episode out
[HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 06 [720p].mkv
What does it taste like?
We already have a thread with this exact image you turo-nerd
sasuga fag
We're over here.
>Feet fag pandering
Well, he probably searched in the catalogue.
The other doesn't show, because the OP put the title in the name field.
It does show.
>Not at least appreciating nice feet
Seriously, go back to your cow-tit shows and let the patricians talk.
Is there something with the settings I never bothered with?
This IS a cow-tit show.
Not what I see mate.
No it's not, one character showing cleavage does not a cow-tit show make. This season, that would be Sin: Nanatsu no Taizai.
Can someone translate this?
It's all variations to shibai, which is play (as in, drama).
Should have guessed it from the two shibai in kana, thanks.
This is not the first time I see this in Hinako note, but this scene was absolutely pointless and a single line telling us they practised again would have been enough.
This thing is so small and cute and fluffy. But I can't watch it, why is this show so bad. How could they fuck it up. I hope at least we get some good doujins of her.
No fanservice of said cute small and fluffy girl.
Fuck this really.
I would impregnate her if I thought she could survive child birth.
Did everyone dropped it?
Read the thread.