Which one of these animus should I watch today Sup Forums?
Which one of these animus should I watch today Sup Forums?
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Kino no tabi
all shit
Bartender, then report back. I have and love the OST but I've never seen it.
Ok I will watch the first episode and report
So is this show about liking alcohol and stuff?It just asked me if I like spirits, I do.
Out of those series, I can guarantee that Kemonozume, Texhnolyze and NHK are worth your time. Obviously Princess Mononoke as well.
Space Dandy is not very good.
I haven't seen the rest yet.
bastard boss
Watch these
The OST is excellent but the manga is better than the anime.
So just read the manga while listening to the OST.
>he's unpleasantly young
he is gay
Is B-Gata H-Kei good, if I'm not looking for porn?
Spice and Wolf. The rest are lolsomature pseudo-intellectual garbage, not counting the movies.
Delete NHK.
Delete yourself.
Those filenames, couldnt make it too obvious by adding Half-life (Season 3)
>dennou coil
garbage, boring, garbage, garbage
So, the episode was pretty good.It moved me for some reason.
From what I have heard this is how this one goes right?Good then.
notsogood posting became stale years ago
Ernest Goes To Akihabara is a masterpiece
>Hey Vern, check out this waifu daki.
>not counting the movies
>angel's egg isn't pretentious
I will the second ep and probably the whole series now, thanks anons
>I call anything that doesn't pander to the common denominator pretentious
Brainlets out
it isn't smart, it's shit
Rec threads go in
it doesn't try to be smart and doesn't need to be. not everything has to be deep to be good,
Replace KAA with Kuchikirukias release for your own sanity.
>480p batch
>folders are empty
Paranoia Agent of Legend of the Galactic Heroes
What do I watch today? I'm making my way through Dragonball and Turn A Gundam this weekend but I'll let Sup Forums pick my next show.
what's wrong with KAA?
Young Pope was pretty good. Old nun a best.
Why willingly watch an inferior release?
>he doesn't get the joke
lurk more
I get the joke. The folders being empty ruins the illusion however. And I'm not sure how 480p batch is part of the joke.
There's a lot of good stuff on here but go ahead with Akagi and learn the wonders of mahjong.
'cause I can't find the superior one anywhere
Not knowing the rules of Mahjong seriously ruined my enjoyment of it and immersion, I did watch the first couple episodes though. Will probably get round to it next since the manga just ended recently
I envy your naivety.
Akagi is quite straightforward with the mahjong though, they even explain most of the basics at a fair pace. Until things go full "I have no idea what Akagi is doing", the hands, discards, points, etc. are easy to follow. Did you get the Triad release?
Why am I so moved by anything this show throws so far, I am concerned.
...why?Now you have put thoughts in my mind that cannot be quenched
Yeah, I'm pretty positive I have Triad's version of Akagi, I don't have Kaiji S2 considering I'm still waiting for them to finish the rest. Are they still at episode three or four?
I also have their version of Nanoha.
Crossed off the bad ones for you. Princess Mononoke is highest priority, followed by Mononoke and Dennou Coil.
Is Triad still alive? I ended up watching the Nutbladder release for Kaiji S2.
>miyazaki anything
>high priority
Isn't it your bed time already old man?
Might as well go in order, pretty much everything there is a winner.
Get off my damn lawn
I am already on the 3rd episode of bartender
It works very well.
>All that boring pretentious bullshit
>And also Space Dandy
It's not your lawn, you willingly asserted yourself on the one in this thread and are shilling your own flicks.
I don't even know at this point. I just gave up waiting for their release and went with Nutbladder as you did.
I have nearly all the Gundam releases apart from Victory, Seed Destiny and 00 S2 because I am desperately running low on space.
It's a fucking snoozefest. I was so boring that it took me 3 years to finish it and then I dropped Serial Experiments Lain after I realised it was the same empty shit.
Sword Art Online.
It's not my fault OP picked boring pretentious bullshit, and also Space Dandy
I agree, but I think people who like that kind of thing would enjoy it
I binge watched Texh and loved the shit out of it. I don't see how it's the same as Lain at all. If you actually think either are boring you haven't seen actual truly boring anime yet.
As someone with actual ADHD I have no fucking clue how Sup Forums ended up with such short attention spans. Just because you aren't willing to put some thought into your viewing doesn't mean it's not good. That's a problem with you as a viewer.
I know rite?I mean I haven't watched Texnho but Lain being empty is one of the most baseless things I have ever seen here.
Op picked pretentious bullshit my ass.
I need someone to weed those out as well. Also pick one for me to watch it right now
If you cant decide for yourself to drop 91 days after 3 episodes you frankly deserve your time wasted.
Do us all a favor and wait a few years before posting again.
Might as well start with the movies. Akira and Jin-Roh (if you want to read up on the Kerberos Saga before jumping in, you can) are both good starts. The rest you should weed out yourself instead of relying on the opinions of others so you can be part of the hivemind.
Pretty much only Akira and Jin-Roh are any good. Akira is essential viewing, you're a bad person for posting on here without having seen it.
>put some thought
both SEL and Texh animation is so empty and slow that only retards would think at the same pace. Anyone with more than half a brain would get bored.
You're right, stick to something complex and fast-paced for geniuses like you like Konosuba.
Because he hasn't seen Texh? Finished it myself just a couple of days ago. Just because people want to watch things in their own order doesn't mean they haven't been here for a decade.
No, because he types like a faggot.
>le ebin shitpawsting
Go be a retarded memester somewhere else, preferably plebbit.
I have posted here since the days of JIBUN WOOOOOO, don't play coy with me.I bet you don't even remember the Gendo tripfag.
Victory recently got a BD release so that's worth getting.
>Seed Destiny
>00 S2
Excuse me for not typing according to your liking, faggot.Is this better?
I'm not that of a picky person desu. I liked the shit like Akame ga Kill and Cross Ange but I know that most of them would not be even watchable. I just need you to point out at least somewhat watchable ones after Jin-roh and Akari.
Can't send people to reddit when you find anything more complex than an orange boring.Reddit was made for people like you.
Why not just pick better shows? Why that list? You can be not picky but also not watch bad anime.
I like Spice and Wolf for the unmatched comfy it has. But I think it's depending on your mood/mindset.
It's basically smug apple dog and jew having comfy talks, and the OP of season 1 is great.
my vacation is only three days and I dont want to spend more time searching and downloading more since nyaa is down as well.
I have seen season one, I should have clarified.
Let's see your masterful 200-page long essay on either of them.
Trigun and Shinsekai Yori, then
Ah I'm just finishing up on season 1 now. It's way outside what I usually watch, but something about it just really caught.
I can write 200 page essays for Lucky star, that doesn't make it deep or complex.Get your mind out of the gutter user and try to actually make an argument instaed of trying to make yourself seem better than the other party.
Since you have victory,you are Gundam man. Get victory out your system
I am half way through with a 2 year sebbatical from it.
masterful =/= full of bloat
>it's complex because I say so
It's actually good, good shows tend to do that sometimes
I am gundam.I was actually surprised at how much I liked most of the series in the franchise that I finished.Still got like 30 shows tho
Acca is comfy bureaucracy anime
Prove to me that there is bloat in Lain then, you said it was boring first, waitin' for those proofs!
>Herp derp it is boring 'cause I say so I do the same things that I accuse others off
Comfy bureaucracy anime with OPotS. The ending felt rushed but that's likely because it would require another episode or two to make it flow more naturally.
It's not like your arguments are anything other than "it's stupid and I don't like it," user. I don't think he needs to feel obligated to make any point beyond you being retarded.
No anime that references Proust is shit.I thought Sup Forums liked Lain, what the fuck happened?
You say that like Victory is bad or something. It's unironically my favorite. Best fights, some of the best characters, best mecha design. Story could use some work but nothing's perfect. Also had some really neat locations like the underwater city.
I was planning on getting Seed Destiny this weekend but went with Code Geass and R2 instead since really wanted to rewatch them with the new season coming out since it's been like ten years since I last saw it.
Oh that reminds me, EG definitely finished Victory, right? I'm so glad I managed to get their Ideon release before Nyaa and Bakabt went down.
>make a backlog thread
>not with 2 of the pre-determined OPs
>instead make a literal rec thread
you dumbass
Which anime you talking about?
Is this the backlog thread?
Victory has a lot of goofy Mobile Suits and Armors too. Tires are going to haunt my memory of it forever.
EG finished Victory, yeah. BD 1080p release. Also, BakaBT is back up as private if you have an account.
If it's any constellation in the sky I think 3x3 threads are worse because it turns out asking the title when only given a small image is annoying. Seriously. 3x3 threads are the worst thing.