Why do people spend thousands on these shit universities?
Why do people spend thousands on these shit universities?
Yeah because niggers don’t work
Because regardless of what your dad beat into you, education makes you cultured. Even if you don't believe a single word they publish.
How many died because of Communism?
It's true though, the figure is probably hundreds of millions though.
How about that cold war.
Anyone who isn't a complete retard knows people died as a direct result of capitalist institutions. Millions is probably a stretch, though. Sage for low effort.
>Capitalism is to blame for every problem ever! :^)
Capitalism has killed directly and indirectly since the 1700s. People who cannot accept that any form of exploitation of the worker (in either system) is always going to result in deaths. In the 1800s in Britain alone there was child labour that resulted in thousands of deaths, then there's the Imperialism that Capitalism propped up for hundreds of years. Imperialism that lead to a multitude of wars (again since the 1700s). Communism might have killed a lot of people over a short time, Capitalism has killed more over a longer time.
But slavery is a form of economy and this your economy would be slavery based and not capitalism if you're using slavery. He's clearly retarded if he thinks hitler was a capitalist.
Millions of people die regardless of what system they’re under because everyone dies. The question is which system do they die prematurely under? And a lot of that has to do with things besides economic systems. You could have a perfect capitalist or communist state in Somalia and there’s a good chance that the human capital would not do much to create better outcomes for individuals.
>Hitler was a capitalist killing for capitalism
Huh wut ? who let this moron become a professor ?
Sure but do you think the Communists were any more concerned with health & safety laws ?
In conclusion humans are cock-mongers and will kill for just about anything. Hell even if its the same premise that two groups in seperate environments are using to kill others, they'll still disagree on shit and then kill each other.
Capitalism/communism/religion/race-hatred/whatever is not the problem, but the people who perpetrate it; Humans of every stripe everywhere now and forever.
Did I stutter? Both are equally bad.
You didn't stutter, just sounded like a commie yourself. There's exactly one and only one group of people that talks about "exploitation of the worker" that way.
Work kills more people than war.
I'm not a commie. I hate both systems equally as they do not work. However I do think that until we reach a post-scarcity economy, that there will not be a system that doesn't exploit the worker.
Anthony Zenkus, a spoiled rich brat who has been benefitting from capitalism his entire life being oblivious to the fact how spoiled he is. He wouldve been among the first to get shot or hanged in Soviet Union or China during Culture Revolution.
>I hate both systems equally
>post-scarcity economy.
I'm not sure you realize what kind of stereotype you fit, but it's one that has read his share of Marxist weirdness. Are you perhaps any of the anarchist varieties that hate the commies for their stalinist tankies? Anyway those systems are not "equally bad".
A lot of people died because of things.
Prove me wrong.
Something that a nigger would say. lol.
Anarchy is not a system. It's lawlessness. Both systems have lead to millions of deaths for different reasons. Both systems are automatically equally bad. I would say that if they had both lead to the deaths of 5 people or 5 billion. Why do you keep forcing me into a political position I haven't taken. I'm not a meme flag or anything.
>two world wars
Not capitalism. The first was pure realpolitik and the second was started by literal Nazis.
>centuries of slavery
Mmmm, maybe the last century of slavery. The Southern plantation owners were ruthless market capitalists. People will say "no but slavery was becoming unprofitable so capitalism ended slavery" and it's just wrong. Slavery was massively profitable and getting moreso, which is why it kept growing and growing.
>genocide of Native Americans
Colonialism was only profitable because the colonial power tightly controlled trade.
Raw resources from colony imported to home country --> finished goods exported to colony.
Yes you are, you're a radical centrist democrat raised on a steady diet of progressive (socialist) literature, including everything about exploitation of the workers and post-scarcity. These concepts don't fall out of the sky you know? It is precisely your "i think for myself" attitude that makes it easy. I'm not trying to be a dick btw, saying capitalism is "as bad" as communism gets my goat.
>Both systems are automatically equally bad. I would say that if they had both lead to the deaths of 5 people or 5 billion
I'd say the commies were worse, since they also took people to the gulag & starved people, on top of the people who died due to shitty health & safety laws.
Their OWN people. Millions of dissident citizens tortured to death.
I can understand your point but I don't fit into either system as capitalism frequently is driven by greed, and it warps political establishments. Look at the States as a good example. This leads to a perversion of the system into corporatism, where the will of the people is ignored in favour of the will of the companies rich enough to influence politics. That's fucked all the way up.
Communism is equally bad as it runs counter to the human spirit. Also in every version run so far they get caught up in the "temporary dictatorship of the proletariat" and never move on. This stagnates the system and leads to corruption. Which is an inverse version of corporatism that infects societies like the States.
Gulags still exist today in Russia. Your point is invalid. Also have a look at early prisons in the UK. Debtors prison was a thing, and is basically still going on in the US with the bail bonds system.
>define capitalism as anything that's not socialism or communism
>the black death was not caused by communism
>therefore it was caused by capitalism
>we conclude that capitalism killed 30-60% of Europe's population in the 14th century
The absolute state of modern academia.
>doesn't make a point
>Aussies at their finest
Good job mate. Stick another one on the barbie for me mate.
Personally I don't count anything before the 1700s, as until then Europe was a feudal system of economy.
To save billions
>capitalism = greed
>will of the people
>communism has good ideas but gets stuck with dictator
Sorry friend but you are somewhere between progressive liberal and social democrat. I'm thinking your solution to all this is to return to a more open democratic society, with a mild government stopping the excesses of "greed" by regulation? Anyway you should probably not categorize everything not-communism as capitalism, it's kind of a giveaway.
Anthony looks like a black bitch.
I'm not arguing with you. I'm laughing at you.
New York capitalism financed Bolshevism.
Also, how many hundreds of millions if not billions have/are going to die from diabetes?
>Gulags still exist today in Russia. Your point is invalid
No they don't, gulags under Stalin were death camps where they starved & worked to death millions, for no more than not being a commie enthusiast.
The problem with that is that all systems that are actual systems (if it contains the word anarchist or anarchy then it's not a system) are on a sliding scale between the two. I'm saying both are bad, and that the scale is awful as it always leads to abuse. I mean I don't trust corporations to regulate themselves, as everytime they are left to do so, they do it to benefit themselves and not the end user which is in theory what they are supposed to do, Price fixing as an example. However Communism is equally as bad because it removes the will of the people to think or progress for themselves. I don't think a middle ground works either. Why do you keep pushing me into a position I haven't taken?
The United Nations' International Labor Organization has revealed some horrifying stats:
The ILO estimates that approximately two million workers lose their lives annually due to occupational injuries and illnesses, with accidents causing at least 350,000 deaths a year.
For every fatal accident, there are an estimated 1,000 non-fatal injuries, many of which result in lost earnings, permanent disability and poverty.
The death toll at work, much of which is attributable to unsafe working practices, is the equivalent of 5,000 workers dying each day, three persons every minute.
This is more than double the figure for deaths from warfare (650,000 death* per year). According to the ILO's SafeWork programme, work kills more people than alcohol and drugs together and the resulting loss in Gross Domestic Product is 20 times greater than all official development assistance to the developing countries.
Have you been to a Russian prison? They have a different branding but most of them are still old Soviet buildings with no changes since the 70s.
I'm trying to get through to you that that scale you believe you see is in fact not there, and that you believe in it itself is evidence of a particular political ideology, not a neutral analysis of government. You want to be an independent, straddling the difficult compromise between authority and freedom. That and all the tools like 'will of the people' and 'worker exploitation' which you believe to be the tools of reason, but which are in fact more ideological shenanigans. I understand that it's very annoying to be pushed into a position, but I truly believe it's good for you to know what you sound like. There is a stereotype for this, it is NOT you thinking on your own.
Yep, accumulation of production to spend at a later date in productive improvements sure kills a lot of people. Just yesterday I killed 3 people because I got paid and saved the money.
Has nothing to do with the surrounding elements such as governments stealing people's money to go to war, no, it's all cause of Capitalism.
So you're forcing me into the commie part because I use descriptive terms. Fucking hell Dutchman, you sound like a retard. Call a spade a spade, call a worker a worker. I'm not using terms that aren't descriptive. I use them because they are accurate.
Yes that's the point I'm trying to make. You believe your Marxist tools of societal analysis are rational, reasonable and somewhat objective. But I see you got mad, so good luck with your centrism, retard.
No way in hell they are equally bad. Communism is demonstrably worse.
Right because without the job they would have lived on a better life? Not even speaking of the life improvements for their kids with the additional money for food and housing.
I should also mention that communism is a political and economic model. Capitalism is purely a economic one. Corporatism is an economic and political model. I hate all three.
read the rest of the posts before you post yourself mate. I've been explaining my position to a Dutchbro.
Sure a lot have died under captalism, but more have died under communism.
not much improvement when daddy just got killed at work..
>The International Labor Organization says that half of workplace fatalities are avoidable.
I'm not a marxist either. Can you please stop pushing me into positions I haven't taken. I think Marx is wrong, also he used the term "Proletariat" as a group term. I'm using worker because it's more descriptive.
TL:DR - I am not a marxist, I'm not a communist, I'm not a fucking capitalist, I'm not described by any of these terms you've used.
Nazi, we should have guessed.
The (((gassing))) of Jews wasn't due to capitalism
>people die if there are goods to trades!
Are you sure about that given that true capitalism has been around since the 1700s, given that was the start of the industrial revolution.
>Why do people spend thousands on these shit universities?
Unfortunately, nothing makes a person more smug than a college degree. An employer will never hire an 'uneducated' person for anything more than lifting boxes. They literally view people without degrees as trash. They spent all that money and effort on their degree, and usually it's the only thing they ever accomplished in life, so they take it very seriously. I've been in college for awhile and met many graduates. One thing I've learned is that most graduates do not have any skills that set them apart from non-graduates. Also, most of the people in college, really have no business being there. Higher education should have been reserved for the best and brightest, now it's been perverted into a mandatory cash grab. It's a totally corrupt system and needs to end.
>people die under capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, fuedelism, monarchism and any other-ism you care to mention
>capitalism just happens to be the current paradigm
So you keep saying, yet you believe in "the will of the people" and "worker exploitation" as "descriptive", not pure undiluted marxism. Moreover you present a dichotomy between capitalism and communism that doesn't exist, and you think that by realizing "both systems are equally wrong" you've somehow reached a place of independent thought. But you haven't, because you still use the same tools to analyze society and don't recognize them as being Marxist, not objective. You're certainly not a marxist or a capitalist, I agree, you are a radical centrist (or status quo social democrat) like I've repeated a few times. The dialectic requires you to imagine two extremes to compromise between, and claims its tools are materialistic and empirical, not ideological, etc.
Not a nationalist either. Jesus it's like pulling teeth here. I don't like any existing system and Anarchists can go fuck themselves.
You didn't read what I said and came up with your own answer. Thank you for playing, try again next time.
She is not wrong. Capitalism is only defined by Marx. And it states basically, that capitalism is anything what is bad in the world.
> dying is bad? > capitalism did it
>with gommunism, there will be no work, thus no one will get hurt at work :DDD
So democracy isn't about the will of the people when they vote? Also I'm not suggesting an alternative, I think that both systems lead to abuse in one form or another, and that any system that leads to abuse is wrong. I'm not claiming any one system has an answer or trying to force a middle ground. I'm saying that no one has gotten it right yet. Fucking hell are you that thick?
Capitalism hasn't killed anyone and no one dies because of it.
Capitalism isn't a system, it's the natural result of human interaction, people because die because they're not immortal, not because of capitalism.
From the article:
>"Please, use the Google machine. It’s there for all of us." - Anthony Zenkus
>“Anthony Zenkus isn’t a historian, so what he says about history only reflects the distorted, Marxizing history generally adopted by unthinking reflex among progressives,” - David Randall, a research director of the National Association of Scholars
most work is so fucking pointless we might as well let machines do it & then tax the machines to pay for us to live.
I'm trying to tell you that the entire way you view government and economy is Marxist in nature, even if you disagree with the conclusions that communism is inevitable and desirable. But I give up, there is simply no way to convince someone who fancies himself an independent thinker. You don't understand what a "radical centrist" is, but you're it. The categories and terms you use are Marxist, not objective or descriptive. But anyway second time you got mad so I'll leave it here.
Why would we pay machines in the first place?
>The International Labor Organization says that half of workplace fatalities are avoidable.
What's the criteria used for figuring out whether a death at workplace could be avoided or not?
How does a company with no resources in a third world country that has been oppressed by totalitarian leaders for centuries secure their workers without prior accumulation of capital through decades of economic stability?
>you used a term that I think is Marxist therefore you're a Marxist
>Y-y-you're a radical centrist
Mate as models currently go it's a sliding scale. Show me a model that doesn't have Anarchy in it and I can show you where it fits on the scale. I've never claimed to be a centrist, or an independent "thinker". I have an opinion that any system that leads to abuse is wrong and your response is to brand me on the scale that I reject. Fuck you.
Holy fuck. The Absolute state of higher education from an IVY LEAGUE school. Indoctrination is not education. Every 3rd grade kid knows he was a NATIONAL SOCIALIST. When will these Universities fire these Communists?
>we need to make the world just like startreg, my favourid show :DD
It was a joke
What abuse does Capitalism lead to?
You don't have to claim to be independent to be one, just claim your analysis is descriptive and rational, like insisting there is a sliding scale for any system to fit on. Your views are a product of reason, not ideology! (Hmm who else said that?) You're a Marxist radical centrist yes, and you should be worried that I think you're on the scale, not offended. But hey I'm probably an asshole that doesn't understand your objective descriptions.
It's all a joke now. I am starting an engineering degree, went in to see an advisor to get everything figured out. All he would talk about was that I had to take a diversity course. Every question I asked somehow got twisted back to the diversity course. I got zero useful information. They don't even give a shit about education anymore, it's all about politics and money.
>diversity course
tf is that
Capitalism has in many countries lead to poor working conditions
Capitalism has in many countries lead to corporate influence on politics to the detriment of the constituents who elect their government
Capitalism has in many countries lead to greed being the driving factor behind decisions like the crash of 2008.
Read all the posts before you reply Malta
I've never claimed any such thing. You've put words in my mouth to justify your point. I've never said anything about "rational". I've used descriptive terms to talk about groups, which is necessary in political debate such as ours. However my views are a product of reason because I hold all the systems currently suggested in contempt. Also you keep proving my point, you haven't made a counter argument on any system that doesn't fit into the defacto sliding scale. If you can then I will happily admit that I was wrong. Until then you will continue to prove me right.
I refuse to even look up the courses that will satisfy the requirement. I'll have to suffer through it eventually, but I'm sure it'll be something about how white people are the devil.
>Capitalism has in many countries lead to poor working conditions
Which countries? Bet all of those countries were lead to those poor conditions by other reasons.
>Capitalism has in many countries lead to corporate influence on politics to the detriment of the constituents who elect their government
Corporate influence on politics is consequence of politics, not capitalism. The one who goes to your house and forces you to do things is the politician.
Corporatism is not Capitalism by the way, corporatism is the alliance between companies and a monopoly of violence called state, which has nothing to do with Capitalism.
First learn the definition of Capitalism cause I think you got it from your totally not Marxist ideologues, and it seems to be a bit flawed.
>Capitalism has in many countries lead to greed being the driving factor behind decisions like the crash of 2008.
The crash of 2008 that was caused by monetary expansive policies proposed by governmental entities granted monopoly through violence? Wow, sure it is Capitalism!
It's okay, I've run out of way to make the point anyway. Maybe ironically the best approach would be to read some Marx so you can see how much you agree with the man. Some examples from my (evil?) perspective:
>The will of the people doesn't exist, it's a complete fiction developed by liberals
>there is no such thing as a "working class" for which you can legislate things, nor a capitalist class
>The entire concept of "capitalism" is pulled out of Marx' ass
Anyway, lemme know where all the different european monarchies fall on the sliding scale. You don't know the systems that are proposed, only the democratic ones that Marx described, and you believe that they cover the known political universe in a descriptive way.
>my views are a product of reason
I think this is probably the most succinct summary of what a radical centrist is, especially if he then proceed to prove his loyalty to democracy and (dialectical) materialistic analysis.
this thread sure is spooky
Im rattlin in me bones
>Have you been to a Russian prison?
no, have you?
the rate of how many capitalism killed vs how many die from communism on avg, communism by far kills more per.
I even reject the notion that Capitalism kills.
Capitalism is natural law, would be like saying that if I don't force food down your throat I'm killing you, it would be absurd. Capitalism is freedom and freedom sometimes isn't pretty, but it certainly doesn't kill you, other factors do.
Communism on the other hand frontally opposes your freedom, if, in absence of Communism, if under freedom you wouldn't die, and because of Communsim you would, then Communism is certainly responsible for this death, such as the Holodomor starvations, which were a direct cause of a centrally planned policy that opposed nature.