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Sleeping in the middle of the room was Megumin, who was brought in while I wasn’t paying attention.
Just from her sleeping posture, Megumin looked really pretty.
The dash of gentle moonlight shining through the windows illuminated Megumin’s sleeping face.
Seeing her luscious black hair, I felt a strange attraction between the two of us…
…I lost myself looking at her.
Megumin isn't just a cute loli. She's a stunningly beautiful girl!
Megumeme is as much a loli as Hestia.
Why would she even be angry at being called a loli? I mean Kazuma is a pedo so all the better.
I pray to him every two nights ever since he drew that adorable Megumin.
Her childhood dream was to grow huge tits. Also, Kazuma isn't a pedo. He did make moves on Megumin, but not Iris.
Doesn't even look like her
Her LN design is cute with round eyes, so it kinda does.
Will megumin ever be able to not flop to the ground after one explosion?
The answer is probably yes. Her already tremendous mana reserves will grow with age, and there's probably a limit to how much she can improve her explosions. One day, Explosion will stop consuming her entire mana pool and she'll be able to stand just like Wiz.
I wish they were all loli's!
I want this to be a thing in the LN.
Me too haha!
Real talk though
shota Kazuma getting dominated by Megumin, Aqua and Darkness when?
>that relaxed face
Excalibur confirmed for smol.
I think it'd be hilarious if his shota powers were strong enough to make the girls swoon on demand.
Would love a picture with the whole cast as youths (put Megumin down to Komekko size even)..It would be cute as hell!
This meme girl has brought in a new generation of normalfags who think they are part of the loli secrit klub. Just because you sexualize a pubescent girl doesn't mean you are a cool kid. She's a young woman not a little kid.
Dumb loliko
You have it all wrong. Her entire fanbase doesn't even think of her as a loli.
And anyway, who would want to be part of a pedophile group?
>taking sexual preferences that seriously
pure Sup Forumsutism in action
>And anyway, who would want to be part of a pedophile group
OP and friends
OP is a recurring joke in the show.
Megumin is more like a loli turning into a woman who is yet to be defiled by another man and has zero sexual experience which makes her a perfect wife material for anons.
>Become lolis
>Still taller than Megumin
Being Megu is suffering
>145 cm
>roughly 40 kg
Yeah, it is.
Falling in love for the first time is also part of becoming a woman.
The joke there was the loli potion had no effect on her at all (which pissed her right off).
>go limb after each explosion
>literally needs Kazuma to pick her up and carry her around
Also, mods hate loli but Megumin is tolerated, so I didn't want them more loli then here for fear of bans....
borderline cases are the best
That's why there's a bunch doujins of her getting raped after casting explosion.
I like those doujins best when Kazuma does the raping.
I prefer it when she accepts it rather then has to be flat out raped... Kazuma truly forcing it is too OOC. The Piro one where he hugs her tenderly after she gives him the ok was wonderful.....
Yeah, the Piro doujin was adorable.
What if mana reserves are related to breast size and they end up never increasing?
Now that you mention it, Wiz and Wolbach both have huge breasts.
Prefer this one if you want diabetes level vainilla sex and cuddling and cum buckets
>tfw rarely get past the page that shows her beautiful chest from several angles
Noro Chizu II is a godsend. I also like pic related very much.
It's great, especially decensored, but I prefer to see them being awkward as fuck on their first couple fucks to that sex machine one. It feels like they haven't left the bedroom for two months...
Is this the one where she "pranks" Kazuma?
Yeah, Guntool is actually animator Takami Akio so its no wonder his stuff work is so well drawn.
why did she look so different in that scene?
did a different studio do that?
Nah, probably just a key animator with his own style.
How the hell has she not been raped again and again?
She always made sure to have trustworthy people carry her home. First Yunyun, then Rex and his party, then Kazuma.
last night I dreamed of doing lewd things with a loli, later in the dream there was an approaching hurricane and i was outside. For some reason my dad was there and not freaking out, said it would just pass us by. I looked up and saw a literal tornado funnel passing through town and convinced him to come inside with me. we went inside an indoor parking lot with a bunch of people and shortly after the rooms started to look tilted, as i noticed this the building we were in fell over.
and then i think i was dead? and a ghost watching over what happened fter i died? What does it all mean Sup Forums? I'm not normally someone who looks at lolis.
You awakened.
but user i'm the exact opposite taste wise. normally i like my girls thicc and if they're thin, flat and lithe then they're traps
I can't say it wasn't a pleasant dream for that first half though
my sole complaint with these doujins is that i don't like how this guy draws nipples
it's not that much of a distraction in the Megumin one, but it sure as fuck was in the Aqua one, kinda kept it from becoming a 10/10 doujin in my opinion
Yea it's a little weird but everything else is to fucking hot to even be a problem.
Eh, the way he draws tits actually bothers me more. They're too saggy in I and the cowtits in III don't resonate with me at all. II is just perfect in that aspect().
Agreed! Same reason why Darkness anime design just doesn't do it for me, too big, too sag....
Reminder to turn on night mode!
>we want the Megufag audience
Don't worry, I won't use nyaazi. I hate the cartel as much as the other guy.
I like her better when looks like a dumb chuuni.
Why doesn't he just fuck her?
Cuz they are both major spaghetti spillers at heart.... Give them some time...the vol 11 epilogue sounds like they are finally comfortable snuggling at least.
What does Megumin's pee taste like?
Why doesn't she just rape him?
Magician girls always prefer the green man to take charge.
It tastes like love.
>Green man
>Magician girl
Like divine juices.
I'm disappointed in the lack of Megumin pissing pics.
There's a whole doujin about it actually. Look up Kemokoya on Panda.
It's actually called "Kemokomoya", user. But many thanks!
Yeah, I should start actually rereading my posts.
I thought she was 148?
No worries. I hadn't been on ex in a while, so this is a great pleasure to find out about.
I think she's roughly 145 cm according to the chart, but that's just how the pasta goes.
>roughly 40 kg
Imagine how much fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd walk around the house just looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.
I want to rail her against a wall.
can't find this anywhere
please fellow megumi lover have pity
You are a pleb and mocked Megumin's name.
No sauce for Mashiro.
megumin fuck
Many thanks
also it turns out I'm retarded and just couldn't tell by the cover page
she will grow up...
Megumin fuck?
I wouldn't mind her growing that beautiful. She looks like the wife of my dreams here.
heh saved
Would you let that demon service you?
That's what semen demons are for, no?
>And anyway, who would want to be part of a pedophile group?
That's a fair observation.
Or just part of being a normal human being in general.
Why do people call her Megumi? Her name is Megumi~n!
I think it's mostly a form of autocorrect....
Lord, deliver this snuggling unto me...