Is Umaru Mexican?
Is Umaru Mexican?
Other urls found in this thread:
Puerto rican
>leeches off other human beings
>repulsive personality
>wears an item of clothing that drapes over most of her body
Yep, it all checks out
lol So Mexicans are lazy and leech off people now?
>Maruja la carnalilla huevona
Dios mio
I'm Mexican and that describes me perfectly.
That describes the lot of you filthy neets, but not Mexicans as a whole , lets not say that.
This is the most retarded thread I've seen in a while. Congratulations.
Crawl back to your hovel Philippe
This is deeply annoying. How nuggish.
Yes :3
>little Mexican nugget
You mean my apartment , in Greensboro North Carolina , and my names Daniel.
El MexicANO
Nugget in spanish is either pepita or patita.
"Pepita" is less correct, but honestly sounds better.
Umaru is a pepita!
No, it's pepita, patita means small leg
If you're spanish, then I trust you. I just checked word reference and it said pepita was for a nugget of gold, while patita refers to fried chicken.
They are called patitas because the chicken leg shape is the most popular one, hence "small legs", also nugget is widely used anyway
So people just say "nugget" instead of a Spanish word? Hmm okay, so I'm going to call Umaru a pepita, even if that's not super correct.
more like Dubmaru, amirite?
Is Umaru the Minions of anime?
Caillou of anime
Umaru is the Arrested Development of anime.