Do you think Donald Trump regrets running for office? Do you think he would do it all over again knowing what he knows now?
Do you think Donald Trump regrets running for office...
trump never intended to be president. he just wanted more popularity for his new season of the apprentice. he didn't expect the public to be so fucking retarded to vote for him. but he guessed wrong.
Trump never had the makings of a varsity president. Small hands, that was his problem.
based on Sup Forums fanfic, this was all exactly as planned.
keep thinking that
His ego is too big to run for office and expect to lose
The guy has been the opposite of whatever president was in power, he just loves being the opposition. Even in power he's still just bitching about stuff.
He's not an inspirational type of guy, he's a yuppie.
I unironically do think he would not run if he would have known how deep he would be in a globalist civil war with bloodthirsty billionaires hiding behind every corner plotting to destroy him at literally every second
We should probably look into building a statue of him here pretty soon desu
He would much rather drink scotch and fuck random milfs.
>not an inspirational type of guy
>make America great again is not inspirational
so he did not do a platform he thought he could win on? he did
He still hasnt avenged his friends who died in 9/11, so I reckon he would run all over again.
Eating Waffles doesn't makes you delicious.
He didn't, but his campaign strategies did. Trump doesn't really have any values, so to speak, beyond WINNING.
Literally, being successful.
great roast fellow redditor XDDD LMAO benis :DDD
like it or not there is a word for that its called REALPOLITIK. not everyone is an edgy special anarchist like you
It was a good roast. Do u know dey whey? Haha
oh God, this retarded argument again. If he didn't want to be President why did he hold three rallies a day?
Also, liberal cucks argue that he A) Didnt want to be President, but also B) Wanted to be President so bad that he colluded with Russia....
.....Fucking idiots....
He probably would rather be a civilian, but he doesn't regret it either. He did it for his people because he couldn't stand what was happening to us. It got so bad, he had to step up and do what needed to be done. He doesn't have regrets, he moves forward positively and doesn't look back.
>the most media/establishment backed candidate ever lost to a guy who didn't want to win
Is this what shareblue is resorting to nowadays? They must realize they're losing by now, right?
>Do you think Donald Trump regrets running for office?
>Do you think he would do it all over again knowing what he knows now?
Donald Trump is a winner. He wins. He fucks beautiful women, he cheats on his hot wife but still bangs her too, and he's worth billions.
He didn't have to run for president. He chose to.
I don't necessarily like Trump, but I respect the fuck out of his character. Is he kinda dumb he speaks? Sure. He's not eloquent like some smooth-talking politicians, but that's part of the charm. But the main point is - he gets results. He's a winner. And the American democratic party? They're LOSERS.