I love Toshinō Kyōko! she is my wife

i love Toshinō Kyōko! she is my wife

i love Tomoko Kuroki! she is my wife

Stop posting on Sup Forums and go confess already, Ayano!

Does she know that, Ayano?




Post disturbing pictures

Don't stop posting

kyouko x ayano otp


>Asks for disturbing pictures
>Posts arousing picture

You can't just stop already


me too


Post the whole thing

She's a cartoon, not you're waifu


i love her

i love Funami Yui! she is my wife

truly wonderful


Every Yuru is best Yuru.


I didn't need that today.

Who would make such a horrible thing?



Breaks my heart

No, my wife Yui is the very best

>mfw fell for the haagen diaz rum raisen meme
Fuck you Toshino Kyouko

It's good what are you talking about

I never knew the word "showstealer" could describe someone so accurately

OP is Yui?

Juno's cunt, Yurus are not for fucking

Most probably Ayano. Yui is too pure for Sup Forums

It's not awful but it's just meh. Nothing special just like Toshino Kyouko herself.

I still occasionally buy rum raisin because of her. I would never buy ice cream otherwise

fuck off you mongrel, she's mine

I love it.

Who eats their lunch in a stinky bathroom?

Girls who get bullied.

Jap toilet is so clean you can use use toilet bowl to eat rum raisin

Not ok, user, I'd like you to go and think about what you've done


That's funny because Kyouko is my cute wife too.

Your waifu is pretty great.


I really need to stop calling her Toshino.







not wide enough for my cock


That's very nice of her to give us a nice view of Akari's cute pantsu.


Doga Kobo shows are the best for reaction images and I wonder if it's an intentional business model to spread via imageboards, message boards, social media, etc.



The shows certainly seem as if they could be engineered to be memeable. Is memeable a word?


We can all agree that Brat and Kyouko are bestgirls.



That's a silly gif. I approve.

See this, what do?

Untie her and ask if she is OK, who tied her up and why, then aid her escape from the area and alert the proper authorities if necessary. She's in middle school, dude.


what would happen if I removed her ribbon?

It would be extremely painful.


Then you feed her the eggs, right?











She's pretty cute, yeah


This show sure has a lot of pointing girls.









The way you crop out the rest of their heads is really rustling my autism. Also, imagedumps belong on /c/.


I think the facial features that define the particular emotion being expressed in the reaction image display best in thumbnails when cropped that way.