White guy kills Jew who was hitting on him
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When did you first discover Sup Forums?
Man I sure am glad we don't live in a muslim country where stuff like this happens.
>white guy
Ready for another round of race isn't real again?
Was he actually a nazi? Because that just seems like natural selection at work. A gay jew hitting on a nazi is like that parasite that makes rats attracted to cat piss.
Race is a construct
No shit
consider the shirt Woodward was wearing when he was photographed being taken by police. KTP keep the peace.
>Keep the Peace is a lifestyle and mindset that goes beyond nonviolence. It's about how an individual decides to live their life, react to difficult situations, and treat others around them. Peace in your work, peace in your relationships, peace in your home, peace in your mind, peace in your heart, peace in your life. Day after day we are forced to encounter stressful, painful and confusing situations; situations that make us feel alone. At Keep the Peace with our online community and products we want to remind you that you're not alone, you are apart of something greater; a family. No matter what happens and no matter how bad it gets, Always Keep the Peace
Pretty on the nose with the article title huh? Whatever happened to subtlety?
2 years ago roughly
Beacuse you sound like an idiot thats why
He's got a kek flag doesn't that say it all?
Woodward and Bernstein? Is this a joke of some kind?
What is that flag supposed to be anyway? Im not a loser so can you please explain Sup Forums flags? Also pirate eye patch whats up with that?
you didn't ask the question in the first place, so why do you care, and i merely said bump
>it is a kekistani flag, that was created here then coopted by sarcuck
>namefagging, fuck off
You're a kid i know you are. No serious adult would put a fake country that you made up in your mind "kekistan" and put a made up flag there
shut up name fagging beaner