ITT: Stuff you agree on with your opponents.
ITT: Stuff you agree on with your opponents
Israel is illegitimate.
Being gay isn't inherently bad. Being a net negative to society is.
What I agree on:
The system is rigged. There is no true democracy.
What I disagree on:
((Who)) is rigging it.
Sigh... Yes I also agree that equality of opportunity is important. that does not mean we should strive for equality of opportunity.
The is no reason the United States can't figure out a way to make healthcare affordable and available to all its citizens.
You must be a leftist if your opponents thing it's wrong to be a triple negative on society
The state of this place...
All this far right pro hitler crap is just that crap.
We are now in the middle of politics and people still hold on to a stupid past they never even where a part off and with it risk destroying everything we achieved over the last 5 years. Let the past go it helps no one right now. Stop with the idiotic Nazi larps and jews this jews that. It hurts when you are just steps away from almost being mainstream.
>le go hang yourself faggot
The honeybee going extinct would be bad.
Only hot women can be gay.
If that doesn't make your dick hard, I got some bad news for you. YOU'RE GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
>using normie-tier "hahahaha" instead of kek or top kek
you just had to laugh at that one.... didn't you?
it does make sense tho
Homos must be dealt with.
Capitalism is a flawed system. Someone will always let the jews gain foothold because of greed.
The day of the rope is coming soon, shill
This. It's amazing to me the left can hold such hatred for Israel yet such subservient respect for the Jewish people.
Its funny because all of their hip, beloved, progressive Jewish politicians and celebrities all shill for Israel when backed into a corner.
That right-wingers are too stupid to organize.
Rather too worried about self-interest to join a collective action.
Which is why they need a chief to follow or an aggressive ennemy.
If only they understood the true nature of power. One man is a nut, a few are a cult, and many are a faith.
Politics is conflicting interests
No more, no less
Political conflict is just that. Political power is winning the conflict, or at least assuming a temporary position of control.
>ITT: Stuff you agree on with your opponents.
1. Freedom isnt free
2. 95% world pop needs to go before any kind of freedom can be attained
Women are trash and need to have their rights forcibly taken away
Don't worry bong, your daugther will still wear a burqa and marry into the superior Pakistani race
Good I hope so.
t. Paki
Reminder that by now majority of people posting here are "rehabilitated" leftists, and the baseline reasons why they became leftists first are still there.
Even if everything is true it doesn't matter.
Hitler was a cancer and caused a substantial amount of damage.
I believe that his autism set back nationalism and the nation-state by decades.
Liberals get the bullet too.
Single payer healthcare.
Controlled immigration ain't bad and Hitler was an idiot.
Leftists want equality of outcome (ie vagina and nigger quotas), not just opportunity.
White people came from albinism.
Niggers deserve the rope
Hitler was wrong for ever trusting the eternal Anglo to uncuck themselves and get the Jew dick out of their mouths leading up to the war.
And he was wrong for ever counting on the Italians for anything.
These two autistic early-war policies did him in.
Marx analyzed capitalism very well.
Israel must exist as long as states exist.
>using kek and kek's variations
watch out, we have a 2016 election oldfag over here
I'm in the middle of almost everything, I have no side. Cant's stand niggers and immigration, but am all for the gays doing their thing. Very pro-business (I own 2) and against the minimum wage, but think we're fucking the enviroment and am for universal healtcare. Love firearms and own many, but hate the cops. Very pro weed legalization.
Political power comes from the barrel of a gun.
Unions are an integral part of a free society.