Quan Zhi Gao Shou

Are you watching the anime of the season?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off and kill yourself.

if the sound recording were less muffled and the subs weren't so shit it would certainly be up there


of course

>this spam again

What's with the hostility?

Didn't they officially get a real sub group to do the subs?


These subs look fine.


It belongs in Sup Forums buddy

And here.

Not anime.

Everytime I see this thumbnail I have to click it thinking "That's Scarlet Heart!"
And everytime I'm disappointed.

China needs to die.

Yes, I am indeed watching 神撃のバハムート VIRGIN SOUL.

If it wasn't in shit tier chinese dogspeak I might watch it.

Steam bun best boy
>tfw no age-regression /ss/ between shota Steam Bun and Mu Cheng doujin

This reminds me of my early sub days when I couldn't understand Japanese for shit. Feels kinda nostalgic to no longer be able to feel "OH YEAH, I KNOW SOME OF THESE WORDS"

Fuck off with your chink and gook shit. Kill yourself.

>mods removed thread but didn't IP ban those leaf, convict shitposters.
What the point?


>enter a thread specifically to antagonize the civil discussions in it

no, you are the shitposters


This shit isn't allowed here you fuckmunch spammer.

when you never get your waifu


>your waifu requires trips

Rollin. Also dubs

Fuck off, cuntface

It's literally chinese cartoons and not allowed here but its actually pretty good
Conversations are actually more naturally and not forced
Main girl is shit though



Fuck off chink, you cockroach are not welcomed here.


>Conversations are actually more naturally and not forced
I know you're full of shit, fuck off parasite.

Go play your shitty assfuck chink shit grindshitfest and leave us alone, chink.

Man, this shit is like Sakura Fish but it only making people angry, not entertaiment like Sakura Fish

>making people angry
>not entertainment
pick one

And Ching Chong Nig Nong to you too

Not everyone is a epic troll like you Sup Forumsro



>keep making shitty bootleg shit about video game
>when chinks can't even make a single one good video game


This is a good show, but either the subs are shit or the Chinese language is ridiculously fucking abbreviated. Ye Qiu will say like 2 sylables and an entire fucking sentence will flash on screen for .2 seconds. CG animations throw me off a bit too, but that seems to be the way of the future in all animoo.
this thread doesn't belong here because HURRR JAPANESE ONLY but I can't think of a more relevant board to put it on either, so ignore the elitist fucks and enjoy your thread for as long as the mods allow.

You mean enjoy your shitposting general? of course we will

>i can't post it on other board
>it mean i can post it on Sup Forums lol Sup Forums is just like my Sup Forums

Sup Forums isn't your hugbox, fuckface.
>for as long as the mods allow
Sure, you delusion fuck

Never said that. Reading comprehension.
I said I couldn't think of a more relevant board so just enjoy the thread while it lasts.
But you're only here to shitpost anyway
>you delusion fuck
English isn't your first language is it?

I got your relevant board right here, it called and

What wrong with /trash/? this shit fit right in or Sup Forums because it's a international cartoon

Enjoy this shit with your family my friend, no need to thank me

Wrong retard.

Also why don't you take your disgusting chinese show and fuck off?

Literally parasite, chinks and gooks are the parasite of anime & manga.

Nice stream you've got there, faggot. I'd usually tell you to lurk more, but with you it would be nice if you could go straight to killing yourself.

And don't act as if you don't know that your garbage is not Sup Forums-related.


There is nothing wrong with telling people who are actively trying to ruin the board with their offtopic threads which you keep creating over and over again to kindly fuck off and consider suicide.
Go shill your shitty show somewhere else.

>Conversations are actually more naturally and not forced
The amazing China-shill English strikes again. Strange how often this happens with "people" who like the show.

Doing gods work, user.

>as long as the mods allow
The rules are clear.
Most of your threads already get deleted.
People don't want you here.
Yet you keep creating your retarded threads.
Always the same.
Over and over again.
Acting like victims.
When nobody believe you.
