Would you have chex with her?

Would you have chex with her?

Deaf burden.

In a bloody fucking heartbeat

LOOK at them fucking gams

I didn't get it. Why did she attempt to commit suicide near the end of the movie?

She realized that she would give birth to other deaf burdens if he fugged MC


No self-esteem. She blamed herself for everything going wrong around her.

I moon her so much.

Read the manga, the whole thing is a lot less rushed.

Is it subbed yet?

Lack of dick

What would she sound like during it?

No, I want Ueno.

Hmm... the way she was portrayed in the movie is that she seems to be emotionally stable, or maybe I overlooked at some of Yamada-san's visual cues.

Fuckin' hot, probably

Even if not, probably still endearing, and therefore cute

>deaf people
>actually a burden to society


At least from the vibe I got in the manga, it's more like she's repressing a lot of depression and self-loathing, and once she feels like she's causing people a lot of pain it all comes rushing back.

She's so fucking hot. I would love to see her NTR Shoko

When did Mio became a bully?

Gentle bully sex.
Too bad he didn't want to stick his dick in shit.

I love that cereal

I'd give her a burden, if you know what I mean.

Ueno was a fucking bitch. Shoko best girl.


What chapter was this from? I don't remember it at all.

>watching shit before proper high quality rips


shiggy diggy shiggyyyyy

Gotta be a doujin

Probably my second favorite cereal. Second only to cardboard with honey, I mean honey smacks. So fuck yeah I'll have chex with her.

Which Chex is best Chex?
Wheat Chex master race.

I don't get it.

Thanks for reminding me that this game existed.

I don't think I could fap to that series in good conscience. I'd probably just be really uncomfortable once I watch the movie.

BD release date?

5 days

I want to hate myself while doing Ueno from behind.

Oh yeah I would. What do her moans sound like?

Fuck you

It's an edit by user.

I'd rather fuck Ueno

Cant believe the first anime media Im going to purchase after all these years is actually a kyoani movie.

did you perhaps steal that from my filename?

Is the movie subbed yet? I love Shoko!!

Y'all need to stop lewding the deaf

Also, how was the Toei live action Drama?

You didn't love her enough to read it from the beginning

Yuzuru best girl. Did literally nothing wrong

I already finished reading it a while ago though.

>Toei live action Drama

But you didn't read it from the time it started

Where could I find someone like her, Sup Forums

I'm going to cum inside, is that ok with you?
>No response.
Ok, here I go.

Your local middle-school

In middle school, you sick bastard

What's up with this character? Appeared literally out of thin air in the movie.


He's the character we all thought was going to NTR Shouko, but then he turned out to be a psychotic Anti-Bully Ranger

This guy was a creepy psycho
>I hate bullies
>I want to murder bullies
Thank god there are no guns in Nip land, otherwise I have no doubt he'd have perpetrated Japanese Columbine

>Would you have chex with her?

What a stink!

How can she see the board if she is deaf?

I'm pretty sure that was one of his friends from elementary school. When the story ages them he comments how he looks stupid with brown hair. I forget his name he was blond in the first part of the story.


Chair sex. Having sex on a chair.

Nigger just look it up.
The KnK doujins are cute as fuck and might as well be canon.

That one was Shimada. Was a bitch too like Ueno.


I'd rather lovingly embrace best girl like the true goddess she is.

Deaf-apologists/fetishists begone.

>Being so hated by everyone even the girl that broke a disabled girls arm and tried to kill her mother had to tell her how much of a cunt she is.

Worst girl of the 3DPD degree

bland garbage with a terrible personality

Ueno didn't break Shouko's arm.

It was dislocated when Shouya grabbed her.

I also haven't watched the film yet, but I guess now I'll have to masturbate furiously to her for the next few weeks before I actually watch it and start feeling like a piece of shit.

I'd lick her toes

Don't worry, you can always kill yourself after you watch it. You won't feel bad that way.

Even deaf can hear the call of nature

Japanese website says the BD comes out in 4 days, but are there already subbed uploads? Or did everyone here just go to those live events I'll never be able to attend?

>are there subs evne when the BDs aren't out yet???
Maybe some indonesian camrip

I wanna call bullshit but im not emotionally prepared to find that chapter right now.

He's right, Ueno only beat the shit out of a disabled girl in a hospital parking lot, she's a saint.

Is the movie out now?


After years of being bullied MC finally had friends and his circle was falling apart, Deaf qt thought it was her fault because ever since she was little she would just cause trouble for people and make them fight. (Like her parents and elementary school class.)

>you will never have a girl as loyal and protective as Ueno

You can see it on this page; she's wearing her cast.

One side of her body has a spaghetti strap and the other has a sling

She was already in a sling before the parking lot.

Holy shit, I forgot about all of this. I think I just blocked it all out after the manga ended, it was too much.

>You can see it on this page
No sir. I can not

This one, sorry

subs when


those chapters felt more like a hype showdown in a battle manga than a brutal bullying scene. it was weird

>draw best girl
>call it a lesbian
Why is this allowed?

How was this in the movie?

Best moms

Ueno did nothing wrong

Say that to my face and not online

Her intentions might've been good, but she did everything wrong.

Her intentions might have been good?

She encouraged the bullying of Shouko; bullied her independently, even after Shouya had stopped, and then made Shouya a social pariah.

What the fuck were the good intentions?

>tfw no deaf gf with a dark past

She just wanted to protect Shouya. It was Shouko's fault that his life was ruined.

>Protect Shouya
She threw him under the bus, and then made his life hell.

>It was Shouko's fault that his life was ruined.
Have we learned nothing about blame, user?

It couldn't be helped.