Anti-white roastie BTFO
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Will they ever learn? haha
is that really the same person
Not even the same whore
Toll payed
Not the same person quite obviously, but to answer your question, no, they will not ever learn.
Are you going to take care of her and her children once she's done having fun with real men
The only thing that got deconstructed was her face
As a hispanic gentlman, I hatewhite women. They are traitors and thots.
Different bitch
What defines "white"?
I honestly couldn't tell if they were the same girl or not. Either way coal burners are dumb as shit.
Fuck yo bitches, smack yo bitches, no consequences. No wonder wh*tebois are mad
Being manipulated yet again Sup Forums
learn to crop and reverse image search
Shoo shoo t*rkroach sandniggers
Socks, sandals, near a pool.
id rather sandniggers over niggers anyday.
>a hispanic gentlman
what's that?
BLACK men are rising to power and there ain't nothing you can do about it cept film yo wives and daughters being breeded by REAL men
It's funny because by her own reasoning the children she brings into this world will be brutally oppressed by the white devil. What kind of idiot does that?
does anyone know her name on the left?
why the fuck was it blurred out?
Calm down not everyone is ehat your head imagines
actually sick of u ppl racist shite, this image is fake as shit so please go fuck yourslf.. niggas have as much a right to bang your precious white girls as much as the next baka.. infact girls like us more cause we have proper sized diks so fuck off
mestizo or mexican
fuk u u fake niga
Not the same girl, the first image is ancient and has been floating around Sup Forums for ages before it came to Sup Forums.
Some retard just took a random racemixer and a random beaten woman and put this together.
Fuck outta here bitch ass nigga!
Your fonding fathers definion: north-western Euros and some excepions from others.
Doesn't change the fact that u wh*tey is goin extinct!
Lol 17 century's definition lol back than when they didn't know anything about biological facts lol gtfo
whatever whiteboi go back to your mommys basement and let your sis out to play
Toll status: PAID
Pay the toll cunt
Lmao made up stats don't cover the reality that yo bitches is crazy fo da BBC
Keep launghing wh*teboi ur time is up!
>Calls alt righters racist
>Advocates racial genocide
t*rks are cockroaches
Those are made up. Reality is not that in reality i see tons of "white" women with all kinds of different people. Stop going to the American renaissance website
>Stats I don't like are made up.
I don't give a fuck bout dat country with dinner name, wh*teboi!
Kek like you'd kno about going outside 2 see how many of yo women are hanging out with REAL men
>this data is wrong sir, I have the personal anecdotes to prove it!
Stop namefagging forever before you get into another argument about fucking puddles you brainlet.
Your made up anecdotes mean jack shit. Call stats you don't like fake all you want, it doesn't change the truth.
ok mehmet
Doesn't look remotely similar. Not that I care though. The bitch to the left got some serious mental issues that we don't want in the white gene pool regardless.
You wh*teys so dumb fo real!
We know you're a roach, mehmet. Not that it matters, I'll normally just report you when you show up on index because you're so, so easily spotted.
>Real monkeys
The coolest monkeys in the jungle, I'm sure.
Keep going retards, yous makin me lmao
No but I’ll film myself hanging your nigger ape wife from a tree and burning every black child alive. The Day is coming nigger.
Yous population is steadily decreasing and u still talkin baka
its fake news. like that white woman who went to haiti to do aid work and got raped.
Jealousy: The Thread
Your personal family = reality for majority
U can kill as many niggas as u want we still make more beautiful mulattos with yo white women
Why did you bring up puddles again? And who are you to tell me! I cant put my name? Fuck off
>niggers always boasting about the lowest and cheapest form of entertainment in the degenerate tier world of carnal desire, shit, piss, blood, cock, pussy, slimy shitty sweaty filthy shit
I mean, fuck, tell me you're going to make a scientific breakthrough that will benefit all mankind, tell me you've just completed a Phd in anything, Tell me you've created a new safe unlimited energy source, anything, anything please nigger. Fellow being, tell me something besides
>Imma fugg yo whitey cracker womyns yeeeah you not do nuffin bout it white boii
Who gives a fucking SHIT, take all of them, fuck them all, knock em out, do what you like, good, now tell me something I actually give a fucking shit about
Fucking leafy boy kek you probably think this geographical graph proves race huh?
>implying niggers stay around for marriage
lel, just because a white woman ended up marrying a white man, it doesn't mean she fucked a pack of niggers in her young days.
Unless you got stats on that, GTFO faggot.
Also im not appealing to authority but if you look at this studythat was done between 1996-2004 from the university of Harvard you can see that a study was done in both North America and Europe of biological anthropologist from both regions. The study was too see if the anthropologist (biological ones) recognized "race" as a biological reality and only 31% American anthropologist recognize race as biologically real and the majority dont
Now *this* is a real nigger, as compared to the shill bait "u mad whiteboi" shit that gets posted here so often.
You can spot a real nigger by the low iq, inability to use language properly, and quick rise to anger.
To address your points, nigger, you have no right to anything. All you do is destroy, denigrate, and foul anything you touch. Go back to smoking crack and beating your baby mamma.
empiricism is bad. got it.
I brought it up because that was a hilarious argument honestly.
Oh shit I set the sperg off. Carry on my dear Mexican intellectual.
>muh dik
Well, you have to consider, that this stat may purely be a result of the proportions of the relative races.
I mean, some native indian is of course much more likely to mix because it's harder to meet a fellow kin, and of course simultaneously much more people of other races to meet and ultimately choose from.
This nigger could hava rekt oyu with basic critical thinking, but alas, he is a nigger.
Also, I wouldn't infer form these stats, that white women are "racially loyal", there are simply circumstances that favour being with the same race, primarily a large population of whites to choose from.
In fact, women are never really racially loyal besides in something like the Reich, where they are forced.
Women always are going along to get along.
Nice try
You literally could have debunked his claim, see my other post.
But well, you are either leftypol or nigger, nothing surprising.
We beat our women frequently, but they never go to the po-po when we do it.
It only happens when some italian or american bf/husband does it, then they go to jail and take everything from them.
Woah there, almost cut Myself on that edge
Of course i'll carry on! Lol thats what i do! Now assuming that your "puddle argument" is for "seeing differences without science" is what it is all i have to tell you is uts not that simple, as i showed earlier here looks can be deceiving for genetic purposes. But lets say for example "skin color" is it racially true? No
Skin color is due primarily to the presence of a pigment called melanin , which is controlled by at least 6 genes. Both light and dark complexioned people have melanin. However, two forms are produced--pheomelanin , which is red to yellow in color, and eumelanin , which is dark brown to black. Infact here is a study about the relation between environment and a genetic level
All the people who post here are fucking normies who need to leave ASAP. This is a SLIDE thread! Anyone who genuinely posts here is paid by Soros or a bot. Sage and report. Don't let the normie invasion stay in the way of the truth. 14/88.
And lets not get started on the 75% rule that supposedly proves "race"
>niggas have as much a right to bang
wew lad
not to be gay, but there is this concept called consent.
Become the majority, beat the spics in the race, and the odds of women on the white side race-mixing will simply increase.
Then you bang them a few generations and congrats, the hand that has fed you is severed, then, some day china or some other remaining force will claim """humanitarian intervention""" and
Congratulations! It's now a Shithole country!11!1
The funny thing is, you will not be able to point me to a single instance of Blacks building a successful long-term civilization.
Spics will retain civilization a lilttle better, but just look at mexico, yeah...
This post is more adressed to the other anons.
sage this.
(I'm just randomly replying)
>that happy merchant in the background
Cherry picker
They're not even erected. And why are you posting dicks on Sup Forums?
Why white women loves black men so much?
>3k year civilization in egypt
>1k year civ in syria
Are you kidding me
Na it was a different woman, with a obviously fake tiwtter account with only a few posts.
>Less autistic
>More muscle mass
Also did you just call me sperg? Assuming jews exist lol no they are mixed mongrels like all of us infact here is a study that shows inter "racial" marriage with "Jews"
Furthermore genetic studies show jews are not a race.
>TFW you realize that is imperative to have white children, but you look around and what passes for white is fair skinned mestizo, everywhere.
Fuck it
What do Sup Forums ?
Lel quintessential only can happen in america picture
does anyone else think these women are waaay too young for these bois
They don't look remotely alike how fucking retarded are you people?
So are you like a legit illegal?
please come here and give me a child
there is NOTHING wrong with breeding with superior men. hitler would be proud of us women today for taking the initiative and breeding UP.