this area is the peak of human life on earth. this is the greatest place to have ever lived. there is no region that can even compete
This area is the peak of human life on earth. this is the greatest place to have ever lived...
I'm from that area.
Switzerland is the one place where all of the brightest Europeans end up because they realized they're too good for their own birth countries.
>not including Bavaria&Franconia
Norddeutsche RAUS
My Nan was from that area
>Implying Bavaria is not included on this map
American education everyone.
Half of my ancestors are from the Austrian-Swizz region.
so close yet so far
Are you blind?
Fuck off, we're full
Switzerland should become German instead
full of what?
>this area is the peak of human life on earth
I literally want this to happen so bad.
The ball sack of humanity, what a shame.
>full of what?
Big Bavaryan Cock.
Why hasn't Bavaria just left?
My family immigrated to the US from northern Italy. Nearly all of us are now millionaires or upper middle class.
They are too afraid that mama merkel will lecture them
>Why hasn't Bavaria just left?
As the supreme people of Germany, we realize we have a responsibility to our lesser brothers.
northern italy isn't that great desu. i mean its bretty gud, better than murica but its got nothing on australia in terms of quality of life.
Fuck off, it's bad enough that Swabia isn't its own state in Germany, when anything of greatness this "nation" has brought forth has come from there. Don't need any retarded, incestuous mountain Jews to become our new rulers, they won't do anything better than those fucking Prussians...
i've been considering living in Australia bcs of good life but if the immigration papers are way too hard to get and i fail get the papers ill just go live in switzerland
Rightful Bavaryan clay.
dad please
They don't even speak the same dialect, if anything they should be part of Greater Swabia.
That map
>My grandparent came from Ulm.
are you me?
the other half is from southern germany
the unification of g*rmany was enough of a mistake, don't repeat it
Swabians are miserable, joyless cunts. Switzerland has enough of those already, in the shape of their ethnic population. Both Swabia and Switzerland are in dire need of Bavaryan guidance and leadership.
yeah and the only white alpine country that remains standing is slolvenia.
The rest ... well the rest wake up in the morning and go to work. so that other man can have children on welfare.
Because they have stockholm syndrome desu.
Bavarians are really good people. I love going to bavaria for work trips. Weisswurst breakfast is the tits.
Hi i am in Ulm right now
Its a musulman shithole, the city center at least
No need to say that, any semi big city in Germany is Little Marrakesh these days.
t. cologne resident.
The fun thing in cologne is, all the shitskins and their infighting. all they do is bash and kill each other these days.
Man you're speaking the truth
me too, best area ever
Meme it to existence
I can trace some of my genetic lineage to that region
Fuck off mutt
That would be one mess of a country
>no common history
>no national identity forged through the millennia to hold it all together
>6 official languages (German, Italian, French, Slovene, Czech, Romansh) making administration cumbersome at best.
>6 different ethnic groups that would all vote for their own self interests (Swiss, Germans, Austrians, Italians, Czech, Slovenes)
>constantly at odds with the rest of Germany and Italy due to land disputes.
Yugoslavia 2.0: High Tech boogaloo.
I fucking hate the climate here in Padania though.
>left Tuscany outside
Retarded map
You do realise how sad this shit is right?
You are an amerimutt, deal with it.
Your euro "heritage" doesnt mean shit.
your are right bro.
Yeah sure, 56%
Why do you got a Slavic country there? Are you on LSD?
wait, what?
Why did you let swiss dog/cat eaters into the proper area? swiss never achieved anything
Jesus christ
That is beautiful
>hur dur amerimu-
>loses another war to America
>not including Styria and upper Austria
which retard made this map?
Why we don't start quoting The Sun while we are at it.
Czechs gave us Kafka and Werfel
I'd rather be part of a great German empire, but only if the other Germs get their shit together first: cut taxes in half, stop being cucks and remove kebab.Only if their GDP has become Switzerland tier, we may unite, otherwise they're just coming to Switzerland in masses, turning this place into a crowded shithole.
stop being retarded russian refugee to czechia. If you were any smart you would know that both Austria, Germany/Bavaria and Czechia is very slavic itself. They always were.
Swiss on the other hand?!?! What are they doing in this map? Remove them asap
70% of us speak german
>both Austria, Germany/Bavaria is VERY SLAVIC itself
>both Austria, Germany/Bavaria is VERY SLAVIC itself
>both Austria, Germany/Bavaria is VERY SLAVIC itself
Congratulations, the award for being absolutely clueless degenerate goes to YOU.
as if sex with animals were a real issue anywhere but among goatfucking middle east. it's their prophet that
it's their prophet who already loved sucking camel cock.
why the fuck was this cut out?
Meme region populated by meme people. What is there? The german part lives on prussian culture. The french part is just niggers and the shitalians are subhumans. What's left? The mountainjews?
Just make sure you stay on the Swiss side
>ftw your parents were from that area but then they decided to move to fucking Naples
That's not the Baltic Sea Region. Pure aryan protestant culture, hardened in the frozen north and salty sea. Catholicucks can never compete.
Imagine being so autistic that you think haplogroups determine behaviour.
how the fuck is belarus baltic
Agree, too bad wwii made me born in southern italy
>tfw snownigger amongst shitskins
His flag says he's autist.
ottomans invading really fuck them up also, many slavs had to imigrate and leave the counquered areas
Because it's rightful Polish and Lithuanian clay.
AND included Red Bologna!
Yup, sounds retarded like the physical anthropology autists stuck in pre wwii era and propaganda
>inb4 this thread turns into "hurr durr anti-pedo" autists storming you
Southern Bavaria reporting in!
the fck? dude look at the maps where ottomans were pushing? Slavs did fight Ottomans, true, but their lands was not conquered and civilians weren't forced to resettle. (i mean west/east slavs)
oh yeah? why did you decide to respond to my response to the guy that did exacly the same thing? how bout you pick on his statement instead?
Berlin or any part of germany belongs, neither does sweden without etnic cleansing first.
Is Bavaria nigged too? Ffs
Are you kraut or what?
Lungau lol
Sweden and North Germany is literally the core of the region you sperg. Current politics doesn't matter.
Remove Bavaria. Those are literal Untermenschen who willfully subordinated to Kings. Massive faggot Kings that is.
>both Austria, Germany/Bavaria and Czechia is very slavic itself.
Bavaria is barely Slavonic in heritage at all. The part of the Bundesland with an old Slavonic population is the northern bit, which is Franconia really, not Bavaria proper. And general Slavonic input in Germany and Austria is quite localised in the east, not to mention diluted by subsequent migration from the west in mediaeval times.
Ladin/Austrian border Friulian Alps
Not including Rome or even Tuscany.
Are you unironically retarded?
t. terroni
and the first part to be completely redpilled
>originally come from border town
>come home to visit family
>see nigs camping on the border bridge when Bavaria closed it
>rumors start spreading about the shit what is happening
>stories from good friends
>media says nothing and how good diversity is
>half of my family goes anti merkel and some even full 1488
No, these genetic frequencies are older than the Ottomans. It's a local substrate, from before the times that Charlemagne defeated the Avars and facilitated Bavarian and Saxon expansion eastwards. Few Slavs ever got west of Slovenia in Ottoman times - the disruptions had their greatest effect on your own country (spreading Shtokavian dialects), not to the west.
Wait, WTF, Naples?
Which Alpine area anyways?
american education
Where was the internet created?
Not as bad as northwestern germany who imported a lot of coal miners from turkey 50 years ago.
But the metropolitan areas are the same everywhere. At least Bavarian police isn't quite as cucked as those in the rest of the country (yet).
>not lotharingia
Lotharingia or Middle Francia corresponds perfectly with the "blue banana", the most productive area of European history
pic related they were there 24/7 until they opened a camp at the Zollstation
pretty much agreed
i do agree and i disagree with you. The map you presented is based more on a historic "culture" ranges. Swiss Igenea Univertisy in Zurich conducted a study on 20 000 ethnic Germans from the GDR !!! baby boomers generation => x/y/z generation => 1.5 mil present day Germans. That number might be even higher.
Dont forget people were migrating within country as well.
I will agree on the Bavaria part tho, some regions in Germany differs from other regions by A LOT. Lets not forget that 160 years ago there was no united single nation named Germany. the kingdoms were extremely different from each other
when i retire i want to move there
fucking hell tirol is hella comfy