So whats Sup Forums's opinion of Boku no Hero Academia?
I think the story is ok but the relationship between All Might and Deku is some pretty comfy shit.
So whats Sup Forums's opinion of Boku no Hero Academia?
I think the story is ok but the relationship between All Might and Deku is some pretty comfy shit.
Jumped the shark after All Might survived.
I'm kind of glad he did though. It was way to early to kill him off. We have to wait at least another 5 to ten years.
The girls in this shounon are fucking shit and by this time even Hinata showed more progress then the main girl in this manga.
I want to see All Might live to see Deku become the world's new Symbol of Hope.
Besides, the 'mentor must die for the successor to truly shine' meme has been done a thousand times before.
>t. butthurt Narutofag
>hey those american super hero comics are pretty cool let's make a manga with a theme like that!
>but just copying is boring let's put a twist on it, everyone has a special ability!
>which just makes superheroes police and firefighters pretty much
I get it that japs like the idea of someone weak/average facing off against a powerful adversary but why make a superhero comic then. When the whole of that is the hero being idolised as a god.
Literally saved Jump from turning to shit.
>superheroes have to be godly powerful beings
I don't read comics and I know that's bullshit.
I'm not even butthurt. I really like this series a lot but it irritates me that, while the girls seem to have a lot of potential they have gone fucking nowhere. The only time the main girl showed any promise was during her fight at the festival.
That's pretty much the point though, they're beings for people to idolise.
If Deku would be OP as fuck by now if he was in the One Punch universe.
I really just wish he developed better the side characters instead of keeping introducing more and more of them.
I like the low powerlevels.
The moment the powerlevels become too high is the moment that the writing go full retarded.
Tell me one good thing that happened after Allmight survived except Twice's autism.
The thing is, in that universe heroes are not special snowflakes, every random joe has a potentially overpowered special skill, but heroes set themselves apart, even though they have less judicial power than the police, by being symbols, great people that the masses look up to.
This faggot has to be one of the most obnoxious cunts ever in shounon.
Ripped off from the Logan Comic. Next.
It is good, but Bakugo is complete shit, as well as treated way to sympathetically by the narrative and the importance of quirks is often overstated.
Like Op said, his relationship with Deku and how they grow as characters from their interactions. It was really too soon in the series to see that suddenly disappear.
Fucking THIS! Seriously, how did this faggot with an over inflated ego ever get allowed into a school based on the morals of altruism and caring about others before yourself? He's literally NONE of those things.
I hope he never dies, it would just be story repeating itself, seeing how All Might's own master died to pass on the torch. Plus he is the best boy
The art style in this is fucking beautiful but how long do you think he'll be able to keep it up before he starts cutting corners? I give it about five years before his line work starts to mutate.
Bakugou, a best.
The only reason I didn't drop the series at the start.
Nice bait faggot.
it turned to complete shit when the mc started blabbering about receiving his rival's hot, sticky feelings on his face
this cemented the fact it's just a better drawn, funnier version of naruto
Haven't watched it, except for the fight with All Might vs Noumu.
Then I found out All Might is some skinny dude when not powered up, kinda lost interest there.
the biggest problem is chapters full of nothing but exposition and talking
>deku and friends will never do compound lifts
>all might never even lifted to begin with, just channeled OFA into giving him temp roids
>shouji can only bench 405 using 6 arms
horikoshi pls
Kirishima's madman moment
Todorokis madman moment.
That s not a madman moment. He was precise, and aware of his abilities.
Be ready for the general niggers to invade this thread.
>Hinata showed more progress then the main girl in this manga.
By this point into Naruto Hinata was already far into the background and had done nothing since the chuunin exams completed whike Ochako has already shown more relevance and is on an mission with Deku.
pretty generic and the arcs are pretty much always the same shit,
deku is a shit MC because most character are sucking his dick,
Well, I suppose so. But that moment really brought back the hype for me in a way these chapters after the All Might vs AfO didn't
Already here senpai.
They probably keep him so he doesn't join the villains. He's just too dumb to notice.
Did I miss a chapter?
Fucking phone auto correct.
>plot twist, he goes to the dark side???
the anime went outta its way to say his ego could be a double edge
me on the bottom
He does care about others and wants to help. The way he stood up to the League of villains when he was captured and the guilt he felt when he how fucked up all might got because of him shows that. His personality is partly due to his drive to show that he can stand above everyone on his own and probably partly due to the fact that his quirk is explosive so making the connection to an explosive and aggressive personality seemed appropriate.
Ochako has had more time with Drku and screen time overall but has somehow made less of an impact in her character development then Hinat did in her one chin in exam fight.
>He does care about others
All Might and Kirishima. That's not a lot. He thinks being a hero is all about winning. It's obvious the "rescue" part of being a hero wasn't much important to him. After these recent chapters, I do think he has realized that his way of thinking was wrong, and Im hopeful he will te to change that
It's refreshing to have a hero who's not a hotheaded idiot. It's also refreshing to have genuinely vile villains who don't get off free because they got bullied. It's more refreshing that the mentor lives.
But the most refreshing part is that the rival is a raging autist nobody likes and gets kidnapped constantly so he cries like a little girl while his prince comes to rescue him.
stay mad faggots
He bullied a quarkless weak kid for the majority of his life. That alone should have disqualified him from being a hero. And none of the guilt or realizations he's had redeems him from having been/still being an overbearing twat.
Thanks for pointing out that Japan has shit taste.
Only reading it because of All Might, artist's style and to fill the weekly whole that Bleach left
ochako is deku's first friend and the reason why he chose this hero's name, hinata was a nobody until a hundred chapters before the end, fuck off narutard
Anime or manga Sup Forums what's your verdict ?
Mah boi
>That drama CD where Bakugou was openly willing to maim Ochako to get at the villain grabbing her
He's such a cunt
All Might, Kirishima and Ochako. The guy is an asshole, but he's not a hearless human that would rejoyce if any of his classmates got hurt, or that would agree with villains (he told them to fuck off).
Bakugou was an asshole and nothing will ever justify bullying Deku. But again, he doesn't agree with villains and his heart seems to be in the right place. Heck, I'd even speculate that right now he's started to care about Deku too, in his own way. He gave him advice, something he wouldn't have done before.
I think that bullying was an important aspect of his character once we knew why. His frustration over deku still being of stronger will even when bakugo could physically basically kill him is why i think his character will have one of the more interesting character developments. I highly enjoy the contrast between his overbearing aggressive attitude and deku's passive attitude. He definitely isn't a perfect character and has some nonredeemable factors but I would lose a lot of interest in this manga if he wasn't in it. I might also just be looking to far into an manga that is basically a Japanese version of xmen.
Yeah and she's still dicking around being a Sakura, saying she's going to get stronger when she hasn't done shit since the festival. And as much as she hangs around Deku he has more interest in his lifetime bully then her.
I wanted to like her user but the bitch is taking too fucking long to show any progress.
He was concerned after their fight. That should be proof enough that he cares about his classmates, not just the one (Kirishima) that's closest to him. He's an asshole towards Deku, but to the rest of the world he's just tsundere and rude.
>And as much as she hangs around Deku he has more interest in his lifetime bully then her
>mc has more interest in rival than love interest in battle shonen
are you genuinely retarded or am l being rused
I wanted him to die at that point too but I've realized It's still too soon for that.
The way Hori is setting up his death (That is already 100% confirmed to happen) will make it much more tragic and great in general, I'm sure of that.
He doesn't care about Deku. He just started seeking my him as a proper rival, so he wants him to be at his top form so that, when they inevitably fight again, Bakugou can say that he beat the chosen one by All Might withone holding anything back. It will take a lot more time for Bakugou to really start caring about Feku as a friend, if we ever get to that part
Not hard to believe fujo ruin another shounen pop poll. They do the same for every Jump poll.
I still don't know if Ochako is supposed to be doing well or bad. She seems to be doing fine now that she's working with Nejire and Tsuyu, but before that she almost failed two tests. And in both cases she was thinking about Deku. But now suddenly she's doing well.
Ah, diaperfag. So you go where ever the shitposting is strongest.
Bakugou was first in the American first as well.
dude there was a whole arc that was set up to basically show that he is never going to stop trying to be a hero no matter what.
the fact he attracts faggots like you is exactly why he's absolute cancer
this fanbase would be a hundred times more tolerable without the legions of spergs surgically attached to this awful character's nutsack
Right, weeb fujos are cancer.
I should have known that an irredeemable cut like Bakugou would have a defence force on the board to make excuses and justify his bullshit.
"Hero" in this setting is more like "deputized celebrity".
They're all fakes and frauds and attention whores. And 99% should be killed gruesomely. It's not about doing the right thing or saving people. FFS the #2 hero was a wifebeating rapist and child neglecting cunt who brutalizes jaywalkers.
several characters have already said that U.A. entrance exam is trash
Remember that Ochako herself noticed that, and she decided to push her feelings for Deku to the side so she can focus on being a good hero. That's probably why she's doing good right now
Wouldn't it make more sense to be mad at the straight otaku for not being as active as fujos? Like, I see people in these threads blaming fujos for why the majority of porn of the series is yaoi and blaming them for Bakugou winning the poll, but wouldn't it make more sense to be mad at the lazy otaku who are too lazy to draw porn of the series or vote in the polls? Like, are you actually mad that the fujos are actually active instead of being lazy bastards?
It went to shit after the Bakugo rescue arc
I just wanna say I'm not a fujo. The guys in this manga are just extremely hot. It's no wonder girls enjoy it.
>angry at fanboism
Yes, it is better to be angry at pointless fanboism. They make things worse by putting their input into the damn thing. There is no reason to vote in those polls that are easily fixed by bots, and lifeless autists.
Nah it was too soon and that would have been too cliche. It's more interesting to see how he'll die a horrible and less honorable death now.
Overall though it's not that bad but not high tier either. It's better than shit like bleach and fairy tail and I do like it a bit more than one piece which is just boring as fuck at this point but still has it's high points.
It's still missing something. That factor that makes people lose their shit. I don't think shiggy is good enough as the main villain. Overhaul is better and it would be better if he just took over completely but we know he's going down soon. Some of the side characters are better and need to be used more vs introducing more and more guys.
I only started this show for Mt Lady. Getting pretty disappointed with the second season.
No wonder why they ruin it to. SMASH is proof of this.
Who are you talking to diapercuck? Go samefag elsewhere ban evader.
Yeah, but she almost failed that test just after she made that decision. And even now she's carefully observing Deku daily. Hori made a point to show her noticing Deku's determination to make up for the three days of class he lost, or how Deku takes mental notes of everything. Putting aside her crush, it's pretty obvious that Deku is Ochako's ideal hero, just like All Might is Bakugo's and Deku's. And that shouldn't be bad because she lacked that hero figure in her life that would make her aspire to do greater things. But then she keeps thinking about how awesome Deku is and what would Deku do, and she fails and I start to think that there's something fishy here, as if she's not doing this "aspiring to be as good as your ideal hero" thing right.
Dont like main charcter or All Might the plot can run by it self with out them if it had to and odd are it be better for it.
Also frog girl got a lot stuff out there.
Why is Deku so weak and stupid?
I'm fairly sure I could beat him in a hand to hand fight, even if I didn't have a quirk.
He also has no real marital arts training at all. He leaves himself open all the time. So one strike to his jugular and he'd be done.
lol sure bud have fun with your story about a kid who doesn't have special powers but in the end has that real special "will" to fight that will make him the best in the end never heard of a story like that before. All im saying is that bakugo definitely contributes to this manga in a positive way just like all the other side characters.
>Wouldn't it make more sense to be mad at the straight otaku for not being as active as fujos?
I think these guys just need to accept that this is the kind of Jump series that attracts more female fans than male ones.
>FFS the #2 hero was a wifebeating rapist and child neglecting cunt who brutalizes jaywalkers.
you mean number 1
To jack off the other characters
I mean how long has it fucking been and he can still only use 8%.
He will lose every single fight because beating high tier characters at 8% isn't going to happen because it will throw off the powerscaling. It's honestly annoying considering all might easily used all his shit without the injuries in his youth.
>and I start to think that there's something fishy here
oh look it's the "imitation is bad m'kay" reddit autist
your theory is shit and you should kill yourself
How cool is todoroki?
>m-my edgy rival husbando is unique!!
had you been old enough to read naruto when it was still published you'd have been a sasuke fan
Didn't know Tartarus had internet access.
It's great. The most arrogant guy is the damsel in distress.
Tropes are not cliches.!And tropes are not bad.
Tropes exist because something about them is mentally satisfying to human beings. A child of mysterious origin. A hero rescuing the damsel. Death and rebirth.
This, everyone is expecting heroes in this story to be godly individuals when stain definitely pointed out that some are looking to be famous and get money without ever really caring about being a hero. Endeavor being a good example literally trying to breed an all-might counter he might as well be creating nomus
It's solid but it's had no wow factor or holy shit that just happened moments which annoys me a little, Manga needs to have memorable moments to keep the train rolling and I personally feel BnH hasn't had that yet.
I hope we'll get something by the end of the year.