How long until the alien processes Shindo completely into the perfect pet?
Seikaisuru Kado
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I've got a bad feeling about this guys
Abstract kind of homo end confirmed.
Shindo leaves humanity with ayylien.
Tsukai is the avatar of humanity.
Nah, if you look at the promo materials, zaShunina is portrayed as a positive character. Some of his actions may end up being questionable due to his alien morality, but he's definitely not malicious.
>"You know, Shindo, you are my favorite mouse."
>''when was the last time you've slept?''
I don't know if I want to stay on this ride anymore
What did they mean by this?
Fuck, wrong pic.
There's a difference between not being evil and not knowing you're evil (to others).
Common courtesy? Makes it easier to pick up the cup.
Still though, there's definitely some end game objective that humanity might not like even if he's not malicious.
I'm betting it's gonna be some evangelion ending where everyone gets turned into lcl soup and zaShunina is an accumulation of his people or something
The shining ring, why did they make it shine? What's important about it?
Is the next episode a recap?
The whole talk about zaShunina's family and children could be hinting that he's simply trying to elevate more beings on the same level as himself. Maybe the anisotropics are so rare there's just a few of them, so he's attempting to grow the advanced alien population.
I like sleeping.
It stops the suffering for it's duration.
Yes. Could be still relevant, though.
I thought she's married?
Misleading advertising. He looks like a safe well meaning man but really wants to turn humanity into immortal wageslaves. Don't be fooled.
When was this mentioned? No way..
>inb4 it was a dream all along
That's not the ring finger - it's on her left hand.
Being Hanamori is suffering.
stockholm syndrome
It only took about 12 hours to move. Civilians in this show are so understanding to inconveniences
Why is there to be sad?
Feels good to be right
Seeing Hinamori's dead eyes is painful.
Is he dead inside already?
zaShunina exchanged his nuts for wam.
Same. the fuck that's something I actually want to keep. tfw hes going to pop immortality out at the end.
Illuminati confirmed
I'm half-expecting Shindo is already immortal.
>Getting rid of the only moments where we can actually have some peace.
He needs to be stopped.
It was still very lewd and Shindo was visibly flustered.
Notice how he keeps his eyes on Shindo. He doesn't spare a look to the balls until the very end of the scene.
In the first place he didn't need to lean in on Shindo to grab the balls. I can only conclude Zashunina was performing a little experiement here.
Post alien lewds.
Calm down, my afro american brothers. He didn't say you CAN'T sleep anymore, he said you don't NEED TO.
I imagine it's like being on speed when you feel you have unlimited energy and want to work all the time, you don't even think about sleeping or eating.
I really like this one.
I know right.
The idea of not being able to sleep scares the shit out of me.
Look how Hitler ended up fag,he thought he was doing good to Germany,and then look what happened
And that's the only one existing.
>implying he won't have 6D mindsex like Dr. Manhattan did
Draw your own dream lewd fanart on MS paint.
I'd bet it he attempted the mind link from their first encounter, he'd actually be able to handle it now.
I can't. I can only shitpost on 4chin and hope some talented fujo picks that up.
Found it creepy honestly. Fujo goggles be damned when the ayylien starts freaking me out.
>performing a little experiement here.
Like what? What was the point?
Checking how comfortable Shindo is with personal space invasion?
It's a little frightening to be honest that zaShunina didn't even mention the prospect when he was selected. It's just like, "Hey, noticed you haven't slept in like almost a month?" It feels like he was taken advantage of, losing a little part of his humanity involuntarily.
Shindo is talking about friendship and relations, and he just drops that bomb on him
So lads. Best show of the season?
I have a feeling Shindou was more 'humanised' this episode on purpose, so the impact of his reaction would be bigger.
I like Bahamut more but they're completely different shows.
Yep. You can see he realized he was on a slippery slope toward the anisotropic when he cut off the conversation to bring up the subject of moving Kado. He reverted to calling the aylien "Anisotropic being, Yahakui Zashunina", instead of just Zashunina as he usually does. As if to draw the line between himself, a human, and Zashunina.
Do it. With stickmen.
If you insist.
Never trust ayyliens.
i need my sleep though
Thank you for this, user. It wouldn't be an exageration to say this brightened my day.
In a global world where the anisotropic and our universe exchange goods, your measly human bean productivity isn't competitive enough. By getting rid of sleep however, the human race can retain its value on the labor market.
Kado, Bahamut, Re:Creators and Uchouten Kazoku are the best shows this season.
They are trained for disasters less worse than fukushima disaster's earthquake.
This is piece of cake for them.
>No need for sleeep.
I would fucking love this idea if I were a employee.
I would make my employees work 24 hours in each 365 day paying only for 8 hours.
More payment free overwork! More profit!!
Who's the lucky fuck who claimed her
Reminds me of DMMD for some reason so I get what you mean.
>I would make my employees work 24 hours in each 365 day
Thank you.
Most art for this suck so much. They get Za's body all wrong.
Stop this.
You should blame those filthy anglos and drgenerate slavs instead
>for some reason
Maybe because Aoba's body and mind end up being trained/modified/tamed in some fashion by more than half of his love interests.
Or because of the not human guy with white messy hair.
When I first saw a thread about kado, I thought ayylien-kun was Shiroba.
I want to becomes Shindo's step dad.
The not human guy with messy white hair who performs numerous body modification on the human guy to make him more like himself?
Well, now that you mention it.
Calling it now: he's up to some Childhood's End shit.
>yes goy, it's the anglo's and slav's fault! Not the Jews, of course. we're your greatest ally!!
>non-human character performing body modification on human to make them inhuman
>it's shitty BL
boner gone, give me boy/girl or girl/girl corruption
Shiroba is so hot yet he appears so little. What a waste.
Shindo's mother is writing lewd alien fanfiction and that's why she wanted to find more information about alien reproduction. "I was thinking he might be lonely", yeah my ass you filthy squid-eating fujoshit succubus.
>No need to sleep
There's no point if it's for everyone.
Don't talk shit about my wife
BL VNs are chock full of this, don't you have this in straight VNs? I'm sure someone can rec you something.
>hadaka shitsuji
This brings back so many memories and to this day I have never eaten udon and even the thought of it makes me want to throw up.
>give me boy/girl or girl/girl corruption
Not really the best thread to ask for this.
Seriously? user you're too pure. I fapped to that scene less than a week ago.
I'm redownloading the game right now. I don't like cum in food cause it just grosses me out sorry.
Where are his legs?
Probably in a dumpster somewhere. He didn't need them anymore.
Where are you dowloading it? I couldn't find a working link so instead now I just watch youtube videos.
Well, shit, never thought the bay would have it.
Thank you user, you're so sweet.
I'd like the prospect of not sleeping.
Maybe I can finish that backlog finally.
Seems a nice idea, but it's a hell of a thing to just dump on someone with no warning.
Productivity would skyrocket.
Fair enough.
She wants him to take her out on a date, doesn't she?
She wants more than that.