*infiltrates and tears apart your movement*
hahahahaha you faggots can't even handle one twitter user how are you going to make an ethnostate lmao
*infiltrates and tears apart your movement*
Other urls found in this thread:
No idea who that is. Who is he and what did he do?
inb4 fuckingnothing.jpg
1. Got alt right men to turn on the alt right female youtubers
2. Drove a wedge between the two rising figures of the alt right: james allsup and nick fuentes. They canceled their show and basically hate each other now lol
Traitors first
Literally who?
Literally no one here gives a fuck
I don't know who this Mexican is. He has a large forehead though.
>two rising figures
Leftypol is retarded. No one gives a fuck about those two. We started calling out alt right women for not practicing what they preach.
The bar is higher now. Only a faggot nigger leftist would think that's a good thing. Soyboy kys
you sound mad
The best part is that he's effectively learned how to mock white nationalists. He makes it sound cringy as hell. I predict in less than a year Sup Forums will be anti racist haha
>1. Got alt right men to turn on the alt right female youtubers
>eceleb cancer
>2. Drove a wedge between the two rising figures of the alt right: james allsup and nick fuentes. They canceled their show and basically hate each other now lol
>2 more randoms I've never heard of
Was this guy at HWNDU?
>spends 90% of his time attacking people who share 90% of his beliefs
What's his name? What did he do?
that fucking hairline. no wonder he wears a beanie
>pretending not to notice that white nationalism was gaining traction to save face
In 6 months this place will unironically be praising minorities again watch and see.
Literal nobody. I bet the majority here, my self included, know who this is.
If you say so nigger.
>random nobody trolling other random nobodies meaning anything significant at all
The best part is I have no idea if he is actually a lefty or just mad but we are learning from his tactics lol
dude I'm not even fucking around here, but I think you have timeline displacement.
Who is he? Name?
Whats his end game?
This website is honestly a joke. People here are so deluded that they actually think they will rise so high and create an Ethno-State in the united states and that people will accept it
We currently have over a dozen individuals in various alt right groups. They will use his tactics.
Shawn, goes by the name "health and hubris" on twitter or something.
Link, can't find him
Calling out the jews used to be so edgy and that was why it was gaining popularity. Now it is played out. Mockery works.
He's an autist
Look at his posts
Stfu shawn you're the most selfish bitch. So bitter that you will willingly try to destroy something you know is right
m8, the only way you are putting the breaks on this train is if you comprehensively prove us wrong.
Faffing about on twitter does next to nothing.
1) Of all the female Alt-Right YTers only Tara McCarthy was attacked, because she's the one who sparked thotwars with her feminist-tier breakdown
2)Nick was always a stuck up prick and that is partially the reason why he was removed from RSBN, not to mention he was causing infighting before the irony bros. James is still doing fine.
Why don't you go say hi to your dead mother for me, Shawn?
Seriously, nobody knows who the fuck this is bro. I'm 100% convinced you're from an alternate timeline where this guy did some shit or something because he's a nobody in this world.
Hubris is worthwhile as far as e-celebs go. He just just blasts other alt-right e-celebs for not living what they preach. I don't understand the constant shilling against him and the honeypot crew.
He gave the perfect model.
1. do something that gets a lot of attention (took of shirt at HWNDU while drinking milk) and gets you a lot of followers
2. get "doxed" (maybe even dox yourself)
3. accuse the alt right of being the ones that doxed you which makes your followers also turn on the alt right
4. maintain at least one alt right value (like hating women) so you can stay relevant in the alt right circles while attacking and mocking another (race realism)
5. mock white nationalism the way the alt right mocks liberals
Hint: OP is the twitter fag
No, ignorant nigger, here you can see unfiltered information. Balkanization is on the way. We're not creating ethnostates, just making the ride more fun. Go home.
Why are you talking about yourself in the third person? Are you some Elliot Rodger tier supervillain?
literally who
haha i'm not him, dude. i'm just someone that hates altrightfags and felt like gloating
Yeah, ok buddy.
>mock white nationalism the way the alt right mocks liberals
Keep dreaming patchy the pirate. I can see you think an Ethno-State will come well lets see if it does in 11 years from now. Larping as a pirate lol i can see you are on the right path already lol
Nobody knows who he is because he's part of a small group called ironybros that mostly only exists on Twitter. Essentially they have no beliefs and make fun everyone, but they hate racism and white nationalism.
What those people are doing in this thread is taking credit for infighting in the Alt-Right, even though all they did was just participate and not actually provoke any of it. Thotwars and the divide between James and Nick were something that were inevitable without outside influence.
since you're being a good sport let me tell you this: there is another alt right guy that is going to have his family doxed or something very soon and it's going to come out that another alt righter did it haha (the guy is going to basically dox himself) and it will provide another huge fight for ya'll
In 6 months we’ll be stringing them from ropes.
hey guy. dumb as fuck. who cares about this faggot mug. don't know who he is. irrelevant at best, whoever he is. Lame thread.
Alright bro, have fun staying relevant with your 900 subscribers. I honestly wish the best for you.
>caring about ecelebs
Well maybe you don't care about ecelebs but it managed to effect Paul Nehlen too. The based jew namer.
no you won't. the white race is dying lol
How so? What happened with Nehlen?
This thread is gay as fuck, he didn't bring down anything.
Fuentes overdosed on memes and decided that the ironybros are hilarious. The guy is in love with all these twitter fags like paultown and hubris.
who is this supposed to be? He looks like a smuggy stupid cunt
What movment?
Alt lite? Cuz that shit be controlled op from day one
>nehlen is promoted by james and nick
>nehlen promotes them too
>they have a public drama unfold
nehlen looks like an idiot at the end of all of this
Sometimes I wonder what it must feel like to be an ethnic minority in the west and have all these "helpful" progressives stir the majority against my people. I'd probably be pretty stressed out.
Exactly thank you! All this Alt-Right crap is just CO intel pro
I'm probably whiter than you
I don't think that matters? Not many people outside oif Nick and James' fanbases cared.
Also, why're you taking credit thotwars? Obviously you participated, but only Tara and her feminist buddies like philosophi_cat were attacked. It was pretty funny too.
>gleeful at the prospect of his own people dying out
So - insane, cuck, lying, or all three?
>maintain at least one alt right value (like hating women)
But that's not a alt right value
and nobody will have any idea who they are or what they "accomplished" either, nerd virgin
oh boy i forgot to mention one more thing! he has managed to make laura loomer look like a credible person by comparing her to the other alt right women he mocked ahaha. Look for her to be taken more seriously by the alt right (even though she is a zionist lol)
...my point was that you are white though.
This thread is supergay. The only contact I have with social media is through twitter screenshots so nothing of this is relevant to me.
he calls white nationalists "racist liberals" or he says stuff like "imagine thinking a country full of atheist white people are better than a country of catholic mexicans"
I like this because it makes white nationalists look like stupid maga boomers lol
I'm failing to see the burn. Calling a WN a racist liberal makes no sense and just makes you sound like an idiot.
Same goes for "imagine thinking a country full of atheist white people are better than a country of catholic mexicans". It just seems like words he's stuck together at random. Where's the bite?
Because this type of logic appeals to those who believe anything they read without proof.
For example: Shawn was "doxed" by Spectre and his friendly after joking about it on Twitter with no proof or anything to back up that claim.
Who gets blamed? The Alt-Right, because people are too stupid to make up their own minds.
He does that while going hard on women (the weakest links). His followers were already probably dismayed with the alt right since he claimed they doxed him. Now he shows that the alt right are white knights. He will establish himself as the most edgy person when it comes to women. This will draw in more people to his side. Then he will switch it to race but go the opposite way and mock racism.
It's ironybro humor
If that's what it was, it's literal clown tier.
Sounds like you are putting an awful lot of stock into a person who I am coming to realise is a total retard...
>things that never happened
Spic Fuentes didn't turn anyone against anyone. He is a literal nobody who did nothing other than stirring up temporary drama on twitter, and hes nothing more than a puppet for that kike Laura Loomer who is herself a puppet for the head kike at Rebel Media.
Basically he and sargon have similar tactics about race. Shawn is able to retain alt right followers by calling out thots. I'm sure he has converted quite a few away from white nationalism too. I cannot wait until calling out jews becomes a stale boomer meme lol
no no nick didn't turn anyone however he did use the same false flag doxing tactics which are extremely effective since to this ol' place
So why are you very vocal about all this?
Destroying the alt right still won't make you taller, grow your hair back, or get you a gf tho
I figure if you guys know what is happening you may come to your senses. I hate the alt right but I enjoyed when Sup Forums was a lot more libertarian.
trust me i'm not that guy, i'm not a catholic tradcuck
Again, for you to shift our position in any way you will have to prove us wrong. That's what we did to the liberal consensus to get to this point.
Clowning around with no substance to it does absolutley nothing except mildly annoy people.
2 questions and then I'm done:
Would Shawn approve of you doing this?
Is the Nazbol posting by Eli Mosley and Mustache Matt just irony or are they "infiltrators"?
Jesus why can't we all just focus on the jews
I will be honest with you. I don't know about Mosley or Matt but it seems to me that they are basically succumbing to the pressure of Shawn. And is Shawn actually a leftist? I don't know but for all intents and purposes he is one. He made fun of both of those guys and now they are using his memes. Very odd! It goes to show you that shaming/mocking work in the alt right over facts. (Which is why I think it was shit to begin with.)
Sorry I was mad earlier I don't really want the white race to die out I just don't believe in an ethnostate and I was a little drunk and wanted to brag.
U gay :/
Thanks and for my last post I want to tell you this: Nazbol - whether it's ironic or not - will see a rise in "members" or people using it. But as we've seen already, only weak minded people or those who aren't truly dedicated to white nationalism will follow Shawn's lead. Mustache Matt for example.
>alt right female youtubers
lol there are no women on the internet you faggot
>twitter fags
>youtube fags
Wtf, I love minorities now!
>thinks some numale on twitter can fuck with board cultures
Topkek, we've every news agency in the world try this
Is he the one on the left at the front?
Gross fat fuck.
The ironybro crew who came on board during the election were never going to stick around. I don’t think they’re deliberate infiltrators or leftists…they’re just nihilists and twitter addicts who get bored easily. They’re the type of people who became ‘pro-white’ in reaction to the Trayvon and BLM shenanigans. They are often people with a lot of mental health issues and resentment. They were never in it for the right reasons and now project that onto the rest of the ‘movement’. They will either go back to their vapid nihilism or turn to more obscurest ideologies like NazBol or the church of Common Filth.
Shawn attracts a certain demographic that no serious political or cultural movement should have in its ranks anyway. It’s easy to be on board when things are edgy and cool, less so when things get tough. Yesterdays moonman is todays 'le 56%' for this type of personality type. The only thing that should be done is to make sure these people aren’t welcomed back into your circles when conditions change.
Makes me wish sam hyde were still on Twitter. I don't think he would be swayed by this stuff.
>1. Got alt right men to turn on the alt right female youtubers
Women in politics has never ended well and never will. This needed to happen regardless of how it went down.
>Drove a wedge between the two rising figures of the alt right: james allsup and nick fuentes
Literally who?
Anything that is new or edgy will become popular here. Contrarian above all else. Lastly that is why I'm libertarian for life.