Nobody can answer this seemingly basic question.
What happens in Romania?
There are towns where Hungarians deny Romanians service so they have to leave,
That’s funny
fucking snow that's what's happening
Gypsies drive their caravans around and practice gypsy craft
Idk but Romanian chicks are hot
Is Romania the least developed nation with pol representation?
I had one romanian professor and two albanian classmates, they would banter like crazy
why though?
Romanian professor says albania is a shit country, students reply that at least they don't have the worst currency, then they get together against Chinese people
That would be JEWSA
Gypo shoah and your ABM system. Nothing else, never wen't much to Romania because I mostly stopped by in Bulgaria to purchase bootleg illegal PC software back in 90's and early 2000's.
>worst currency
those albanians are shit at bantz
That wasnt very manly..
It was seriously superb banter, the class was monetary economics so the prof would get pissed over it. There were also jokes about romanian prostitutes in italy and all the stuff you'd expect
guess I had to be there
Gypos don't deserve humility.
>That wasnt very manly..
its not humility moron
Mad that your gypo shit friends got sacked for fucking over hard working people?
>being this assblasted
m8 learn to read before posting retarded shit
>Mad that your gypo shit friends got sacked for fucking over hard working people?
I fucking hate you gypos, more than burgers, russians and towel heads combined.
The same things that are happening in the balkans but the people there seem to be just a little bit more civilized and the state is just a little less corrupt. Overall it's just a little better when compared to the rest of eastern europe but in the end it's just another eastern european shit hole with eastern european problems like corruption, mafia, terrible drivers, inefficient beurocracy, discrimination, illegal businesses, etc, etc.
As for anything unique, yesterday on the news it was reported that some drunk romanian truck driver had crashed and turned over his truck somewhere in north-west Bulgaria, completely blocking the road.
your fucking retarded mate even your own country man pointed this out and a pussy by the looks of it
Women or children of gypos will not be spared. They are barely human compared to niggers.
FYI guys, your flag is a complete joke.
care to detail that
McDonalds isn't a good flag either, take this from a African tier tricolor.
A lot of cool stuff.
>Its a CIA military state
its a perfect place for air bases
It's been downhill since the greatest Romanian of all time was kill.
>the super fast internet tipped me off
Any Romanian bros wanna red pill me on this guy?
I'm reading For My Legionaries
My God you amerigoblins are truly brainlets
Nice. That bit about the flag is interesting
begone Nazi larper with your reverse pictures
those sneaky romanians invading our malls
Actually, just an Amerifag who stole his joke
gyppos have no internet. get fucked by russia
>Romanian youth
>fucking gyppos acting like the animals they are
I want the Romanian state to sue the shit out of every faggot that calls gyppos romanians for defamation
haha this guy prolly got mugged by some gyppo in his own country. losing to some weak hungry minority. and you calling other people worthless.
stfu soviet
That nigga is a gypsy, romanian version of a hood nigro.
commieblocks, snow, cold, -10 next week.
at least it's not summer so there aren't 40 degrees and roasties can't parrot western skimpy attires.
They produce & export gypsies
fuck i wish it was summer at least I could walk the street normally
I like to conceal my body with multiple layers of clothes, so summer is shit. This depressive landscape sucks me in, I love it. We have way too few months of winter.
not seeing the french and ukraine flag as well
if only our government wasn't so incompetent at getting rid of snow
>implying our flag is there
Your DNA is a joke
it's normal once the blizzard hits. I live in the moldavian area of heavy snowstorms and it's a yearly occurrence here. They gargle pointlessly at the tv, jeering at our mayors and whatnot, and then comparing us with the west how they always do. But western winters are milder. Even Sweden doesn't have such powerful winds in winter, only coastal Norway has but that is mostly rainy even in winter.
they always say "abroad is always better than in Romania", but they either pick richer nations or nations which are redundant to prove their point.
>only Romania has potholes
saw a lot of them on google maps in Poland, Latvia and Hungary
>only Romania has a stray dog issue
open up google maps on any Bulgarian city
etc etc. they fuel the "intelligent, independent youths" and egg them on into being disgruntled so as to spark a possible protest and, in their high schooler/uni student brains, a revolution.
Whatever you say gypsie.
>tinerii inteligenți
știu că era sarcastic dar kek
>Report Your Neighbors
Facebook is Public Space Don't polute it with shit
sunt la liceu si e plin de pseudo intelectuali (postez de la liceu desu). Tot felul de diletanti care citesc ceva pe facebook in momentele cand nu posteaza alimente pe instagram si se cred inteligenti. E plin de pseuzi care n-au habar de literatura sau filosofie politica dar o fac pe politicienii. Mai sunt altii care vor sa vorbeasca precum bucurestenii si rad de aia care zic "pi" sau "șî".
nice random capitalising, doesn't make your post more important.
>Report Fake News
>Report Hate Speech
>Report Everything
I'm phoneposting it's fucking trash when it capitalizes random words
highschool is fucking trash I remember being a retarded liberal in highschool
I disabled the capitalising, I'm very contrarian and normals usually text with the enabled capitalising.
good thing I could pull through it, have overcome different phases throughout all these almost 4 years of hs, in the 9th I was interested in agnosticism, the 10th - christianity, the 11th - nietzscheanism and now Norse paganism and ariosophy. Have never been part of a subculture, I agree that subcultures are shallow but at least it is better than being a vapid normal. I have seen folks with Bathory or Burzum (entry-level bm, still good) in my school so it's not all blockheads.
I'm pretty much apolitical at this point, I only come to this board for /sg/ and because /r9k/ has moved here with the arrival of traps.
greatest allying and concentrating gypsies into easily molotov'd shantytowns
nice flag, greatest ally.
Even though I hate gyppos, beating a woman in front of her children is one of the niggerest things in the world.
at least they produce quality posters
>saggy pants
>swarthy forearm (0:02)
the perpetrator is as much of a subhuman as the begging women, animals fight each other often, this is how feuds are sorted out for 70 iq's.
Red pills run in our blood.
Esti un tip mare.
>folks with Bathory or Burzum
>not dacian religion or or Christianity (same thing)
Liceu si EU, LA mine e OK, doar clasele de filo is pline de cocalari. O colega de clasa e rep. Elevilor pe judet, destul de "redpilled" a inlaturat frumos influienta progresistilor din liceu LA noi(baluri, serbari etc.)
Un fost coleg din generala e nr 1 pe judet(olimiada info, mate, chimie, dracu) si el "redpiled"
In clasa mean se glumeste liber despre jidani, bozgori etc. Dirigu(prof de mate) are obiceiu' sa glumeasca cu noi despre musulmani si americani. Am nimerit bine.
You're right, he should've first killed the gpysoid spawn and then her mother.
They must be prevented from having ANY "offspring" and then they must be wiped out.
Grandiose architecture and fast internet. And Vlach girls with their strong magic.
Romania has faster average internet connection speeds than US.
Romanian stuff
>il pune pe e**nescu in acelasi colaj cu Cioran
>Bacovia nu e acolo
eu sunt umanist si urasc stiinta, iar la filo aia n-au nici in clin nici in maneca cu umanismul sau artele liberale.
femelele nu sunt redpilled, anonule. Stau destul pe tumblr si stiu ce spun, majoritatea alora "de dreapta" se asteapta ca masculul sa fie tot si se coboara la rangul de curva obiectificandu-se.
la noi proful de istorie baga propaganda jidaneasca. Ne spune de cat de rea este xenofobia in societatea noastra, asta cand in cea mai saraca regiune din tara noi avem drumuri de cacat, mult alcoolism si violenta domestica, pe el il intereseaza de antisemitism.
redpilled is mainstream and the normies have borrowed into it already, it's dying as Black Metal has by now.
Their cam girls are Europe's finest
I am not being sarcastic, I do believe this to be a great national quality.
I'll have to agree with you on that; it's absolutely rubbish, made up by people without the slightest bit of design and colour theory knowledge.
A fucking french flag soaked in piss
romania is a shithole populated by degenerate goblinos .
it will go full sjw when the parents of the goblinos die and the only authority in their lives disappears.
never call a obvious degenerate romanian goblino a degenerate.
he will scheme behind your back because you had the audacity to call him/her for what he/she is.
>la noi proful de istorie baga propaganda jidaneasca
Ce oras user? La mine cand eram in liceu, profa de istorie era redpill. Plus ca zicea ca Antonescu trebuia sa termine treaba cu tiganii si jidanii iar moartea lui Codreanu cea mai mare prostie a tarii noastre din vremea aia. Plus ca ii ura pe comunisti din toata inima.
They kill their Babys.
Most of them were trash anyways, gypo/liberator genes so it's ok.
No Hungarian shitposts yet? Im pretty disappointed.
Galati. Codreanu era cucrestin oricum, fascismul sudic/estic e o gluma fata de cel Nordic, vezi Goebbels, Himmler, Quisling.
>implying gypsies abort their babies and don't multiple like bacteria for the gibs
wtf m8
Fuck me, dude. I was eating