Are you guys actually racist or is it just trolling?
Are you guys actually racist or is it just trolling?
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Racist? What is this?
Kys and sage
Nobody here is actually racist
What idiots actualy think they are superior based on how tan they are
Fuck off crime-nigger
Is is racist to not want anymore immigrants and not wanting to end up a minority in my country?
If it is, then yes
It is if they are war refugees
1. people legit racist
2. people ironically racist
3. people in between 1 and 2
some people point racism is just divide and conquer in our current racial diverse society,we must unite against evil which is jews and their servants, so yeah only one kind of racism is good in my book, racism against jews since they are trying to fuck with us
like 95% of pol except bluepilled people like you.
Racist, or aware of racial traits ?
Do you not believe in hereditary genetics? Niggers have a fucking 65 IQ in Africa. Even in America, where they are heavily interbred with whites, their IQ is 85 and it's agreed upon that the hereditability of IQ in the US in 0.75. 75%. You can't possibly believe that blacks are equal to whites. They have an underdeveloped pre-frontal cortex, giving them poor impulse control.
take a wild guess
Most of us believe that there are differences in intellectual capability between races, and explaining or trying to fix the wage gap without acknowledging this is injustice.
Yes nigger
The truth lies somewhere in between.
You do know the plan on the jews is to flood white countries with shitskins to make white countries into a brown hoard that the jews rule over, right? That's known as the Kalegri plan.
This "divide and conquer" meme is so fucking retarded. Every race separates itself from other races. Kill yourself.
The only perso who tried to rob me was black. But i have a black friend Neverthless they have to clean their image and realize they represent the whole race if you will.
Then how do you explain this?
nah I'm a racist m8
the funny part is I don't to be but God damn try and live with 80% nigger country where they want to kill you
No. We love jews, blacks and islam. All racist here are just russian bots. This is place of diversity.
Hahaha yeah it's all bantz man. Gas the kikes race war now lol :^)
>so let's fight the niggers instead of subverting them against the jews
nah man, then is us alon against all, and that means we don't get to win but to get humiliated and punished, do you want that? go ahead, that's "the plan"
I for one say fuck jews and jews only
While it may very well have something to do with genetics and different-sized brains, i think it mostly is consequence of poor education in africa and unwillingness to study in america. It is in black culture to be a nigger so they grow up to be niggers.
i must say though that im pretty wierded out by how black people talk and move their arms. They seem... slow?
What is there to explain? Existence of outliers does not contradict existence of averages.
i hate everyone. especially niggers. and jews.
I'm incredibly racist. I have been since existing while white was made the new definition.
I wasn't racist under the old definitions, so I don't know why they felt the need to change it. Might have been one of those things where you need to invent enemies if there aren't enough of them.
Same thing according to the dictionary.
Yes,trolling,i went to prison for 3 years because i ironically stabbed a gypsy that was trying to robb me.
than I am racist as hell, yes.
Foreigners fuck off
Look up what a bell curve is.
Nope. It's genetic. Race always correlates more closely than poverty or any other excuse for poor black performance. Rich blacks commit as much crime as whites below the poverty line.
Yes and no
I judge everyone based on their personality when I meet them. I've met plenty of blacks and Indians etc that are good people, hard workers and have family's . I can't hate someone like this .
Although when I see gangs of Sudanese teens robbing and bashing people on the news all the time I think fucking blacks, send them back to Africa.
There are good and bad in every race, It just happens that some races have more shitty people than others and that's a fact.
I'm xenophobic. Only Americans give a fuck about shit like race because they have no individual national identity or culture.
Nice datamining fag
Not being racist anywhere outside of an ethnostate is like not being homophobic in prison.
You have no reason to believe it's because of education. There is no proof of this, and the very claim is inaccessible to controlled experiments. You believe it because you think it's the "default position", whereas believing races are different is bigotry/fearful/hateful.
I bet half of all people here are not even white
we acknowledge that particular races have different attributes and are prone to do certain things
we don't hate people based on skin color, we hate based on attributes and activitys we deem inferior
>this place is browsed by all races so naturally its a cesspool of hate for all races even whites
Have you seen this video by Lauren Southern?
"British culture means to be multicultural, there is no longer any distinct British culture"
Made me fucking sad, once a truely great nation now a home for the people you once fought against
Forgot pic
I am not racist but I believe eugenics should be heavily enforced because if not our entire fucking world is going to collapse under our incredibly low average IQ as a species
The more dumb people keep on being allowed to have more babies, the worse it’s gonna get
It’s happening all around us as you read this post, the collective is getting stupider and it’s only going to get worse until the elite can just hole up somewhere and abduct children and manufacture whatever the fuck they want whenever they want without question because low IQ vs super rich normal people
You can call anything racist nowadays. A bullshit term made up by a commie jew.
We just know the truth.
British culture has always been artificial, and is complete and utter bullshit. It always has been. It was held together solely by imperial glory and fell apart as soon as it stopped being convenient. Any wog or Paki can claim to be British.
English, Welsh, Scottish etc. on the other hand, cannot be co-opted by anyone. There has never been a black person that has referred to himself as English, because it excludes them. They have no stake or claim in the English identity or cultural legacy. I celebrate the destruction of Britishness and the return to actual national identity.
Whether comments are perceived as racist on Sup Forums is contingent on the both the writer's and the reader's opinions. Whether a comment has a negative or positive connotation is irrelevant to Sup Forums, which simply provides the platform to say it, better known as free speech.
I wonder if there is a correlation between having to be around blacks and being racist.
Makes me think....
I hate you fucking Europeans
You all think you’re so fucking high and mighty for being “multicultural” and having “deep historical roots” that are being poisoned by the mud you’ve let deep into your once beautiful lands
You sit there hundreds of miles away telling me that the fucking literal chimp-intelligence niggers I deal with EVERY. DAY. OF. MY. LIFE. are equal with me. You tell me that you know better than ME. Who has swathes and swathes and swathes of fucking experience up my kitten fucking caboodle.
Blacks and Mexicans are absolutely inferior. They are slow, lazy, do not understand that others are affected by their actions, and typically have SUB 100 IQ.
Our world is going to be destroyed unless extreme eugenic principles are employed to stop this
Fucking wake up Sup Forums this is literally the one fucking possibility shining in the darkness to save us
Sup Forums is satire newfriend
Well while my white iq says that education does have something to do with iq, i do realize that black people have different hormone levels and differently shaped brains and this certainly doesn't help their case. But still there are few cases of fairly intelligent blacks, so i do think they too have the potential to be more intelligent than average whites. They just don't train their brainmuscle for whatever reason. Adopted blacks in white families are often far more intelligent than those growing up in black families. If you want to go to the far end of both races i am happy to admit that whites will surpass blacks always, but that doesn't mean blacks don't have potential to become what is considered intelligent.
"Racist" in it's true definition is stupid.
Yet the pattern recognition and generalisation is arguably what makes the human brain superior and pretending something isn't true because you want to believe so is equally stupid.
Like approximately 72%% of the population I think Haiti is a shithole and that Lawrence Fishburne is black. Don't argue with these numbers, they are taken from a reliably sampled population.
>I don't understand averages
That is a fact, friend.
When I meet south africans that are not racist I always try to imagine how the hell you can go through life with evidence shoved in your face all day long and yet somehow manage to ignore it.
They must have willpower of steel.
idk what racist means anymore, and i dont feel like im better than blacks because of my skin, but i damn sure don't like them
>there are few cases of fairly intelligent blacks
I'm not sure how you process this fact, since you should also know that it is obvious to everyone and never denied. You are making a claim about blacks' intelligence on the whole with respect to education methods. When you say
>that doesn't mean blacks don't have potential to become what is considered intelligent.
you have conceded ground to the point where most racist might even agree. But that was never their point, and you too initially began closer to "we shouldn't assume innate differences too much since we can't be sure". Well maybe not, but we are a lot surer than thinking they start out close.
Going to take this one thing at a time.
>Well while my white iq says that education does have something to do with iq
Absolutely incorrect. IQ has nothing to do with education. IQ is how fast you process novel information and then use it meaningfully. Education has no impact on measured IQ.
>But still there are few cases of fairly intelligent blacks
No one is disputing this.
>They just don't train their brainmuscle for whatever reason.
See point one.
>Adopted blacks in white families are often far more intelligent than those growing up in black families.
Right with a caveat. While blacks adopted by white families do show improvement in their IQ scores (average 3.4+ points) in early life, by the time they reach 20 they have regressed to their racial mean. That means all improvement disappears by adulthood.
>Sup Forums is being a worthless containment board of pathetic NEETs (who achieve nothing) on purpose!
>muh 4D chess
It's amazing how you losers think you're so redpilled yet have your head this far up your ass when it comes to accepting any redpills about yourselves.
The problem with surrounding yourself with monkeys is that eventually you get covered in their shit.
>What is a normal distribution
Would be my first step. Then I'd take it from there.
We have found no way to reliably increase IQ.
And we have tried, really fucking hard.
If you can figure out how to raise IQ, you can be a billionaire my friend.
Quiet child. You address my one shitpost instead of the knowledge I'm sharing which deconstructs your retarded worldview. Address my real posts or I'll just filter you.
>One black person who knows his shit
Well damn, I guess all black people are Albert Einsteins now
>Are you guys actually racist or is it just trolling?
We just having a little fun.
Slide thread SAGED
Fuck off Pajeet and take your meme flag with you.
I can't speak for the board but personally I'm "trolling" when it comes to racism to fuck with what countries think of each other but I am quite serious when I tell you I hate the Jews with every fiber of my being.
So, you have no arguments or information to add to the thread? Nice knowing you, brainlet.
it's okay to be racist
It started out as trolling, now I daydream about genociding all non-whites. If you stick around it'll happen to you.
The followers of Muhammad are always at war.
I just want a Europe that serves in the best interest of Europeans.
I hate what it's been turned into. Europe is the whore of the world. European women are play things for anyone that wants to come over for fun. These are supposed to be the mothers of our children but have been raised by society to be anything but.
The family unit has been broken down and solidified with the mentality of "individualism" and while we're divided endless importation of people with group preference is being introduced.
The men here are insufferable and thick as shit. No morals nor do they stand for anything. It's so hard to relate to that.
Children being raised by the state to know nothing more than blind obedience to the system and partaking in working for the system. Basically slaves.
Then the biological weapons being brought in have no problem in taking away our nations and destroying our people by infecting them with their genetics.
As far as I'm concerned everyone from Africa or Asia that's in Europe is an enemy combatant, this is regardless of how many generations they've been here. They can die, along with their parasitic children, should they choose not to give up their conquest and destruction of Europe and Europeans.
im repulsed by the way pooskins smell, i hate their culture. Will I avoid working with one? nope.. will I cross the road to avoid a curry house? nope..
I am just being honest with myself, I am allowed to irrationally hate what ever the fuck I want and not have to justify it to you. The difference is I dont act on feelings and emotions alone.
Yes to both.
>le race is a color meme XDDD
lol leftist dogma is basically creationism at this point.
You have no idea how hot it is to finally find an attractive woman who says "chinky food" instead of Panda Express.
Or rolls up the window and screams nigger next to black folk.
She's psychaotic, outgoing, THICC and short with long brunette hair.
If I fall short in sin and lose my virginity, I'm going to give her a baby without notice.
She's the one :3
>IQ has nothing to do with education. IQ is how fast you process novel information and then use it meaningfully. Education has no impact on measured IQ
That's not quite true. People CAN be educated in such a way that their ability to score better at IQ tests CAN be improved. I have done this myself with students. And this is especially true with the timed IQ tests.
However once this "educating" stops then over time a person will drop back to their more natural state.
New to Race Realism?
Intro videos and links:
>Jared Taylor - The Reality of Race
>Human Biological Diversity
>The Alternative Hypothesis
The Existence of Race
>IQ Tests - Walt Bismark
Hello T_D
You can study to do better on IQ tests, but that's not the kind of education that's commonly understood to be referenced in this context. It's a fair point for clarification though I agree.
Who here /unironicallynotracist/?
reply to this post, tell me how your day was. What's going on.
>Walt Bismark
Want to be friends user?
Quit with the larping fag. You know we legitimately hate niggers, fags, and sand niggers on this board with all our hearts and souls. They need wiped. And you know it too. Everyone knows it. Come to the realization faggot that the age of muh racism is over. PC culture is in its death spiral. There are no based black men and they all need to go.
>t.abo nigger
I think I am mostly 3. I don't hate Jews or anything, but fuck me dead the memes are funny. But I DO hate it when African immigrants go on gang bashings in Melbourne and Chinese buy up Australian houses. I also want to limit immigration to 70k. idk if that makes me racist or what but I truly don't care anymore.
I only wish to live among white people as they have innate compatible hierarchy factors that I have. Other races lack civic duty and roll around in trash, with few exceptions (koreans, japanese)
Statistics don't lie, son. One genius black guy doesn't mean the average aren't niggers.
>check flag
>checks out
Not only am I a racist, I also discriminate against Australians. Descendant from degenerates and criminals, you are just as disgusting as niggers, gooks and spics.
Go fight a kangaroo.
That's not even what racism means, fuckwit.
What if we just gassed the kikes and started saying no to nonwhites again?