Israel: African migrants told to leave or face imprisonment

Best solution - We'll send them europe.

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Logically, they should just stay and be imprisoned. At least then they'll be safe with a roof over their head, reasonably clean living space, and three meals a day.

To europe*

HAHA yes based! They can't get enough of nigger cock. They always laugh at us for having a little african ancestry. They deserve this.

Jews always lose in the end.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

>three meals a day

Why you side with Eurofags? Israel is out greatest ally. Eurocucks just laugh at us for our heritage. Better we work with Israel so they be mixed too and can't laugh at us

I am almost certain they will just get gassed

nice english there, pajeet

stop with the meme flags

Its better than going back to their country that has a genocide going on. Ill take jail too.

Fuck israel, they want every other country to be diverse except their own. Fuck them. Hypocrites

What do you mean? I stand with Israel. Shut up you commie Canada cunt. Maybe you need more Mohammeds sent your way also? I wish we had nuked you 200 years ago

Show me one israeli who preach for diversity
for other countries faggot.

Ehum every Jew

i once fucked an israeli prostitute who lived in stamford hill, london. she spent 10 minutes looking at the 50 pound note trying to spot if it was fake. typical kike. i cummed in her mouth. good times.

Destroying Europe is our Jewish plan after all. Then they will be our slaves

I mean it was even us Jews who shipped all the slaves to America and pretended it was the Whites

Did you read what i wrote? Show me ISRAELI.

And we succesfully got the Goyim under our control

Herd them into camps, then gas them.

It's never been done before, but it could work.


Fucking shifty kikes. I know your plan to take over the middle east with American soliders and war

Jews act as a collective unit towards one goal, despite superficial difference in each subgroup's motives.


>one Israeli
Like this one?

Israel is fucking based. Now if only those Eurocucks would do the same thing.

What do you mean? The Israeli government protest each time the Goyim has a nationalsit gathering

fucking cunts infuriates me so bad that this is where my tax goes

Fuck right off. Western Jews want diversity and Muslim tolerance for a reason. So you Israeli kikes can move in and take more Muslim land and further spread your influence.

Gotta love this, it's the same people who scream about how the West needs diversity. Then flee to Israel and scream about how Israel doesn't. It's pretty much just sabotage and creating a fifth column within competing nations.

>Israeli kikes can move in and take more Muslim land and further spread your influence.
Thats a fantastic plan. Whats the problem?

We also condemns marches in other places and effectively call them nazis when they try to protest that we are turning their countries into caliphates. It is we jews who is behind it all of course

How dumb can you possibly be. Israel will send the Africans to Europe, Canada or Australia. Maybe America

THey can't we control all their governments. It is brilliant. It is also we Jews who bring the Mexicans into the USA.

We are doing it and you can't do anythign haha

As much as Sup Forums likes to shit on the Jews, Israel is pretty much the only country locking their shit down.


The problem is we're footing your bill and taking the damage.

>your plan
>at the expense of Europe and American lives

Europe is turning black and Muslim because of you. And you want all of us to invade Iran for you

Your fellow white people want diversity, faggot.


Have fun when a 10x worse great depression inevitably hits

i would want it too if i believed the lies

Oh and dumb American. We will destroy you too.

Anyway you can't stop us because everyone think we are WHite like you are. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You can see our plans here:

Everything written there has come to pass and you can do nothing to stop it Goy


>Implying that Israel is clean

Do you have eyes? trump would definitely call it a shithole if he wasn't their puppet

They want it because we call them nazis and cry about the holocaust each time they organize to protect their self-interests. It is brilliant. How we plunder Germany to this day is also brilliant. We will suck the world dry my fellow Hebrew!

guess what? all the MSM shows is white cops shooting black people, insidiously edited at that

>how could this seamless plan possibly backfire?
i thought jews were smart

what's that guys name, menachem rosencraft?

It's so fun to mock the gentiles. This could never possibly backfire


That fucking picture!

>we want a world of our own
that really is the ultimate goal

We are the real master race here my fellow Hebrew *rubs hands*

wait, also with some slaves

sorry, rosensaft. german jew israeli jew who gives a shit. based on israel, kiked on gentiles

Fuck off jidf


He's not israeli.

BREAKING NEWS: western Jews are working with Israeli Jews for world domination

That's right! Try to stop us Goy!

Last time Goyim tried to break free we brought the whole world down on them and even falsely got them accused for genociding us. Meanwhile we genocided 11 million Germans. Kek

every jew is an israeli.
a shame we didn't finish the job

Funny !
Polaks ((( Khazarian jews))) are making protests in order to shame jews for being jews

Even hitler said you losers should die because you lost the war. Bitch.

"The German people deserve to die"

Us Jews also invented communism, which is now eating away at all Goyim nations

>The German people
>implying im german
you low iq inbred fucking kike

>implying you have to a german to be a nazi.
Fuck off low IQ stormfag.

Why talk shit about Hitler when the Israeli Jew behaves like Hitler when it comes to Palestinans, Ethopian Jews and African Migrants?

The irony

You guys need to understand that not a single time in history have the Jews prevented their behavior from royally blowing up in their faces.

Attacks on western values exploding into the main stream, complete societal degradation that can easily be linked to you along with an inevitable great depression 2.0 that will be 10x worse.

All of that happening in the age of the internet as well as not having America to bail you out this time around.

Laugh all you want but your history is about to repeat for the millionth time. It might actually result in a final solution this time around.

Why are you hiding your star if you're going to be upfront about being a jew.

Mein kampf explains why Jews are bad at memeing. The jews have no ability to create or contribute to a culture.

Source; look at israel

Yes it is amazing what a beautiful nation we Jews destroyed there. Hitler could really have taken Germany to great heights but we had to destroy it in order to secure our world domination.

>Source; look at israel

Because blending in with you is what we Jews do


>uses the word stormfag
>wants people to think he has a high IQ

You can't have it both ways kike


Next time dont invade russia, bitch.

>This thread
I thought Jews were smart

this isn't a real israeli. a true jew doesn't concern himself with the opinion of goyim, just as the lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of the sheep he slaughters

Fucking Lol !!! Look who's talking... Average IQ 89. Thats Niggers Average IQ.

Your country is the shithole of europe.

Not every jew can be a Ben Shapiro

Just here to have a good time.

Yes we showed those Goy haha.

And now we are pushing the islamisation of Europe. It is good to be a Jew

How many times do i have to see this picture?

Did i say people in Israel were unhappy?

i said it has no cultural value, pic related

No, of course you're happy you're getting shekels

>How did israel become the country of start ups

because Jews control the worlds money. What of any use has ever come out of it though?

>using the today i found out guy as a source

fucking kek

you're not even trying to blend though

How the fuck are you people allies with the United States? You're a cancer

no you're here to be butthurt and to desperately convince others you belong, like a little teen faggot

Based Jews. Please flood Europe with migrants. There needs to be a major fifth column there in case Europeans chimpout again.

We don't clean because cleaning is for animal goyim. You will lick our dirty Jew feet Goy

They love our Kosher dicks.

Fuck you.

Ive done too much reading about your race and the Nazi era to get triggered by stuff like this

All in due time

Israel is the most uncucked country in the world

At least Jews have a history. What do you have?

>The jews have no ability to create or contribute to a culture.
So Christian derived culture doesn't count as culture? Ok.

Fuck off. Slut.

The United States needs someone that will stand up to your Zionist tricks, enough is enough

Ha the goyim are starting to be well aware of you.

History that is far more grander and epic than than the jews.

Hi juden

>At least Jews have a history.

Everyone has a history so i'm not really sure what you're getting at

>So Christian derived culture doesn't count as culture?

Christianity has always led to the destruction of culture so yeah it doesn't really count



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"U.S. $38B military aid package to Israel"

What country are you really from?

lets see that flag