/ourguy/ Mel Gibson went on Joe Rogans podcast advocating for stem cells and their ability to do the work other drugs cannot. Interesting watch if you have the time for it.
Mel Gibson on JRE
I saw it. neat. but its nothing we didnt already know unfortunately. stem cells are miracle curealls because they are literally the building blocks of our bodies. And the real reason we still cant use them in the US is because they would muscle in on big pharma's territory.
That podcast was shit, have Mel Gibson on and don’t go there, pfff. This was shitty shilling from Rogan. I’m not really liking these gay one hour celeb promo casts he seems to be having more of lately. Whatever, Greg Carlwood is that nigga to watch on the come up
Just be rich like Kobe and get a miracle cure in china for 2.5 mil, duh
damn mel is balding he needs some stemcells put in his head
i wished they touched on the JQ
he's low key telling us the jews fear stem cells
It was interesting to know the US is going to ban using your own body materials to heal yourself.
Otherwise, not what I wanted to watch.
Cheked. Can I get stem cells from the placenta?
The doctor kept talking about the JUICE. Wonder if this was in order to fuck with people.
Mel, if you are reading /pol right now, please answer me: If I rub stem cells on my dick, will it grow bigger?
Stem cells and CRISPR.... the future is going to be very exciting.
>you've got a crazy back, that picture you showed me was bananas.
"hey Joe wanna see my back, mate?"
"sure mel, im a big fan"
*hands picture of back over*
"that's my back, mate"
"oh wow thats bananas"
"no joe, thats my back, mate"
I don't get American humour like this, do people really find this funny?
Ur ppl have no sense of humor brahh.
Yes. Don't waste it on your balls.
no. shitposting is shitposting
American shitposting is the lowest tier of all, they will use every vulgar language they know and create incoherent sentences plus putting lol or lmao in the end. Unlike Aussies or Canadians who plans their shitpost very well to either the former make good humor or the latter to provoke, the amerimutts just act on instinct. Beware.
Mel has gotten in trouble for "anti-Semitic" talk in the past
watching it now , it seems to good to be true . can young healthish people use this or is it waste?
we will either reach advanaced modern world and start colonizing other planets or live in an apocalyptic world led by Mad Mel.
I kinda want both.
Not going to bother watching it unless they touch on race, jews or at least immigration.
Did any of these topics come up?
Doesn't sound fun listening to a fucking actor rant on about stem cells. The only reason Gibson is interesting is because he is a white anti-semite who worked in Hollywood, probably the biggest anti-jew name alive.
It's jewish humor, just be crude and say things about your dick. Very similar to female humor too, just like how they go ''muh vagina.''
Great. Now with stem cells baby boomers are going to live longer
They literally just have this retard-tier idea of what humour is
I love The Higherside Chats with Greg Carlwood, but sometimes he gets legit crazy people on there, perhaps unknowingly
first we'll be in a post-apocalyptic world and then we'll recover and go advanced futurism
yeah but we can raise the retirement age now
hehe fucking boomers work more you cunts
nice. mel is the man. Remember when he was ontop of hollywood and on the cover every sexiest man magazine.
who gives a fuck. What are you a fag? He's a guy. he doesnt give two shits about his hair. It's called aging. I like the way he looks now. He really is the coolest hollywood superstar of the last 30 years. He reminds me of my dads buddy Pete. I'd love to get shitfaced with mel and shoot the shit.
I listened to it during work. Was pretty interesting. I knew that atheist-sperg years back about abortion stem cells was phony.
i saw this and got super excited. then they talked about stem cells for an hour.
i wanted to hear Mel riff.
could you imagine him talking about (((them))) and the current state of hollywood? holy shit that would have been amazing.
Why is Mel always scratching himself and fidgeting in his chair? He looks like a fucking junkie.
spotted the bitter irrelevant europoor
I thought Catholics were opposed to stem cell research.
He's promoting adult stem cells(from umbilical cords) not embryonic
No he just looks like an older guy. What do you expect him to doll himself up to go talk to a bald burnout?
Well that was boring.
They prolly hade that convo before they went live
Yes, it's purely to protect big pharma....
It has nothing to do with the morality of creating industrial-scale, highly-funded demand for the dead babies of poor people as feedstock for youth-therapies of the Elite.
I noticed this too, WTF. The enunciation and emohasis on JUICE wasn't coincidental, not with Mel seated beside him.
This podcast initially rubbed me wrong, but what was unsaid spoke volumes and basically was that Jews are fucking with our health and medicinal access. I'd get stem cells in a heartbeat
Ground Zero is the best Sup Forumscast if you want conspiracy topics that don't embarass your intellect like George Snoory
Cum Town remains best redpilled comedy podcast
>creating industrial-scale, highly-funded demand for the dead babies of poor people as feedstock
The elite already have access to embryonic cells, and I bet abortion clinics worldwide are used for this purpose. China is BTFO of the US on advanced illegal medicine involving human experimentation. And human animal chimeras if you listen to Uncle Alex. All the Silicon Valleyfags are getting stem cell shots. This is the new War.
>that nigga
Stop talking like a nigger.
Stopped reading at Canadaian.
Not your nigger
Your dick would get bigger if you put it in my mouth. Cum blow a load.
I would get on my knees and suck his balls dry to be able to grow a beard like that. It's fucking glorious.
Get in here faggots!
What are you talking about? These procedures require stem cells from the patients themselves
Last I heard most successful stem cell treatments did. Embryonic stem cell research was a justification for abortion, not the other way around.
They don't fear them at all. They want to be the only people who have access to them.
They fear the )))population((( at large getting the benefits.
My feeling is that Mel knows Jews are harvesting stem cells like there's no tomorrow.
He's advocating for widespread adoption for everybody. Not just creepy elites.
This whole thing was too weird and charged to not be Mel running a counter-agenda.
Joe's already used them for his sports injuries, so he's already a public advocate.
>implying there's not a strong chance
C'mon, dude, you're better than this.
Is Mel Gibson's dad /ourgoy/?
>In a 2003 interview he questioned how the Nazis could have disposed of six million bodies during the Holocaust and claimed that the September 11, 2001 attacks were perpetrated by remote control.[1] He has also been quoted as saying the Second Vatican Council was "a Masonic plot backed by the Jews".