Blacks have the lowest intellige-
Blacks have the lowest intellige-
Other urls found in this thread:
nce, on average.
Lets average the IQ of Blacks
See what happens
>letting more niggers survive
>not letting their population fall due to malaria
blacks are definitely the smartest race, i wish i was a black scientist
>1st sentence: ... "to a young scientist BASED IN AFRICA"
congrats, a black person won a prize exclusively given to scientists living in Africa
whitebois btfo
Prestigious prize for African science. Can the fucking bar be set any lower.
what did he do.
is he getting the award for the meme?
Can someone edit "Nuffield" into "Nuffin"?
They are the smartest when it comes to taking advantage of gibs and affirmative action like OP's pic.
What was her scientific discovery? Bricks?
>Award given exclusively to a black african goes to a black african
Incredible, I'm shocked. White people will literally never recover from this like they'll never recover from all those blacks receiving black scholarships or black affirmative action. If whites were really so superior they'd be able to win an award exclusively given out to another race.
>Blacks have the lowest intellige-
If this is the basis for your argument, what percentage of blacks have won that prize? The answer is all of them because this award only goes to Africans you worthless, idiotic nigger.
>African Science Award awarded annually to a young scientist based in Africa
>African Award for Africans
well no fucking shit lel
Let's get this shit started
>TFW 2 stupid two understand the word average.
Kenyans are less niggery than most Africans
Well if blacks have low intelligence then why does an award given exclusively to African scientists exist?
>top scientific prize
>for "African Science"
>African Research Leader Award
So it's the Smartest Monkey in the Jungle prize
>if retards arent elite athletes then why are there gold medals at the Special Olympics?
>checkmate, Nazi
it literally says 'for African science'
>literally one nigger
>The Dr. Trayvon Martin prize awarded to Faith Osier for discovery of gainful employment
>Well if blacks have low intelligence then why does an award given exclusively to African scientists exist?
>young african wins "top scientific prize" only open to young africans
huh... so this is the power... of african science...
>Contributes nothing of scientific value that isn't already explainable by even rednecks
>Wins prize specifically for above-average retards