Lads how do we fix "right-wing" (((women)))?
Lads how do we fix "right-wing" (((women)))?
Replace them with super statuesque sexbots.
You’re adorable
You thinking scribbling out beastiality doesn’t still make it a pic and post of beastiality
You shills are getting desperate to post porn. But I’ll give you this, at least you’re trying sweetie
I am not shilling, this is legit
What the fuck is wrong with right-wing women?
its time for your bump to make room for the left wing women.
>Right-wing women want to be dominated by black men
>Right-wing men want to be dominated by white women
>I’m not shilling
>proceeds to not only post blacked but makes the extra effort scribble out nigger cock so mods don’t insta ban
As I said kike, you and the other girls in the office are learning and evolving.
you can't stop asking this stupid question, women are broken
world is changing, we will find you.
saged this shit thread of course.
She probably saw the post and though it was a "warning" about how white population is declining.
I scribbled out nigger cock because Sup Forums doesn't want to see it.
I would have blocked entire pic if I thought you guys were going to sperg out
Second pic is far worse than the nigger cock tbqh
Pfft hahahaha this level of delusion
can you link at the tumblr post?
That's literally what I though when I saw the graph.
Bitches tumblr, she posts wholesome fashy stuff, hides what she has liked.
Page she liked.
typical antifa false flag thread. meme flaggots kys
To be honest,it's probably a cuck.
Lots of twitter and youtube accounts that present themselves as rightwing women are men.
And a lot of them are cucks.
Just like a lot of feminists crave to be dominated.
Btw how did you find this out?
No need to go any further
women only get license to operate the internet when they're married. it gets revoked upon divorce/widowing.
Just scrolled through "her" tumblr.
Lots of white women posts that show "beauty of the white women",some are very sexy,showing legs and boobs.
This is not what a girl would post.It's just a guy that poses as a woman.A surprize surprize,guy who's deep into race shit also has a fetish.
it amazes me how there are people who actually watch this shit. there is no appeal
i bet that greg lansky is into cuckolding