What is your excuse for not joining the Police and keeping Australia safe from filth?

What is your excuse for not joining the Police and keeping Australia safe from filth?

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cmon Sup Forums, I thought you were anti-degeneracy. Police are among the most conservative people out there.

Is this like the inmates running the prison?

In my experience very few of them have any sense of higher duty - they're just there for a steady paycheque and to have the power to put it over other people.
Conservative doesn't mean bootlicker.

>keeping Australia safe from filth
you mean revenue raising? better fine cyclists $400 for not wearing a helmet while gangs run wild lol

I am not Australian and from where i see Australia's police are quite rubbish at keeping people safe from filth. They are hardly a step above the British.



I don't live in your shit hole country

I am not Australian.

Seen this thread 6 gorillion times

Lame. It's really bad.

>joining the police to impose anarcho-tyranny on your follow countrymen.

Who do you mean by filth? Is it the racist white people who don't like getting enriched by Sudo, Leb and Chink gangs?

The level of bullshit creeping in to the Aussie police forces now is second only to Britain.

They're not afraid to come down hard on white taxpayers who do a little over the speed limit, but they will literally deny that there's any African gang violence going on in Melb.

get fucked you pig dog cunt



Im not afraid of chinks

Vigilante rando gangs with branches do it better, that's why faggot.

High level corruption tying the hands of low level officers, where you start.
You join to make your community a safer place.
In the end you end up pinging kids for not wearing bike helmets while ice dealers cashup up with zero scrutiny because warrants are lost, denied or sent through the red tape maze while johnny police commish counts the fat stack of fifties he found in his letterbox.

Hope you're joking OP, if not you're dumb as fuck. Ironically 1 percenters responsible for a lot of ice manufacture do more than the cops to keep the streets clean.

Long commute.

Im 46 years old.

>not fit enough
>permanent injuries
>i'm batshit crazy
>low pay
It would be a fun job, but I don't think I'd make the cut and I don't think I'd even want to.

City police are filth. If you want to contribute to society join the CFA


Never mind we'll arrange our own law enforcement soon I suppose.

I have too much integrity to penalise hardworking taxpayers over stuff like false rape claims or marijuana possession while real issues go ignored.

You need to pass a fitness test to get in though.

As a fourteen year old I played a gig at a new years party at the then police commissioner's house.

He plied me with alcohol and even offered me weed.