ITT: Best girls of their respective series

Post only the very best!





OP said best girls not old hags.

Good picks.

>OP said best girls
and so i posted her

now go away issei

>Haruhi fan likes a shitty tsundere and a literal memegirl
Why am I not surprised? Is it because Haruhi has both of these traits?





They are all best.


>old hags
What's wrong with old hags?




it's a boy

No she isn't, the only "girls" that are really boys are Killua's siblings.




that's some splendid taste

Knowing she's dead only makes it hotter.

Nawwwww duuuuude

OP, ya were supposed to post the best Konosuba girl.

Mikoto a cute!

Aqua is best friend, for sure, but not best girl.


the cutest

Frog Girls needs more love from the public

user it seems you posted the wrong pic

She's man's best friend.










I think our case is as solid as they come.



That's not Darkness.



>best girl
>post worst
What did he mean by this?


Why are you describing exactly what you did?

the great debate

i prefer kashima

Tsuyu with normal eyes bothers me.



Kyoko and cakeee :D

I just asked a question and posted a unrelated picture (maybe). the hell are you talking about?



Only correct posts so far.

She would be fun to bully.

I love the Nyaa girl!

Same, she's low-key the reason why I support Pantsu, I actually don't care about the cartel



Easily the best. Goddess a shit.

Best Girl


Shit Girls

thanks for the (You)

Houki is bad

Gonna have to correct the record on this one. Tohsaka is best girl BY FAR. Last time I checked caster couldn't even compare

Very nice legs.

>Not posting the real best dropout.

Holy shit, so much garbage.

She is my angel

I like her too, but Ibuki was my sweetheart from SDR2 for some fucking reason.


She is pretty fine, best friend of my angel, and i should like her more I love Magilou from Tales of Berseria that is basically her. Still, she is not near my top 15 danganronpa character

I don't know why I like her myself. Her free time events just kinda resonated with me.

I understand most of her fans are girls or very introverted dudes that need someone that light their lifes (according to certain chart).

I dont know either why i love Mikan so bad. I remember masturbating while watching her die and the next hours I spend the time thinking about her about what I have lost. I would be an ironical waifufag if it wasnt for her

>very introverted dudes that need someone that light their lifes
That's me alright.

>I remember masturbating while watching her die
What the actual fuck?

>implying MEMEmin is best girl
Neither is a flat chested girl.

Oh, it's the guy who replies to his own Kurisu threads. I hope you realize that your opinion literally doesn't matter, right?

I know, but something about she assuming her despair self and her dead being so slowly make me horny. I still love her, would literally die for her

>implying there is only one Kurisufag on Sup Forums
>user even is autistic enough to observe the threads
This is why Sup Forums needs IDs and flags like the other boards. This shitposting has gone too far!

>Kurisu doesn't get merchandise anymore so I'll hate on current popular girls!


this girl is becoming too much...


for you

she's the best at pleasing old men for money

All wrong

>implying hating on flavor of the month waifus is not something you should do
I'd prefer The Darkness because she is much more sexy.

Don't use terms you don't know.


And you responds me with you Overrated Shit
Konosuba Sucks

Incest fags Tsunshit fags are cancer
