When you import POOS and GOOKS with H1B to take high paying jobs
allow 'SPICS to take all the blue collar jobs,
This is what happens.
When you import POOS and GOOKS with H1B to take high paying jobs
allow 'SPICS to take all the blue collar jobs,
This is what happens.
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what's wrong with this? People are reuniting with nature and are learning usefull skills in case Trump decides to start a nuclear war. They are learning how to be self sufficient.
Why are you blaming poor immigrants from what rich corporations did?
Boomers are more to blame than immigrants, fuck head
>why blame the tool the corporations use
This isnt some brand new field of economics you guys are discovering. You should really have figured out what the game was when unions became a swear word in the states.
t. unionized worker
Why are you blaming rich corporations for what government did?
well people need to stop going to college to be doctors and lawyers and accountants. work visas exist because america doesnt produce enough people that can do shit besides flip burgers or those 3 lines of work
i agree with not bringing in people for manual labor we have plenty that can do the work
Nonono the chain of blame goes ayyys->Jews->corporations->ZOG->Jews->boomers->immigrants->niggers
Immigrants dont typically join unions because they can get shit canned and deported.
We seem to have an issue.
California is a Garden of Eden,
a Paradise to live in or see;
but believe it or not you won't find it so hot,
if you ain't got the do re mi
Thats to be expected.
Its about keeping Unions strong and making sure the unions have political power. Last point cant be overstated.
It was weird watching this camp develop. I mean there had always been one or two guys camping out there since the recession hit, but then about 2 years ago a shit ton of them just appeared out of no where and now they don’t really know what to do with them.
Yeah, totally living off the land. Look at all that farm land. And do I see some animal husbandry? Wow, they even have a barn, and some grain saved up for winter! Top lads.
>one southpark refrence i never understood untill this thread\video
>virtue signalling state
>ignore the poor
makes you think.
white people don't normally live 20 people to a single house or 10 people to an apartment so as housing became more expensive they became homeless
housing became more expensive not from immigrants but foreign investors, same thing will happen to canada
maybe they should forcibly evict the people doing this to them
the bankers?
What does any of that have to do with “not blaming the tools of the corporation”
Corporations use immigrants to disincentivize unions.
I thought you were supposed to be the smart Sweden
if only ikea built housing in america if there was a mechanism to keep a private owner from charging a premium because some computer says that's what the market is
What people don't understand is that a lot of these folk aren't native Californians. They come from all over the country to squat because they know they'll get taken care of by Californias superior welfare programs.
t. lives in Los Angeles
The unions do have strong political power but it's all liberal unions, teachers unions and shit
No one in America likes them because they don't advocate for their workers they advocate for people like Hillary :/
It's hard to win here man, they make sure of it. If it was as simple as "MOAR UNIONS" we'd have already done it
californian here, can confirm. we got disguting homelese everywehre, lots of illegals
Looks like some sort of dystopian nightmare
they probably used to live in california since the 90's lived in apartments, and were doing fine until they became too expensive or overridden with families of illegals that have 10 people living in a single apartment
that's called globalism user
>first world country
>shanty town
>California is a Garden of Eden,
It's a fucking desert, you mong. Why do you think they pump so much water into it?
They are all white people.
So much for white privilege
It doesn't change the fact that CA is still the nation leader in poverty.
their housing market recovered the fastest after the recession from foreign investment pandoras box has been opened
now for the housing bubble in american cities to burst would require a global depression
Yeah, although the Democrats are incapable of frugal spending. They'll spend more and more and eventually bankrupt the state. 6th largest GDP means jack shit when they spend 24 billion on illegals alone, and now they're still trying to push socialized medicine even though it failed hard in Vermont.
This is crazy. I live in L.A and have never seen anything like that. And Anaheim used to be a nice place. Just crazy the scale of it new Angels stadium and blocks from Disneyland.
because no one is taxing the rich
The objective is to destroy the middle class.
Good think Governor Brown created a 15 million fund in order to hire lawyers that will defend illegal aliens facing deportation.. Priorities in CA are all in order.
Good think Governor Brown created a $15,000,000 fund to hire lawyers that will defend illegal aliens facing deportation.. Priorities in CA are all in order.