White men need to start throwing White women under the bus.
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Okay but why is she brown? Amerimutt?
Not for that.
Cambodian my dude.
Asian lady over a cat lady any day.
>White men need to start throwing White women under the bus.
There is no conspiracy goy!!
How will banging slant eyed whores save the white race dumbass
gross jungle asian with a pug nose
Come home white man
It won't, why are you bringing saving the White race into it? You're not a racist are you?
can i grab her by the pussy?
though asians were smart?
That top cat is really pretty. Would pet.
>tfw like Asian women
>tfw want white kids
Terribly confused
Plus he is teabagging the other so you know he carries strong alpha genes.
Gotta go for that pure white pussy action.
Except for the lemeriburger 56% race mixing is treason against your nation and your people and should be met with death.
i throw everybody under the bus
Go back to honk Kong
So you can have your muddled down world even quicker?
Nice try shill
With my left arm I hold an asian woman.
With my right I shape sex robot with artifical womb.
This is the power of the white man
No. White women jump under bus already.
Where can I find a ching chong gf? Literally willing to betray the white race for one
>White men need to start throwing White women under the bus.
Yeah but then how will they have white babies?
Go to Laos, it's very safe
Pan-faced gooks aren't for breeding, only sex.
True Story, user. White women have fully swallowed the Cultural Marxist pill. Stay away from White women if you want to be a happy man in a good relationship. Asian women are the way to go.
Slav women are the last hope for the white race. Sorry to say.
I wonder if White chicks ever see this race traitor shit, and if they do, what they think about it. Are there even women on Sup Forums?
Who cares?
Slav women are white women
I care because it just adds to the problem.
Give in, miscegenate.
Look too brown. Not acceptable. Only Japanese Korean and maybe Chinese is OK
Gross man. Get some standards. Asian women are unattractive and this one is particularly ugly.
Mayli. Every time I see her, I wish with every fiber of my body that she were my wife. There’s just something about her that makes me crave commitment and profound, spiritual love within the sancitity of holy matrimony.
looks fluffy as fug, would groom
jungle asians are trash-tier
>White men need to start throwing White women under the bus.
Stop kink-shaming me
no u
I'm gonna throw YOU under a bus
No self respecting white man has yellow fever
brown asians are better than insect asian though. thicc and plump. I can't get hard with that slanty eye and stick body.
yeah you deserve that nazi flag.
stay the fuck away from whites psycho racist
Lol wtf is that even real
wtf I don't have yellow fever anymore
just marry a Japanese girl and your kid will look Eastern European with amazing look for the most part. the hard part is to raise your kids to not be degenerates in modern society
>need to start
it's already begun
jungle fever thicc
don't touch nigger-asians though, stick to east asians
if mayli was my wife I would fuck her in the face hard whenever I can can
>Muh thicc
Jungle asians are just mexicans of east asia, they have lower IQ and are generally considered to be subhumans by the normal asians.
By this logic why, at least for an american, go far - just marry some mexican or other hispanic.
okay fag
literally indistinguishable from a beaner
I would unironically take a fat tattooed white woman over an attractive asian girl.
Only one of them can give me a white son.
Isn't that the girl that got lads to kill themselves
only numales settle for easy asian sluts
I know you faggots don't talk to white women or even go outside
You people have no idea how foyne dat pussy smells yo.
Vietnam strong country. All other Asian country like little girls.
Did a long time ago famalam.
The problem IS white women.
>Post some tattooed up whore
>hahaha checkmate
Stop fishing for approval just because you got a Pinoy or indonesian mail order bride. Just because you're too big of a sperg to get with a chinese or korean (and in canada of all places). You can cherrypick all you want but Jungle asians on average look more ugly than regular asians. Just like Mexicans and hispanics look worse than white people.
Northeastern Chinese/Korean are the way forward.
give me that thicc asian
Sorry, shill. Asains have pancake faces and the majority of them are flat-chested with no ass. Some of them, like the one in your pic, have ugly, brown skin. White women are the most attractive and always will be.
Until they go extinct in about 100 years.
What ate you gonna tell your kids when they will have NO easy mode?
Pilleater is that you? Your Asian Aryanism shit is cringe.
Her Name you bastard
Nice USA digits
Met my chinese gf in law school; the only other 'out' Trump supporter.
only American women from the city. There good country girls.....No, what am I saying. Nords are the true aryan race and I wanna breed with one of them. I'm white as a sheet so our child will be practically see-through. That's okay. I'll stick a piece of red tape on his face so people don't walking through him.
You americans and your pan faced gook fever, its all make up, and they all have the bodies of 10 years old boys, which i guess is why you americans love them so much
you mean like pic related?
Ya'll some muh dick niggers.
Got any data on what % of women are virgins at 22, urban vs rural?
>muh THICC
Americans truly are a bunch of niggers
Classic Anri
She could lose 50-60lbs and look like pic related
SAGE. Remainder this nazi flag is a shill that makes anti women (particularly anti white) threads and comments
Nice flag faggot
dont u have something better to do than shill in all asian threads, i see these pics all the time and it always comes from u
thicc asians are god tier
Yeah, he's kind repetitive.
It blows my mind how people can spend all day, every day on Sup Forums spamming crap like "ditch white women marry and racemix with asians" while posting always the same pics as if it's some sort of cheap MKUltra program. Truly subhumans that should be gassed.