We need to convince them that Germany, Sweden and Holland are lost. Please come to Australia. We need more white people here. And that way we don't repeat the mistakes of letting Islam take over

sry bogan im fine with living in the land of the free and home of the brave

why?, so they can cuck us out as well? Fuck off we're full.

we are full

Your deadly fauna is a set-back.

I think those countries would be better off just sending all the Muslims and niggers to the great penal colony of the Southern hemisphere like the Bongs did with their degenerates.
Who wants to live in a hot desert?

I once looked into Australian immigration laws. It is impossible for a non Commonwealth white person to move there permanently.

Too fucking warm, they’re better off sending blacks and muslims to Australia (chinks would sort them out) and bringing white aussies back to Europe

top kek where is the green on that map? terraform australia and i will come but fuck the desert.

He said >all white germans, Swedes, and Dutch welcome
Not Amerimutts.

girlfriend is dutch south african
very redpilled about niggers would happily take in more

Looking for a white girl, Mr. Chang?

Unskilled morons can't come. If you have money or a vital skill they will let you in. You are just admitting that you are a moron German user.

Anyway don't come. Australia is fucking boiling hot and it is just getting worse. I've lived here my entire life and going outside in Summer is like getting slapped in the face by the hot, dry air.

we dont want niggers mate. can you not read boy?

Today in AH supermarket saw a black girl yell "Mom!! Mom!!" Looked back and wasn't surprised, her mom is white tall and blonde. This makes me feel really sad.

our prime minister is talking to yours right now, the nips are fast becoming our best friends

>We need to convince them that Germany, Sweden and Holland are lost.

We don't need to convince them, that will happen by itself eventually.

What we need to do is cut non-white immigration + all Islamic immigration, and make it easier for white people to move here.

Fuck off, you're full.

>let China take over
>tell others to not repeat the mistake of letting islam take over
good job bogan

You're just weak mate, go fucking cry in some air-con.

>father migrated from Germany in the 80's
>fucked some convict

half Germanic master race, 100% white.
could be worse.

Why don't we just move all the muslims to australia? most of it is a desert anyway

Not for white people.

just had a quick squiz about the joint and it's absolutely chockers m8.

>We need more white people here
what are the benefits?

>Amerimutt hears white and thinks people are talking to him

Like pottery.

You aren't white you dumb hamburger

The ones that come here will not like muslims, obviously

It's not that bad, we just say it is to keep people out but it's time to realise the goal of the people who thought up the White Australia Policy

I'd rather live here then have to worry about my sister being raped because she's out past a certain time.

No burgers anyway

My mother is Dutch. My brothers gf is from South Africa and also hates non whites.


I have one and she's scottish. Can't get whiter

Me too man, me too. Come here

Bump, we need you guys badly

Please fix your gun laws first.
.. NZ seems tempting though.

Try to find a partner first. Wouldn't be hard, there's probably some dolt somewhere that will just like the exoticness of an accent and when you get citizenship fuck her off

Plenty room for whites

Yeah I'm thinking moving there, I think Australia is almost lost to chinks and our totalitarian government

Come here and help us change them

OI MY SOON TO BE COUNTRYMATES. Looking forward sharing many beers with you.

We can create the Australian master race.

First we take out the emus then we take THE WORLD.



>mixing with anglos

would rather mix with arabs, sorry

>doesnt go with student visa first
>doesnt go to tafe to learn a trade job
>doesnt find a job after finishing the tafe course
>doesnt do point 1 2 and 3

Retarded nigger

If you have a muslim problem and would protect OUR beautiful country of Australia from them then yes

Good stay in your shithole, you oilskinned fuck

I think muslim should be hanged to the nearest forest.

Do i qualify?

yep, full of chinks and abo's.. Turn it upside down, white man come home. For every white who returns, we ship two Parasites Of Color to Australia. That'll turn it into the originally intended shithole prison in no time

Does citizenship include complimentary Aussie gf?

No thanks.


This is true, but to be fair it's true of anywhere worth moving to.


Yeah sure. Don't know why you'd want one and I don't know what they are but ok

Lol you are between the two most cucked countries and you're next. Just come here bro it's actually really good. We have lots of land we dob't use yet


Do you have room fro schwabes too?

No Germs, no Swedes, you don't import the people who fucked up their own place by being pussies. White South Africans are the most realistic. Every day not in Africa is a gift they cherish.

fuck that come to the US. you really want to live in that shit hole where every living thing can kill your ass?

come to the US and help us fight off the horde.

Not white enough sorry

I always wanted to live in Australia. Maybe some day.

Why fight off the hordes when you can stop them from forming. Also you have too many idiots there so no thanks

>not white enough

your country is more fucked than we are.

You could not pay enough for me to even visit the US.

He wasnt talking to you cunt.

Soz i only looked at your flag

So they can fuck up our country too? Only foreigners welcome are South Africans and Rhodesians, only they know how bad it can get.

Well said mate .
The sick Euroes have let Islam spread its filth in Europe , Enjoy the diversity faggots.
South African whites welcome.

hahaha no. Trans spastics, african americans who literally think their president is a nazi, feminists who want to kill men. Niggers who want to kill white people

white south africans only anyway you pooftercunt

You idiots don't realise how fucked we are without the help of other white nations

>in the land of the free and home of the brave

Corrected (you)

in the land of the fag and home of the fat.


pick one Ronaldo

Nations have no friends, only interests.

lotta good australia will do. Move to a real country where you can shoot guns like a man.

Moose is more deadly than anything they have.

There are millions of white South Africans man, the effects they could have on our demographics are huge. Imagine a population equal to Sydney migrating, all white and almost all want to stay as far away from niggers as possible. Shame that so many of them are stuck.

Full. Fuck off. Btw any cairns anons?

You aren't allowed to be a toxic male in America

You weren't invited

Doesn't Australia have a higher non-White ration than either of those countries? Pretty much sure they are all like 90% White whilst you are, waht? 60% White at best?

The title says all white germans

Please dont be larp i want out of this shithole i want to walk down the street and see 99% white people like i used to... :( literally any public space is crawling with a variety of shitskins. Dont come here. HELP US.

Give me a permanent resident visa and I‘m in. It‘s that easy.

Y u so mad?

I was visiting Sweden on a fishing trip last year. Barely saw a single immigrant except on the airport. Do you live in a ghetto?

That's ok just no hungarians

Doesn't usa have atleast 40% of people that think it's ok to be in your country illegally

Come dickhead! I run an airbnb and I mostly get germans staying with me mostly theyve got their head in the clouds but the last few have been red pilled as fuck and are all making moves to reside here permanently! White mans country

We will soon be Whiter than you again Achmed. Haven't you seen that WHites now have highest birthrates in the USA?

Im scwäbisch

Where did you go?

No. We elected Trump. He will solve all our problems. ARen't you that country who wants to change your flag? Or was that New Zeeland?

Ye a sneaky cunt, but I knew this is a trap.

No one wants Americans in their country. You guys are the shittest tourists in the world and you bring nothing of value to our countries. All you do is import degeneracy and leftist social movements that have absolutely nothing to do with us.


Pretty sure that the majority of births were white, I doubt that whites has the highest birth rate

I live in the capital, foten visit suburbs and smaller towns, you have no idea what you are talking about. You either visited in the 90s or went fishing in some forest up North didnt you?

Around Lake Vattern. Was really idyllic. Cozy little towns also. Could recommende anyone to go there


Shitskins hate all our traditional activities like fishing or skiing, literally the only respite you can get. Every town is infested with them but they mostly circulate between

Government provided housing -> welfare office -> mosque -> lurk around night clubs for drunk girls to rape -> repeat.

No traps, just a country full of whites

Dude, the mutt is used to seeing shitskinned 56%ers all day. He simply cannot differenciate between them anymore and thinks those are the native swedes.

Yep.Had ancestry traced back to Bussen