Share with Sup Forums a moment where you revealed your power level.
Share with Sup Forums a moment where you revealed your power level
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I got to work, I come home, and once a week I spend an evening with my mother. So I've said quite a lot to her but she is open minded or at least pretends to be for the sake of our relationship.
Never really, but I slowly redpilled some of my friends who then revealed their power levels which, started to exceed even my own, for hilarious results.
The only time I kind of revealed myself was when I was invited to a party in a private apartment and the German owner turned out to be an Antifascist with a "Bomber Harris do it again" poster prominently displayed in his living room. I and some other people then argued that he is advocating for genocide and eventually I suggested, that if he is convinced that all Germans have to die, he should start with himself and immediately kill himself, all else would be hypocritical. I then left.
Bomber Harris as in the Bombing of Dresden? What a disgusting cuck. You did good, user.
Good to hear. It's hard to tell when someone is just agreeing to avoid an argument, but over time and with some subtlety you can get through to almost anyone.
>Bomber Harris as in the Bombing of Dresden?
Yes exactly, you wouldn't believe how many of these cucks crawl out of "Germany" every year to infest our universities.
That's incredibly sad to think about. I suppose there is plenty of it here too, but I've never even been in a metro area in my country. In rural areas and smaller cities that self-loathing is much more rare.
>working gas station
>White old dude comes in, buys two red bulls, says something about dah fake news papers behind him
>i Use the term lugenpresse
>Explain lying press
>Explain how most news outlets are owned by the same people, sun times and Tribune from Chicago did a merger the 5 TV news companies etc
>Any commonalities between them, he asks
>All but one are owned by the same type of people I say
>Is it the Jews? He asks
>Eh idk I say
>He checks his phone, does a Google
>Looking traumatized, he leaves saying
'I didn't realize... Wow... '
>emailing back and forth with my mom, a typical lefty Dem
>she's whining about Trump deporting spicks, saying "America is a melting pot, give us your tired your hungry your poor, yadda yadda"
>I casually drop pic related as my response
>she normally responds in a day or two
>8 days ago
>still no response
I randomly blame the jews for things. It doesn't matter who I'm around, it always manages to make people laugh. Everyone intrinsically knows the jews run everything, so it's not as taboo as you might think. I highly recommend trying it if you don't already do it.
>didn't realize
was he retarded?
>student and work at college part time
>someday celebrating someones doctorate
>somehow start discussion about politics
>tell them i voted AfD
>brainwashed as they are they don't understand but it's fine
>suddenly shitskin sandnigger who is also doctorate chimps in
>hurr how can you nazi racist durr
>can see him going allahu akbar inside
>collegues calm him down
>yesterday he saw me alone
>assaulted me on college grounds
>ofc not upfront but from the side because hes a pussy
>witnesses around, prob cam too
>hurr ebil natzi durr
>i stay calm and call cops
>file criminal charge for assault
>go to hospital for attestation, evidence and raise costs
>file internal college complaint
>may lose immatriculation
>may go to jail or be sentenced to pay and/or do community service
Tbh I hope for another chimpout, it will seal the deal for him.
Successfully persuaded my friends into agreeing that there are racial differences.
be careful friend, next time it might be a blade or something
You are doing God's work, user.
I will. I'll also start carrying gas and knives with me. If that nigger dares to come at me again he shall meet the wrath of god.
Deus vult!
>watching Dunkirk with my socialist father and nam vet uncle
>my father asked me why hitler didn't push forward
>i tell him hitler was sending constant peace deals to the allies the entire time
>he doesn't question it
>California vacation (don't waste your time)
>overhear a muslim with a heavy accent telling some hobbit looking soyboy about the refugee crisis
>walk up to him and call his bullshit
>muslim faggot is awestruck
>tell hobbit soyboy that most the "refugees" aren't from Syria at all, +90% military aged males, and are coming for gibs
>muslim tries to counter and I shut down everything
>he knows I'm right
>all walk outside the bar because it's closing
>tell him how Germany is going to shit
>shitskin laughs and in a heavy Middle Eastern accent says he's German
>tell him he's not, I'm more German than he is
>starts acting squirrely
>tell him to get lost or I'm going to break his face
>slinks away to bother other lingering groups
>I've won the mind of the 5'3 soyboy
>start telling him about demographic replacement in the US and Europe
>his phone answers and he says his girlfriend is almost here
>a 5'10, 50 year old asian woman comes around the corner
>soyboy kisses her and puts on a face like a 10 year old would if he was trying to look "alpha"
>fuck off back to my hotel
Fuck California
Are you young? Is the next generation of swedes more redpilled or is it already ogre?
Everytime I'm drunk I become a living image from Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, but somehow I still have all my friends.
Prove to them you aren't being ironic
Im always open to speak my mind and swear alot. I make fun of liberals in public i think they are degenerates
that didnt happen, though.
if you're redpilling people, at least redpill them on facts, not imaginary bullcrap.
Done it lots of times at school,
but the only time I mentioned anything nazi related was discussion economics with a kid and I told him about the “German Miracle,” Weimar, and how I wanted to learn more about that whole period.
I also asked my macro economics professor what fascism was like economically when he went on a small rant about capitalism vs communism (his rants on Bernie and communism were hilarious) I already knew the answer, but wanted his take on it. Answer wasnt too interesting or in depth but he didnt say anything wrong iirc
I do the same! I have my nephew saying it and he's 11
I beat them in arguments publicly(and loudly due to booze), and am willing to debate anyone. Don't know how to show any more seriousness desu. Main point lately is "it's our duty to take the lead against global Jewery", works well so far.
>What is “a last appeal to reason”
Fucking poles, the asspain blinds you constantly
I'm from Ca, and believe this story. Luckily there is a small group of non-insane people, they are just hard to find due to most not daring to speak up or get killed by a spicy or fired by a nig wymen of power.
Really, thats the case. People are silenced, but then grow in their hate. In some ways this might be for the best, as if people are too complacent nothing is done.
You sound like a cool kike
it didnt happen.
the naziboo-booism blinds you constantly.
>Don't know how to show any more seriousness desu.
Yes you do and it doesn't involve debating.
told my parents that the holocaust didn't actually happen, they keep laughing at me, saying that it happened, but that it was a good thing.
>i had just discovered the 8values test
>be fucking around with it with my friends
>everyone checks out
>libshit teacher comes around behind us, with my test results still on screen
>i don't notice him and make comment about free helicopter rides to friends
>i notice him rush off looking worried
>he now avoids me
>tfw he afraid of me
its kind of funny, seeing as i haven't done anything else to make him like that
>or get killed by a spic
That same night I had some little mexican stare me down because I said "excuse me", politely mind you, in a crowded bar to get past him. He tried to pull the, "I'm loco mane" shit. Fucking idiot. I also talked to a black guy there about race-realism that went surprisingly well, he didn't get angry at all or anything, although he didn't believe anything I was talking about.
I also was walking down the street in boots (from Texas) and a group of dudes shouted something about me and Trump so I turned around and immediately walked up to them and said yeah, what the fuck are they going to do about it? They didn't do shit. From everything it seemed to me, the faggots just aren't used to actually being confronted with someone willing to fight over their beliefs, and they all cower down, didn't matter how many there were. Santa Monica btw.
>teller boomercucks that hitler was against communism and Marxism and wanted to stop Russia
>their minds are blown
>tell people about the holohoax
>everybody gets really emotional
To be fair, my friend first told me about the holohoax and I thought he was nuts. I didn’t really study it till like 2 years later
I was cruising for guys in a public toilet once, this guy is about to cum in my mouth then this dog started barking.
we call em Wheraboos
>nye party
>get drunk as f
>some guy starts talking to me
>naturally shift the convo to holocaust
>explain the holohaux
>hit him with the red cross docs, havaara agreement, zionist world council and everything else
>guy literally starts shaking telling me his grandpa died in holohaux
>i say mine died in gulags
>say hes a fucking tool for believing the 6 gorillion number
>the guy dissappears in the background still shaking and vibrating
>two random thots mightve overheard the convo
>start talking to me acting interested
>im too drunk to even care about pussy
>compliment her on the nice dog collar (the slut neck thing)
>friend pulls me aside saying im getting too woke
>disregard his comments
>dont remember much else
>one month before the election
>co worker buddy invites me over to watch UFC
>start dropping small red pills on my buddy
>his female roommate “becomes interested” which was actually nothing more than her goading me into showing my power level
>start dropping massive amounts of info regarding pizzagate
>she laughs in my face and ridiculed me
>I show her some solid evidence
>she literally tells me “so what” and calls me insane while holding back tears
>I leave and never hear from my buddy again
I told everyone at Christmas that Papists and others don't belong in the country
>tfw no 50 year old grannyfu
1. source
2. search loli thread
I just make casual Jew jokes without getting too political.
It's kind of like lubing people up before going full holocaust denial
Had unprotected sex with a bunch of married guys. I have the bug too. Lol.
>hitler is ravaging europe with his soviet allies
>hey brits...
>invades poland
>hey brits why dont you....
>invades belgium
>why dont you listen to.....
>invades france
>why dont you listen to reason....
>invades holland
>all i want is peace
>invades greece
>lets crusade against the soviets, to which im actually still allied with
>invades africa
>no? why do you mean, NO?
>steals and plunders the continent
>why wont these brits listen to reason?
well, fuck my life
i always get that wrong
San Diego here, I was at bar with another Sup Forumslack and at the table we were sitting at we got into a conversation with a mexican couple and it was pleasant and fine but at some point immigration or whatever was brought up (not even that, I think we were just talking about our family heritage or something) anyway, Mexican guy ends up talking about his grandmother and how she was an illegal and neither my friend or myself had said anything anti-immigrant but we kept asking him (just out of curiousity) about his grandmother and I think the dude found himself in a lie about his grandmother’s story, perhaps trying to cover something up? I had asked like, “so how did she pay for college if she was illegal?” and this boiled his fucking asshole something fierce to the point where he stood up, smashed his whiskey glass, and threatened me and my friend. Security was luckily a second away and snapped him out of there. His girlfriend looked horrified and apologized profusely.
Both of us were former marines so we didnt flinch at all and either smirked or laughed when esse smashed the glass.
Anyway, gas the spics
Power level and viral load are not the same thing
That's hard to do when no one takes me serious or already agreed with me
Don't respond to the spam
Sounds like a standard libcuck experience
I wish I could, but all of my friends that I hang out with are white and redpilled already.
>Both of us were former marines
kek, ex-paratrooper here, was contracting the time I was out there. One more event that happened while I was out there. I got to talking to two Iranian girls (in retrospect they were definitely prostitutes) and they really dug me because I was talking about how LA and the middle east is run/ruined by kikes. She told me I have to be quiet, not to ever say that in that city. She got but hurt when I said I was anti-immigration and that the US was meant to be a nation for Europeans. I ceded that they are actual aryans though. That city was super fucking brown, at least in Texas it's pretty segregated.
Will you respond to the medical treatment? That is the real question.
She wanted the D
Your coworker couldn`t handle the competition.
>home for Christmas
>at grandfathers house
>Mom meet Truduea a week before
>is trying to get everyone to vote liberal
>grand father complains about him wasting money and about the refugees
>father is complaining on the decreased budget for salting the roads
>brother is calling him a fag
>mother looks at me
>"aleast you'll vote for him"
>tell her he is a traitor and is trying to replace us
>doesn't bring it up again
hilarious that its a pole shitting on germany. so much for the allies that they left you to papa stalin to get swallowed up into the soviet bloc huh?
>Getting all the parts of Germany kiked out of the 2nd reich after the Great War
>France declares war on Germany for being naughty, so Hitler says fuck the Maginot Line, lets just go through a non-country.
>Everyone who speaks french is btfo
>Southern France thinks this is fucking dope
>btfo commie denbts
>Commies are OBVIOUSLY not to be trusted
>btfo niggernoggers
>hoards artwork and puts into a fucking mine so it wont be damaged in war (hurr durr we wanted to steal da arts for himself thats y he put it in a fucking cave rather than ship it to Berlin!)
Meanwhile Polka grills are getting raped left and right and thanking the Soviets for it. Look what wonders it did for your country! Blease continue to be assmad about natsees on your commieblock wifi
That movie is pretty good. Can recommend if bored.
this. Even the most trivial things I blame on Jews to make it sound like a joke. And before you know it. everybody is rumbing theor hands together. Humor is our best weapon Anons! don't forget to make it fun.
LA is an absolute shitfestival.
San Diego is the only nice California big city. The area of Jefferson is also incredible desu.
what allies?
my country had zero allies in WW2.
the only foreign troops that crossed the polish borders during the entire ww2 were germans and russians, and both were enemies.
oh yeah, i've got another one
>be on family roadtrip
>listening to Funkerlied with my headphones in
>fuck i love that song
>little shit brother sitting next to me, pulls out my headphones because he is a little shit
>glorious music fills the car
>cant remember what happened next but end up show them by collection of songs such as 'god is a serb' and 'hail the golden dawn' along with stuff from Rhodesia and numerous other countries and time periods
>they're ok with it, but apparently mum thought i was listening to death metal or something the whole time
>kek internally about that one for a while
>nazis didnt steal, plunder and loot all those thousands of tons of gold and art, they were protecting it
>compliment her on the nice dog collar (the slut neck thing)
>>friend pulls me aside saying im getting too woke
You sound like me now. I can't go out and drink in public anymore. I'm essentially anti-normie and anti-fun. They're all fucking degenerate and retarded anyway.
Literally all the time, why would I lie about my beliefs you retard.
>go to bar with buddies
>get black out drunk
>wake up next day
>"Dude you went on a fucking jew rant at the bar again last night"
Its only when im black out i cant help it.
>Some girl I met on Tinder wants to know me better
>We start drinking, I know I'm going to go full redpill with her if I keep intoxicating myself
>There it finally comes
>"Listen, I'm far right, I believe Trump is the best thing that happened to America since 9/11, I wouldn't date you if you ever fucked a nigger and right now I want to punch the pink haired faggot that sits behind you"
>She pauses
>"If you can't cope with this, I'd suggest you to leave right now"
>"user, I am very ok with everything you said"
And we're still together as of today.
Yes if you actually look at what Nazi Germany was like (a country that prized european and sophisticated artwork) youll find they cared a great deal about it.
I know its a far cry from dirt roads and graffitied soviet war memorials but try to understand what art means to actual whites
>youll find they cared a great deal about it.
yeah, they wanted to steal and loot it really, really bad.
sitting at my desk at work in early October 2016 and the boss starts talking to me abt the US election and how Hillary is leading in the polls, proceed to tell him the polls are rigged and that independent polling shows Trump in the lead. I also proceed to tell him that Trump will win and that Hillary is a suit pant wearing shape shifting reptilian.
I've converted a lot of my friends from inherent and latent middle class white racism to full blown 1488. A lot of people are right there, teetering on the edge and just require a slight nudge from someone with strong convictions to give them the courage to embrace their feelings
man I wish I could see this happen. Gonna drop acid this weekend (first time) with a girl who sucked my dick who is a jew. Meet me on Sup Forums next week if I have a good story!
Always !
Because none is willing to challenge my views because then i attack them on a personal level and they dont have the mental capacity to defend themselves or their arguments.
when I was about to leave the bar I made the hitler salute and yelled Heil Hitler
>We do an exercise in modern history where we all take the political compass test
>Takes everyone a solid 10 minutes to complete
>I'd done it before, borderline full authoritarian and slightly right of centre
>Basically hitler
>Teacher draws a sketch of the compass on the whiteboard and asks everyone to come and plot themselves out
>Most of the class in centre-left, with more of a bias towards libertarianism than authoritarianism
>I jot myself down and the teacher gives me a funny look
>Teacher comes around to my laptop to see if that really was my result
>Noticies pic related is my background
>Nods to himself and says 'right'
>Teacher then proceeds to adjust the scale so that everyone is centred around the origin of the plane, claiming the test is centred around American values and that it's more "Australian" when shifted
>The shift puts me off the fucking scale in terms of authoritarianism
>Spend the rest of my time at school known as "The quirky nazi kid who will go on about the jews if you let him"
>Got into an argument with a Jewish kid not too long after that
>Ended up convincing him Oswald Mosley was the greatest Prime Minister Britain never had (albeit after a few months)
Things worked out pretty well I suppose
Tell your mom and anyone else, that a french statue does not and will never dictate policy in a free democratic society. If that statue actually meant something, it would have went down on 9/11 instead of some financial buildings.
People here say some pretty hard anti-immigration things once you get them to open up, but then you see them on facebook complaining about muh drumpf's racism.
It's like they have all the tools but no toolbox, but using humor to get them to confront their own opinions they start to put the pieces together.
Not as badly as the lust for Siberian cock coursing through your veins Bohater
>naturally shift the convo to holocaust
You sir are a badass
in Germoney?? What happened?
>Oswald Mosley was the greatest Prime Minister Britain never had
i cri evertim
Nothing, everyone was drunk so they didnt really care. Was like 5 am too.
thats kind of bummer. I wanted any sort of reaction
>polish flag
I show my full power level all the time, and drop red pills on my friends /coworkers any time I get the chance.
> Anyone up for a game of Cards Against Humanity?
All I had to do was show him that "New Machine" Video, he really got on board with the idea of self-sustainability and not having to exploit developing nations to succeed. Oswald's 'peaceful co-existence in seperate nations' also seemed to make sense to him, people are so much more accepting when you play to what they want to see, and in his case all I had to do was break the illusion that every man who wanted what was best for his people also implied the deaths of all others
But an "F" for my man Mosley
Too good for this world
awwwww, poor boo-boo ran out of his imaginary bullshit and turned to ad hominems.
so sad.
I said that I don't like it that cops arr constantly attacked and heavily injured for being cops.
After I said that I found out my friends I got to know in college were ANTIFA and they called me out why it was right and neccessary to beat cops and when I did not agree they curved me.
>high school
>being authoritarian
Betas are born not formed.
This sounds degenerate af , but I'm curious.Do make a thread.
Couple of my super liberal family members / friends had a thread going on Normie book about Aziz Ansari and his allegations. The conversation was about how he's been unfairly treated, yada yada, since he's a liberal and they don't believe the story.
Drop pic related without saying anything. Conversation turns to "yeah Lena Dunham is a bitch" and "I guess you can't believe everything you read".
Based jew. You are the reason i dont hate all jews, just 90% of them
>Too good for this world
The entire world would have changed if Mosley came to power. Mosley would have fixed the JQ better than Hitler ever could've hoped to.
We didn't deserve him.