>bought bread today
>check ingredients
>canola and/or soy
Bought bread today
You are fucking retarded
>not making your own bread
I go through it really slowly though. Even with bread I buy, by the time I eat half the loaf the rest of it is already completely moldy and I have to trash it
Bread and circus. The enlightened man abstains from grain products.
Meanwhile in eastern euroop its hard to find product with it. I seen a soy yogurt buts it coat like 1,5€ for 200g so nobone gonna buy it,
why would you even eat bread. It's literally peasant tier
>High fructose corn syrup
Modern food is full of garbage
Redpill me on aspartame
Is that average height... Fucking what? Look at all those manlets.
womenlets inclusive
Literal cancer powder used as an artificial sweetener that your body can't actually digest. I don't know if it's just me either, but it doesn't taste sweet at all. Just like a mouthful of sugar-laced lead powder.
Predominantly found in "Diet" products so they still taste "similar" enough, but your body doesn't digest the stuff so it doesn't "count" foresay.
>eating carbs at all
protein and fat is all you need fucking retard, everything else the body needs it can make from those two
>Predominantly found in "Diet" products
So that's why they taste like shit
There is soy in almost everything nowadays.
There's enough question marks around long term health effects of consuming it that it would logical to avoid consumption until more studies have concluded it's completely safe. It was only discovered in the 60s so it hasn't been around long enough to establish 100% safety.
Oh, is that right you fucking leaf?
I know all this. I still eat carbs because I go crazy without them. I need the pizza.
Your body processes the poison. The problem is if it becomes a daily habit and the shit accumulates, which is hard on your body.
then disprove how the essential nutrients (aka amino acids, fatty acids and all the micro-shit) doesn't include carbs
Then the amount of soy you're taking in isn't concerning
But making your own unlevened bread is the way to go. You make it in smaller amounts, and easier ingredients.
Make your own pasta too
>le soyboy xdddd
I know this, I've given up grains, and bread and all that. Can't wean myself off of potato. It's the Irish blood in me. Thanks, Grandparent.
>unlevened bread
Why would you make this?
The taste is more concentrated. That's one of the few things I ever got from formal education.
>be me in elementary school
>mandatory cooking class
>they put us into groups and have bread contest
>i make the decision to put baking powder in it instead of baking soda, thinking it didn't make a difference
>our bread was the only bread that didn't rise
>we won the contest handily
I’ve recently gone on the keto diet. It’s amazing how addicted I was to carbs and how much your body and mind feels better after dropping (or at least majorly lowering your carb intake)
>actual bread
>in the united states of corn syrup and soy and whatnot
As an American, my new favorite product in the supermarket is sugar free bread.
Soy is good, user. Find me a better sauce for my beef and broccori.
Also, regular milk taste like curdled diarrhea. Soy milk, on the other hand, tastes healthy and is full of nutrients.
Come to the dark side, user. Wife up an Asian girl, have tons of hapa babies, and eat soy.
Weak manlet detected.
Keto is amazing, except I fell at the potato hurdle I mentioned above. I've just bulk bought good quality chicken & have started to plan ahead, now Christmas is over.
I'd spent 20 years as a vegetarian when starting keto before, so I've had to slowly unlearn a lot of bad habits taught in the 80's/90's. ie fat is bad, cereals are good.
There is no turning back, you're pretty much a woman now.
Soy's alright as long as you don't overdo it and get exercise and don't jerk off/fuck too much.
You gotta keep your dopamine agonism high(but not too high!) and your testosterone effective and stable.
Also, shave that damn beard. Beards are now the style of faggots.
try going on keto+nofap, you will feel like a literal demigod
and if you eat much of it it causes wierd ass gross painful headaches, i can't eat it. I had a few sugar free Altoids or whatever mints that it was in and had a headache all day everytime i ate them
That explains why my mother used to whine about headaches all the time
i only eat sardines and tequila these days