So this is dead serious - my gf did a DNA test and found out she was 1% African, 99% European. I also did this test and came out 100% European. Needless to say, Im dating a nignog. Need srs advice. I mean I jest I love the woman but I am serious my gf is 1% black and sometimes when she misbehaves I can see the black coming out. Pic somewhat related.
My girlfriend is 1% black
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Hahahahaha fuck off cunt ahahahaha
They fuck with it on purpose. Nigs are jealous.
i say leave it be, we’re all africans after all
They add 1% african to fuck with people.
I guess she can say nigger in public now
We'll let it slide.
It's probably just a bit of semen from her ex boyfriend
I smell bait
we are all africans
lol noice bantz. thanks for pic though fren
The 1% is given to you for meme purposes, it's not real. Also your girlfriend is retarded for sending out her DNA to God knows who which could be used for God knows what.
If that were my black gf I would not be on Sup Forums. I would be slamming her nigger hole, real savage like.
They actually add 1% African specifically to fuck with people. An user made a thread about it some time ago.
Wrong, only Africans come from Africa
Some of the ancestry sites really do insert random African results as a very lame trolling tactic for people like us.
Ignore it as "1%" is very likely fake (especially literally 1%). Something larger and a divisor of 50 (i.e. 3.125%, 6.25%) would be cause for alarm.
impregnate it, then take on a white mistress and impregnate that too
They add "
What's wrong with being black?
>pay company to carry out some work
>they don't do the work
why are you paying them?
If she's 1% black and 99% white then she's basically white. 1% black might as well not even b black. You might see the black coming out because you know she's 1% black and it's psychosomatic. That or it could be a sham. I remember 23 and me coming out saying that they add black ancestry to some white people at random in order to hopefully fuck with white supremacists (who use their service and are the only ones who would really care). So she might actually be just straight up white like you.
Get rid of her. Your kids will have nigger DNA.
I saw that post I wish I'd saved it
fuck off nigger lover
that shit is fake, its already been debunked. the DNA test companies are leftist faggots who say everyone has 1% african because its their way of fighting 'muh racism'
now post pics of gf, the ass and tits will be the true test. negresses have a very particular ass shape
ditch her she is not whiteshut up 2% italian merrymutt
I've done two and gotten 100% European on both
Evidently OP did it too haha. I don't 100% know my ancestry, but I'm white as shit and I know that at minimum all 8 of my great grandparents were white as shit too, so I'm probably 95%+ white, predominantly from England (and before that in France as my ancestors came over in 1066 with the battle of Hastings) and the Germanic tribes. I see no reason to send out my DNA to a company who can do as they please with it. Additionally, they also provide DNA samples to the cops/feds without even being given a warrant.
they dont do it to all because it would be too obvious. i dont have the source handy but someone else surely has the link to the interview or screen caps where the tech admits to doing 1% african on every 10 or so white peoples test results just for the hell of it to be a SJW and fuck with potential white racists
don't be rediculous it's only 1%. If you're actually concerned over this you should stop browsing this site for a week.
Bullshit. Sorry one of your ancestors committed bestiality.
You should be ashamed of yourself nigger lover
I'm not Italian at all. If I am it's like 5% or less. My ancestry goes back to Britain and France before that. I also have some ancestry coming from the various Germanic tribes. I don't trust companies with my DNA, so I'm not going to find out my ancestry from 23 and me, but my grandpa spent years studying his ancestry after retiring as a government contractor.
>controversial study
If you dont follow (((thier))) teachings you are controversial
Wow, they open themselves up to a massive lawsuit on this shit
>Receive payment from client to perform work
>Purposely fuck up work without informing client
Southern french people are basically moors
(((They))) admitted to adding in sub Saharan African DNA in the tests. Your girlfriend is 100% euro. Enjoy your day
>he doesn't know the latest research that human life began in europe
Anything more than 90% is acceptable for the ethnostate anything more than 95% is nonsense due to statistical error. You might have more nig in you than your girlfriend
So why didn't mine have it? All they had to do was take one look at my Anglo as fuck name and I'd be considered one of those "racists" Nada, zilch. 100% Euro.
It probably says less than 1 percent. They put that in their to fuck with people. Nothing could be less than one percent so they cannot be sued for lying.
There was a thread on this a few weeks ago
You can't be this dumb, France was largely white, and Normandy (where my ancestors come from) is mostly white too.
William the Conqueror was the king of Normandy, a region on the northern coast of France. That's where my ancestors come from, and it is definitely white. My ancestry also goes back to the Angles who were white and some Germanic tribes too, I do't remember most, but I know the state of Saxony was one.
she's not black, she shares 1% alleles with distant ancestors of some people who live in some region in Africa. learn how this shit works or alternatively, stop shitposting. saged.
>neck yourself
>he doesn't provide sources to his claims
>she’s not black she just has black subhuman DNA
>when she misbehaves I can see the black coming out
You are officially retarded, 1% is easily within the statistical noise, 99% is literally another way of writing 100%
Do you know anything about genetics, look at the Haplogroups, and consider doing some ancestry searching.
And even if ther was a nig in the past, 1% is literally nothing.
She has clearly not been passed the nog genes.
Also, look at the Race Laws literally hitler implemented in Germany, you could still have your children be considered Germna if you are 1/4th jewish ffs.
"Purity" is a meme, and we still have yet to discover the functional genetic expressions of intelligence.
There was once to be a "genetic IQ test" ,by some asian, I think, but as you may guess, with mounting evidence, it was (((shut down))) in the name of PC.
I actually didn't know that either. I know that the idea that Africa is the cradle of life is little more than conjecture, but I've never heard that we come from Europe. Do you have more information on this?
She is white, the (((DNA testing companies))) admit that they fuck with the results to "screw with racists"
A la, 'see goy, no one is 100%, all of our ancestors racemixed with niggers'. It's kike BS.
If you did 23 and me they have been proven to have fucked with the results to 'get back at racists'. Literal an SKW employee came out and admitted this. Too lazy but a quick jewlge search will pull it up.
You're wrong, DNA tests from 23andme only goes back like 500 years
That 1% is her skin.
this. anytime someone calls you racist whip out your 23andme to prove definitively you cant be racist as you're part black
Assuming the 1% is true: there's a 50% chance with every child you put in her that that one African drop is gone forever. So do your historical duty in fulfilling the last glorious step of bleaching what's left after ~200 years of that nigg(e)r(ess) out of existance. Good luck and you're doing God's work.
1 drop rule, so nah cunt
1% means nothing in those tests. you're all right, bruce.
That leak wasn't 23andme, but somehow now every single company that does DNA testing does it now?
As has probably already been said, whoever did your test inserted that 1% just to convince you that we're all "out of africa" even though this theory has already been debunked, by its own creator no less.
funny I did the test and got 0% african. I got 1% japanese but anything 1% or less is just noise getting put into categories. it mean nothing.
anything less than 1488% white and you're a nigger. off to the gas chambers.
I'd colonize that ass.
they literally admitted to doing it , user...
Even if it's true she's 99% European still OP, what the fuck does 1% matter for in the mixed up shithole Mosley warned us of today
>0% african
Something is rotten in the state of denmark
nope they admitted to doing it to "fight hate" by having the results of people who they 'suspect' of doing DNA tests for white nationalism purposes be contaminated by nigger DNA to fuck with them
it was all over Sup Forums for a while when the story broke
Beat the ever loving dog shit out of her.
yell white power bitch when you are fucking her
It's fake news
I did a DNA test and i got 97% European and 3% Native American. Is that enough to get free money from the government?
Stop spreading misinformation.
Sadly, no.
Remeber that a lot of DNA testing sites will, by default, say 1% black. They do this to "Fuck with rayyycists" they have admitted it themselves.
Your gf is fine, brother.
If it was a 23andme test, chances are that it's bullshit. They've openly admitted to occasionally falsifying results to fuck with white people.
1% of submissive slave dna can be good.
They add 1% african to 'mess with racists'
No they don't.
why would that contradict anything I said? somebody 8 generations back isn't a distant ancestor? are you retarded?
it doesn't even guarentee subhuman DNA, just that she shares a tiny amount of genetic markers with people who live there now.
>le 99% face
In seriousness your kid will be nearer 0% black than 1%. Bleach her, then move on.
They lie. That 1% figure is to "fuck with racists."
These tests have been proven to be a joke by people who have submitted DNA from twins and triplets and gotten back different results for each.
She's 43% more white than me. If you don't want her then I'll marry her and she can give me 78% babies.
>source: Cracked
wow. and they aren't even talking about 23andme in the article
gas yourself like
this 1% african or 1% jewish sometimes both
>Yes goy, don't believe your family tree history, hisorical photographs from photo albums, and the stories passed fown from your elders from their elders.
>Just pay as money and we will make up some bullshit about where you are from based on mostly pseudoscience.
anyone who believes this shit is retarded. it might be 50% accurate at best. thats if the lab assistant on minimum wage can even be bothered doing their job properly today without cooking the books because they are feeling lazy.
I guess you are a race denialist huh?
did you put on that fake nazi flag to larp as one? of course im not a race denialist. i just think that these tests are a load of shit.
next time you bang her yell out "OHHHHHH FUCK YEAH!!! GOOD TIGHT NIGGER PUSSY!!! post results here.
you said 23andme is based on pesudoscience, sounds a lot like race denial.
one drop rule, enjoy your niglet children