducated.
But if you want to bring in white communists and socialists then be my guest, more votes for democrats
my 64 year old aunt would love this one. the lift can meme after all
Flag checks out.
Why the hell don't you think he would just replace workers? Why the hell do you think this would hurt his business?
So he is putting his own country ahead of his business
Great man
I hope Trump is the first to lose all his foreign workers and Trump files for a 7th bankruptcy. Its expensive to be a racist. Now go fuck yourself
Tell me nigger, how many businesses you used to have? Lemme guess - ZERO.
How many people you employed? Lemme guess - ZERO.
So you're exactly like Clintons and Obummer.
Even a country as big as the US will eventually run of streets to shit in.
It's ok, he has a problem with object perminace. If it's not in his direct Vision he stops understanding it exists at all.
>Sixty-five Haitians entered the United States on H-2A visas, given for agricultural work, in the 2016 fiscal year, according to DHS data, and 54 Haitians were granted H-2A visas by the State Department between March and November 2017.
America is saved!
This is new lol. 10/10
I mean I don’t agree with some of the choices he’s made but Haitians by and large are useless. Have you ever met a Haitian? They are really dumb people.
>in b4 people
No need for racism just talking in a civil way here
Muh Haiti workers, its like there is a shortage of shithole workers.
I'd be more worried about a Haitian trying to burn the shit down.