Ukraine's Parliament Passes Contentious Donbas 'Reintegration' Bill



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I was going to come to Ukraine last year but ran out of time (2017). I'll come in summer 2018.

Whats the chances of finding a very attractive woman that I can take back to NZ and wife BUT shes not in it for the money.

(i'm handsome and white).

Go hunt near universities. Economy and stem departments.

>stem departments
Humanities and economy departments are where all the girls at.

Yeah cool

Polak undermench the eternal parasite bumps inn

Operation Storm when desu?

Slava Ukrayini!
Slava Ukrayini!
Slava Ukrayini!

Looks like Russia is about to be given justification for whooping more Ukrainian ass.

Ukrainians are too incompetent to do anything like that, and unlike Croats they will face real (Russian) army, not local hunters society.
The shipment of American weapons will probably blow up in an "accident". SBU is basically an extension of Russian intelligence.

Also, they bought 35 Javelins and 210 missiles. That's practically nothing.

You should be in Poland and his flag should be yours dear Ukranian patriot.

khazar jew rules over ukraine and the stupid goyim will die for this

American stooge nation. You Ukrainians should be ashamed of yourselves

Here go all the proxy-vanyas.

Suck my cock mongoloid ruski peasant

How many Javelin missiles do you need to unclog one British toilet?

I think your sentiments could equally apply to Oz.

Plenki, pls. Your meddling in Ukraine conflict really was the last thing we needed.

More dead in Ukraine while country sinks to African standards, k nice job.

Take it to /x/ please.


Literally CIA funded.

They literally forbade cockholes from moving those javelines anywhere near eastern border.

They keep it somewhere around lvov in a locked warehouse, under the guard of US """instructors""" cause yanks are afraid it will end up in russians' hands after the first skirmish, like those anti-mortar radars did

lol, Russians should grow a pair and take back whats rightfully theirs, just like all the other nations that had their territory annexed by tsars and given to cossacks

This brother war is retarded.

The trick is being poor yourself, I met my waifu when visiting grandmother in the Ukrainian west, not for the money.. because I have very little :)))

No thx. Too much cockholes. Just wait for a few decades, maybe they will die out or leave to Canada.

Honestly anythings better than Pakis and Chinks atm

Ukranians are Russians in denial. This is it. There is nothing more to it.

Please, user, i love you for your comment, but lets use the correct terminology.


Dude, your foreigners are some of the most well behaved people around. Why the fuck is the leaf complaining?

just dont become slaves of the Americunts (which might happen) because that would make you an other bitch of the Zionists

>Russians should grow a pair and take back whats rightfully theirs,
You mean like taking Vladivostok back from the hordes of Chinese migrants that pour over the border each day? Too busy stealing Ukraine clay.

>*gets guns from America*
>*sells guns to Russia*

every ukrainian should be castrated

Krim Nash

What the fuck. Is that counting Donbass or are they really selling stuff to Russia?

Do they want us to invade or what?

>Kiev’s round table on problems of migrants in Ukraine discussed a new social project prepared by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine and aimed at promoting tolerant public attitudes towards refugees and asylum seekers.
>The project’s main goal is to turn Ukraine into an inviting place for migrants and humanize Ukrainian society.
>It is worth noting that the project will be fully funded by the Federal Foreign Office. Thus, German authorities involve not only the EU members with their compulsory quotas of refugees’ distribution, but also the EU candidates in resolving the common European problem of migration.
>According to President Poroshenko, Ukraine, as a future member of the European Union, is not going to withdraw from its commitments to accept refugees; it will strive to increase their number.
they already are lmao

Separatists are commies not brothers hope Holols kill them all.

do you really think this is a war over communism? ignorant burger faggot

No, the hoholstan itself. these cancerous fucks pretend they're repelling some massive offensive, and beg NATO for modern equipment that they can monetize and sell further east.


Prime minister of (((Ukraine)))


poland's new pm is jewish


Is it true that ukrainians are psychopathic degenerates who commit tons of war crimes?

I love how this is true world wide


Well, it's Poland... pretty ground zero.

they are just crazy faggots who constantly seek western praise by destroying their country
>doesn't understand russian 'anti fascists'

Umm, no, sweeties

Separatists praise commie symbols and call Holols fascists and Nazis also I'm not a burger.

>Russians should grow a pair and take back whats rightfully theirs
Consider the following: Crimea's population is only 2 million and ever since in rejoined us it has been sucking so much money from all over the country tat my region is starving. The population of Donbass if 50 million and unlike Crimea it suffered severe destruction. We wouldn't be able to restore it. We would only kill ourselver if we tried. Remember how Putin asked the Federation Council to approve using force in Ukraine, got the approval and never delivered? This is because Shoigu came to him and advised against the invasion citing what I've just explained.

you guys are impossible. i wonder how that's gonna turn out...


i always wonder what are you expecting to find in a poor country "not for money".
she will not love you anyway, i feel your cucksmell from another side of Earth.

hohol gotta eat..

he does look pretty jewy desu
because commie symbols represent nostalgia for the 1980s which was russian power at its height. calling ukranians nazis is half true because of the radical nationalists but mostly it is done by the russian media as propaganda (since nazis wanted to ethnically cleanse russians in ww2)

this is a war between the liberal, degenerate west and traditionalist russia, supporting ukraine in this conflict means supporting the expansion of degenerate, anti white us influence

They can eat themselves, as proved by history... they're subhumans anyway so it wouldn't be a loss

Fucking dumbfucks. Your country is already the biggest shithole in europe. Putin will bomb you the the stone age.

Stop shelling civilians. Fucking literal eu nigger


>he does look pretty jewy desu
Idk, for me he always looked disturbingly similar to Himmler.

your russian onions cant save you now goy

How do you feel about changing your govt, causing a war where hundreds of good men are diying both sides, hundreds of good future wifes diying too, only to become a usa jews puppet. Your current govt is a corruption shithole too and they're going to fullfill your beautiful country with niggers and sandniggers to "multiculturalize" it, raping your blonde woman and beating your childrens... I would be so pissed and would forget anything about "muh evil russians" to focus on improve your land and reject globalism, like Poland, Czech and others...

Ukraine isn't a country anymore.

>khazar jew rules over Earth

yup. they constantly give away military equipment for some silly prices

b-but muh based natsees!!1!1

Ukraine is a joke that went too far and not funny or amusing anymore. Even government tv channels don't really give shit anymore. No one cares.

Ukraine : Russia is aggressor!
Russia: Ok maybe we should review our Treaty of Friendship then
Ukraine: Nooo it's profitable for our economy we will keep it operational you damn moskowites!


When will Ukraine get new laws concerning citizenship?

Also do you consider ethnic russians who are loyal to Ukraine, as Ukrainian?

Bomb them syka blat !!! They filled all south tel aviv with their stinky hookers. giving blowjobs to arabs. their cunt women will put anything in their mouth.

>Hodorkhovski tied with literal fucking Rothschld family.
Why am I learning this only now? Knew he was a criminal kike but not that he was fucking NWO satanist kike.

>I was going to come to Ukraine last year but ran out of time (2017). I'll come in summer 2018.
Why are you going to Ukraine?
>Whats the chances of finding a very attractive woman that I can take back to NZ and wife BUT shes not in it for the money.
Ukraine needs their people now. Ukraine is not capeble of being healthy and exporting people. Ukraine has a very low birthrate.

My tips for east slavs is to get better controll of your finances. I have heard that slavs are very shortsighted when it comes to financial matters. Many marriages fail due to financial stress. Make some cultural taboo against corruption.

You jews trick/kidnap them and force them to do it. I saw it in a melodrama movie so it must be true!

You will learn what will tell you to learn. Zyibal pizdahz idi naho.

ukraine will get btfo again

We dont need this Slavic trash HIV cheap sluts. We have money. We can get high quality pussy if we want. Sluts from UKR - Arabs take them.

>Bomb them syka blat !!! They filled all south tel aviv with their stinky hookers. giving blowjobs to arabs. their cunt women will put anything in their mouth.
Do they infect jews with degeneracy too?

Russia has so throughly curtailed our standing worldwide and crippled our international infrastructure, I'm pretty sure they could invade Ltihuania and Latvia tomorrow and the west wouldn't react at all. I can already imagine the excuse making, and it is the same as it always is.
>No one really wants a world war over -insert small European country here-
>Country isn't protected
>Nato falls apart
>Russia can pick apart europe on a whim.

Meanwhile president Xi in China is making our country look weak and foolish and has been expertly maneuvering us into a corner with trade.

I have to hand it to Russia and China, if the US doesn't become politically stable and get its head back in the game soon, the consequences to my nation could be irreversible.

Based onions

""war crimes"" well, i don't think its a proper term because pretty much all the Polish males were at war fighting Nazis and russians. There was no real symetric war just a horde of ukrainians torturing and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent and defenseless kids, woman and elders. They wouldn't waste a bullet to kill fast and "humane". They wanted everyone to suffer before they die so they would for examply take 8 year old kid, break all his bones, than put his limbs into a boiling water, skin him off, than impale him and let him die in pain. They literaly created a book of 362 ways of killing people.

The bigger problem is that """the ukrainians""" don't understand that killing innocent defenseless kids is bad. That they shouldn't do it. They literaly recently claimed this people responsible a national heroes and they are building national identity on this childkillers who did nothing else but killing kids.

Enjoy nigger and muslims dicks. Also fags will take over culture. Your pretty women will be sold to Dubai and Tel-Aviv as hookers. This is your Soros-country.

If you guys offered Russia NATO membership we could bully the China together every year. But no, must let everyone and their dogs in NATO, especially paragons of democracy like Turkey, just not russians.

Watch out, Donbass may end up "reintregrating" the rest of Ukraine into itself.

You're starving because you are functionally retarded. Donbass is only 4 million population


Same reason USA never annexed Mexico.
We simply do not need another 50,000,000 mouths to feed.

Your "nation", what do you mean by that? Anyway is Chinese or Russian sucess bad to the USA? Why cannot everybody be succesfull?


Here is another example brainless hohols are.

Funnily enough, if we ever annexed parts of Bosnia we'd be annexing their best parts (Croat-majority areas have much better living standards than Bosniaks and especially Serbs) and the annexed area would be better off than our currently poorest regions.

Why does this Russian troop look cute af

this is smart politics: pass some stupid laws and put pressure on russia

now Ukraine can get its land back when russians are scared of new personalized sanctions against every important russian

My dear gopnik,you have no understand what a weapon is, this wont end well as usual.

Even Jews don't want hohli! I can't stop laughing!

Nice source, pidoraha.

quit LARPING as a jew and go home, Ivanstein

>The population of Donbass if 50 million
fucking retarded vodganigger.