/NFG/ NoFap General

Day two of nofap. Any suggestions/testimonials? General information would be appreciated, as well as any advice on this particular subject.

Why does it literally feel like my balls shrink whenever I edge?

I do it about every 7-10 days.

literally just nutted 2 mins ago. no fap isn't worth it.


Didn't fap for 1 millisecond, feels great, became much healthier

>Any suggestions/testimonials?
stop posting lewd pictures

Nofap is cuckhobby. Literally denying yourself sex


How can anyone go 4 hours without fapping?

you must be severely dehydrated

Due to my benzodiazepine addiction I haven't fapped for 2 years.

fapping is sex or what

Pleb, DXM is the key nigger

I masturbate most days, but haven't ejaculated regularly in 5 years, since I started Ankhing, now instead of the Ankh I use the swastika and the magic is real.

I haven't tugged one out since new years. Feels good man. Been getting prs at the pool and feel more confident.

No fap is a meme and increases the risk of prostate cancer

What the fug, clarify what that is please.

This man gets it. It's not about becoming monk and killing your libido and testosterone levels in the process - it's about moderation

Fapping everyday or several times a day is bad for you, so is abstaining from it for weeks or longer.

Do it once every 4-12 days and you are hitting that sweet spot where your test lvl is the highest and you have diamond erections

gonna fap to that, i sure hope its a female


I sleep better and waste less time browsing porn.
I think fewer degenerate thoughts.
Sex with the gf feels better.
Generally feel more confident and less irritable.

>Day two of nofap
Wow, the will is strong in your.
t. didn't fap this week just because no time/were in public.

google Ankhing its interesting

No fap plus no porn for 3 days. I was a regular 2-3/day masturbater, I feel good.

Currently on my 4th hour of NoFap.
Changes i`ve seen:

confidence is through the roof.
girls noticing me more.
got laid 10 times already

worth it bruhs

Not political
not current events
kill yourself

Made it 12 days last time. restarting tomorrow...I got this.

Day 20+

Alpha as fuck

Openly tell people (low key to stay professional) to fuck off

Do what I want

Take what I want

3 wet dreams... Lady one I woke up and looked down and came...nothing could be done about it unfortunately.

Alpha as fuck. I feel like fighting or fucking.

Bring it.

How long can you go without commenting on a porn video asking for the girl's phone number?

Nofap for me stops being effective after about a month.

How do you guys live through no-fap? My fucking balls are literally getting blue and nearly explode after "merry christmas - no jingle bells"-nofap.

It's exactly the same time your mother cheats behind your father's back with Tyrone.

So you hold your breath and let the sexual energy out the back of your body and it loops around to the front over the head?


I myself used to be a skeptic. I thought porn addiction was a joke, and I still do. As for the consequences for watching porn i was unsure of as research was minimal. As for the act of masturbation being detrimental i was highly skeptical as that would also mean sex was largely detrimental as well. People said that you lose vital nutrients when you ejaculate, and that was false, you lose a very small amount of zinc and other minerals but that amount is very small. People also said nofap could raise testosterone levels and that was unsubstantiated.

However, I recently came across something that completely changed my perspective. Constant artificial arousal by use of porn overstimulates your androgen receptors. Over time these receptors start to lose sensitivity, and as would excepted you need more and more to turn you on. This can lead to liking traps and cuck porn and other fetishes. My guess is this also changes your pleasures in other areas of life and can make simple things that used ot make you happy through the day not have any effect on you anymore, like seeing a sunset for example.

But the most important piece of information that intrigued me was that these androgen receptors are needed to absorb testosterone in the body. As your receptors become desensitized from porn usage, you absorb less and less testosterone. So while your testosterone levels technically remain the same, you absorb less of it. So you can eat as healthy as you want, exercise and whatnot, but if you have desensitized androgen receptors, you won't absorb the optimal amount. Porn can be compared to drugs like cocaine and alcohol, but unlike those substances, you can pretty much just keep getting aroused by porn as much as you like, it wont kill you or poison you no matter how much you consume. Too much drugs in one sitting will make you throw up or kill you. Too much porn, well, you just keep desensitizing your receptors.

Maybe it's not about seeking rewards from it. Maybe it's about feeling like a conqueror by not falling for any sexual urges

How to not fap to trap using reason:

They are severely mentally ill. This is not the natural state of any boy. There can be no connection between 2 guys equal as the connection between a man and a woman.

Drink water and don't fap. So that when you're gonna paint a lady or fill her up you're only supplying the most thick and healthy ejaculate that she has ever come in contact with. Water, pineapple and DEDICATION. I believe in you guys.



>paint a lady
lel sweden


I was like 6 days in, and felt a lot better, less anxious, I got hit on by an optometrist, ended up breaking the streak with a shitty youtube video.
Now I'm starting again.
Can't say if it's placebo effect, but was kinda working.

enjoy your lack of serotonin and looking like the town fool. mr poo.

Stop being a lazy faggot and lift if you want to unfuck your testosterone. Nofap is for lazy faggots and newfags that meme'd themselves retarded.

This is a journey of self-sacrifice, mental and emotional pain. Are you sure you should be doing this?

>Alpha as fuck
>Bragging about losing control and soiling bedsheets with cum
>Reddit spacing
Nofap results speak for themselves, apparently.

I am up to day 18 for NOFAP#2018. My plan is to not masturbate or look at porn but have regular sex from prostitutes to moderate my sexual needs. Based on my budget I could afford to see one every fortnight but I will have to increase it to once or maybe twice a week.
This week was a challenge because I was trying to pick up girls online and was having cybersex with this one girl. I was so horny my balls hurt (Blueballs). Well I just went to bed and eventually my balls stopped hurting. But I am precuming all day. My underpants are white from all the cum. I think your cock just drains all the sperm out even if you don’t orgasm.

I don't really know the about the long term benefits they claim, it seems to delve more into the mystical territory than stuff like "your brain on porn",
but I've been living alone for almost 10 years, and masturbating 3-4 times a day to porn, so I guess making a change is cool.
Having a goal and sticking to it makes the serotonin flow in a more natural way than just cumming to some video.
Also I have more energy fthrough the day, so that's a good starting point.
I'm not sure of doing it for more than 1 month, some people say is beneficial, but I haven't seen much proof of it.

Trust me.

Fire hose on them hoes as they say
they dont really but you get my point ameribro

I stopped getting morning wood and random erections and they're always really soft when I try and force one.

Happened suddenly in August last year. What do I do?

Married for a while now.

>fuck wife 3-4 times a week
>still fap occasionally

Just don't watch degenerate shit while you fap, fucks with your brain. otherwise, fap away.

Does coal burn in the family?

Test is at max in 7 days and starts to decline after 14. You can google the studies if you think its broscience.

I went about a year without sex after being catfished twice. Just jerked off pretty much every night unless I was too drunk

Started no fap and after a week I'm fucking a Thai girl in the ass and fingering her into an orgasm

This shit is insane. I don't want to blow a load at all unless it's at or in a woman. No fap must have exploded my testosterone or something but life is constant boners and my workouts feel more productive

I don't think I'd do no fap unless I could fuck at the very least once a week, but if you can have sex the rewards are significant

Why not both?

good luck with your ball cancer mate

Yeah this is what its all about. NOFAP isn't about being some abstinant faggot pretending you have magic powers. Its about getting pussy. You literally need to fuck to survive NOFAP.


Going on a /nofap/ my mind is warped from all the porn I've been watching. Just gonna stick to sex with the gf. Wish me luck lads!

It's the opposite when you jack it you're tricking your brain into thinking you're a stud who doesn't have to pass on his genetics.

>I haven't fapped in 12 years.
>What should i do.

why post the Simonsen-Supreme if you're on nofap?

fap once per 5 day is the best

This is r9k tier shit! fuck off!

>Implying your brain is too dumb to tell the difference between sex and fapping.

Your brain is smarter than that soyboy. Try to tickle yourself,that doesn't work either does it?


Just think about how many niggers she has had inside of her. Your response will be a direct reflection of your soul and if you like that she had the niggers, then you are a soy boy

It is worth. Look at you desperately trying to justify giving into the Femenist meme of healthy masturbation.

damn bro who dis

>Be OP
>Be on NoFap
>Post sexy pictures to tempt you

Great job.