Precure Thread:/u/ edition
Precure Thread
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Just give up on these threads already, they don't even reach the bump limit anymore.
That's just because the shitposting has gotten too obscure for anyone to really even partake in it anymore besides the usual suspects. We need more yuri discussion.
But that's still shitposting. What we need is for all spics and yurishitters on the planet to simultaneously die.
Nagisa should not cheat on Honoka
Where is imouto?
In bump limit.
Could you tell me, where are you usually doing livewatching?
"And this one time, at band camp, I broke a G-string fingering A minor"
Saw this last thread. Pretty cool there's a book like that.
End yourself.
Another shit op. Just fuck off and don't bother
Fuck off
>"With all that in mind, though, let me just state outright at the beginning that overall for me Mahou Tsukai is probably among the top three of the PreCure seasons that I enjoy "
Score: B+
Score: 7.07
>"Mahou Tsukai was my first "real" introduction to the Pretty Cure series and it gave me a good impression."
Final Rating: 6.98 (7)
>"Mahou Tsukai PreCure is one of my top 3 entries in the franchise so far alongside Suite and DokiDoki!.The magical girl and wizardy combination won me over instantly, the cast are delightful, the mascot and infant are some of the franchise’s best and the vintage Cure action is as good as always. Highly recommended to PreCure fans and magical girl enthusiasts."
>"There was a fear that Maho Girls PreCure! wouldn’t be able to live up to its predecessor, Go! Princess PreCure. For me, I definitely feel that it has surprassed it. For those who are keen on magical girl and fantasy genres, Maho Girls PreCure! is well worth watching."
Score: 9/10
Threadly reminder that Maho being bad is just a meme and that it's actually the best series in the franchise.
I missed you
These two are so good together, need more moments. But that would require the writers to stop thinking about the characters individually, and we only got one episode like such so far.
Kirakira is really annoying. Ichika and her friends could have some great moments together, but they're always held back by all the fighting, and muh Aoi backstory (just last episode). The show's pretty good, I like it, it could just be a lot better if it were a bit more about fun.
Yeah, I mean getting all that emotional and flaunt their morality in such a rigid way when the theme is about villains wanting fucking sweets is stupid.
They could have gone the more goofy way that would perfectly fit the theme, and give it a much more fun, lighter atmosphere to complete the feel, and focus more on funny bits.
Why do you only cry about Aoi when every girl has been getting focus episodes? Is it just because hers had a male (ewww) character?
>Kira sucks, there's no fighting
>Kira sucks, there's too much fighting
Is there anything you fags won't complain about?
Tsubomi is a slut.
More yuri.
Tsubomi is cute honest girl.
>be a Doremi fan
>get recommended Heartcatch Precure because it apparently is similar to Doremi for some reason
>had never watched any Precure series before
>watch Heartcatch Precure with high expectations
>it's one of the worst anime I've ever watched
Stop comparing this franchise to the masterpiece that is Doremi, please. Unlike Doremi, it's bad.
Heartcatch is the worst Precure and is nothing like Doremi. Mahou Tsukai, on the other hand, is very similar to Doremi and you should watch it.
Don't trust this user.
Not sure what kind of response you're expecting to this. These threads are just shitposters shitposting each other. All you're going to get is people ironically agreeing with your ironic post in the name of irony. So here's a (You), I guess.
>someone with good taste comes along who sees HC for what it is ()
>"hurrrr it's just ironic here's your (You)"
Fucking heartcasuals, I swear.
Let me fill your ears with my cum.
Does every single thread have to be fanbase wars?
I love Precure.
A war requires two sides. This is just one very sad man flinging shit in every direction in a desperate attempt to start conflict without realizing he drove everyone who might have argued his posts out of these threads months ago.
I only love Maho. Everything else is shit.
I love you user.
That guy is just being retarded. You might be even more so though.
I love you too, user.
>hehehe I-I mean HE was just pretending hehehehe
Have some selfcest.
More Yuri.
I want to fuck Lala.
Remember to use a condom. She was used be everyone here and may be sick.
>forgetting link to pastebin and link to the previous thread
>no mega folder with movies, soundtracks and episodes
We already have a MEGA with everything important (coloring books)
Me too dude.
I want to fuck Leona
Dorothy's way sexier
But Leona is dreamier.
Why would I want a watered down Nero, when I can have the original?
There's only one
Why would you not want a watered-down Nero? Nero is downright psychopathic and unironically pretty bratty. I mean she's cute as hell but I wouldn't touch her with ten-foot pole. Dorothy, on the other hand: her brattiness is only ironic, and she's a sweet girl deep down.
What the fuck is this thread anymore? Random shitpost general?
>facebook meme
Just let this thread die, please.
I don't go to facebook, so I wouldn't know. It's a very useful template though, I like it.
Reminder that ironical brattiness is still a brattiness.
>when you realize we will never go back to the glory days of Happiness Charge and get the feels
How do we fix Kira?
True, but unironic brats are purely for comedic purposes and/or rape. Ironic brats are for falling in love with and consensual rape.
Buttplugs and sex on screen.
They already have buttplugs
I am a little girl.
>I am a little girl
Okay, great, that only makes you more of a fag though
HaCha was the beginning of the end for /pc/. After the first cour most discussion/speculation ended and all anyone talked about was Hime noises.
Hime noises is best and brat
Hottest picture ITT
Reminder that brats are great.
Overly boyish brats, not so much.
I prefer the picture of Lip getting railed by Rose.
Unlovely was the turning point. /pc/ got all excited to see Unprincess and Unfortune. Then it never happened again. Then Megumi hijacked the show with her horrible drama. Then Toei proceeded to backpedal every plot point at the speed of light because they suddenly realized having a teenage girl fall in love with an adult man was probably a mistake.
Why can't I find doremi sharp anywhere.
I love Ranko so much.
>all anyone talked about was Hime noises
As it should be.
Fuck off already.
Because you haven't looked at BakaBT.
Hime (pink)
Erika (blue)
Ranko (yallow)
Riko (purple)
This would be the best precures team. Proof me wrong.
Fuck off esl
Make me
I can't.
Lemme fix that:
Hime (pink)
Megumi (blue)
Nozomi (yellow)
Miyuki (purple)
Bunbee (fairy)
You literally cannot be the "three morons and their obnoxious midget leader, headed by a weird old man that's somehow even dumber than any of they are" dynamic.
It's shit, boss.
kemono friends reference??
Megumi is part of what made HaCha so entertaining. I mean yes, we all know that she's academically challenged, but it's also very funny how ridiculously socially inept she is as well. Miyuki and Nozomi are just normal retards, but Megumi is a super-retard. The team needs her.
Megumi is a slut and Riko is a much better super-retard.
Riko's not retarded, she's just autistic is all.
Oh, that's great too.
Megumi was the mutekiest super robot cure of them all
My point exactly, she's a super-retard but she's still fucking brilliant.
She was amazing until she started ignoring her friends and only cared about Seiji.
>tfw mom bought strawberries and I conveniently found a bunch of leftover flour and sugar earlier today
I think I might finally be able to make a shortcake guys.
Fuck off
>caring about seiji
Were we watching a different HaCha or something?
Cuck memes are funny not really, but you shouldn't let them skew your interpretation of the show.
>not really
They are though. Whenever I walk down the street and a white woman passes by, the first thing I think of is how many black/Mexican/middle eastern cocks they've taken. I let them skew my interpretation of reality itself.
Now after re-reading what I just wrote, I think I actually agree with you though.