What does it mean?
What does it mean?
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That pantsu wouldn't give them an admin position or a cut of the adbux like the cartel
literally who the fuck is this and why should we care
The cartel strikes back
The comment section of HS is the most reddit thing ever.
Pantsu Dev made a jew money joke, thus becoming problematic, ugh
>surprised when friend of the cartes sticks to his cartel friends
I have absolutely no clue who this is. Can someone explain why I should give a fuck?
If you have no clue then you don't need to give a fuck at all. It's the new season of fansub wars.
like it's any better than Nyaasi/Nazi
It means they cant live off neetbux anymore and they are panicking
Here's your quick rundown.
Take this shit to Sup Forums
Fair play to the cartel though, someone there must have read Henry Kissinger's biography to be able to disseminate bullshit so freely and without any sense of feeling.
not really a fansub war, but more like Sup Forums vs the cartel
>People we trust
Yeah. I always knew that HS is a part of memecartel.
Never forget the Civil W/a/r of May '17
so .si is the cartel right?
who runs pantsu?
>Reimu on the right
Crap, I have to migrate to .si now.
Yeah. Fuckin disgusting.
I'm still with Nyaa Pantsu
>not building in redundancy this time by having multiple sites instead of putting all your eggs in one swede's cuckshed just because Daiz says NOOOO CENTRALIZING EVERYTHING SO IT CAN ALL GO DOWN IN ONE FELL SWOOP IS BETTER
should all band together and take the other out.
Daiz' Official Seal of Approval(tm) and pic related are missing in that rundown
Can we hire some assassins so they would kill all cartel faggots? This jew-like cancer needs to be stopped.
but is just one guy? wasn't that the problem with the original nyaa?
But we have multiple websites this time, and their retarded fanbases are trying to enact a civil war between them.
Too late, nips already switched to si and MAL normies probably only know about si either.
The cartel had the last laugh, and Sup Forums only has themselves to blame for being so fucking useless. Sure is hard to spread the word BEFORE the cartel can launch a counter-shill attack.
>Sup Forums supports the community created effort and demands fairness for all
>"commie" supports reinstating the already powerful and uses old allegiances and dirty tactics in order to do it
Really ripens your tomatoes, huh.
rip pantsu, they had no chance against the cartel
si already DDoS'd pantsu, they feel threatened
Hertz has good head game
Nips are using pantsu faggot. And MAL normies can just fuck off
Some gentoomen autist. God bless him. I heard hes a nazi furry though so keep that in mind as far as content goes.
Nice meme.
>Sup Forums was the real commies after all
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Nips use pantsu, that's all that matters
if you're not on the side of the badass Cartel you deserved to lose nyaa
How about you actually read the announcement you retard
The truth is that cartel destroyed fansubs. Not Diaz with CR. Fansubs would be fine if not memecartel and their xenophobia.
I usually don't hate people, I'm really a nice guy, but if it comes to memecartel all my hate is focused on them. I can't say in words how much retarded 'society' it is.
One Jew joke on a website that constantly makes jew jokes. You people are retarded.
Now you're just making shit up
I think he is more proficient in the ancient arts of being anal
Damn, right looks cool as fuck.
It means HS wouldn't get ads money from pantsu so they made their own, very troubling indeed
>troubling things
What now?
Is Daiz sensitive about Jew jokes because everyone calls his best friend Jewcob?
Ban all uploads of non-canon yuri doujins on pantsu, with ACK on our side we can't lose.
Are you kidding me? Pantsu shits itself during nip hours.
HS is irrelevant, nyaa's biggest traffic chunk was from the japanese, who don't use that kind of shit, so they can stick their sponsorship up their ass
>inb4 pantsu is flooded with shit torrents
>Are you kidding me?
I'm not form Sup Forums but you just memed yourself, cuck
>troubling things
>What now?
meme cartel wins again
Is PantsuDev still alive or was he assassinated by the Cartel?
Daiz is the Walter White of anime
I wish he had cancer.
Why not stop being retarded and use both and stop putting all of the eggs in one basket like last time?
They can't keep getting away with it
Why the fuck is everyone taking sides in this. Use all of them and encourage more to be made. Have they learned nothing?
Works for me.
Because the cartel needs to fuck off once and for all you retarded shill
Pantsu is open-source, anyone can remake it if it fails.
He posted 15 minutes ago in the Sup Forums thread
Why do you think hes bald at the ripe age of 20?
Can't get that sweet ad revenue if half of the userbase is somewhere else.
You want to kill .si once and for all, just make sure that j-list goes with pantsu instead.
Literally who is the cartel? I don't pay attention to fansub drama
Are the nips exclusively using pantsu's sukebei or something? Because that shit is like down every time I visit it.
I'm afraid that the cartel is in cahoots with Jewcob to make Fakku 2.0 but this time with legal anime content.
This is probably be why Daiz is against CR now.
It's cartel who choosing sides and trying to kill all who opposing them. And they will run with old nyaa politics when they'll ban anyone they don't like. So yeah.
>retarded fanbases are trying to enact a civil war between them.
>retarded fanbases
more like "fansub group" that releases 90% of currently airing anime in english, they could just use both
But it's the cartel who is trying to kill the alternatives by using FUD tactics to drive people to nyazi
Herkz is !akemi, pass it along.
Go tell him directly
>meme cartel in charge of redundancy and fail safes
Why did the cartel ban Doki from nyaa in the first place? Have any other groups been banned from nyaa?
Don't. He obviously doesn't read them/care and it just feeds him
Friendly reminder that this mentally unstable tranny ponyfag is one of the owners of .si
It's not about drama. Memecartel is a state of mind of poorly minded brainwashed burgers. Extract the worst things about reddit, xenophobic behaviors, general Internet trolls and (nowadays) mentality of teenagers without any ambitions, but with very high self-esteem (because they know better than author of source which words/sentences/jokes wód be better). Here you go. A typical memecartel member.
Pretty much. Go browse sukebei when it's like 7am-12pm in Japan or something. Shit's better.
I don't think I've seen what the nips think of .si yet.
>Have any other groups been banned from nyaa?
a guy that was re-timing tv subs for blueray releases