First men, now boys are ‘Going Their Own Way’
Now we got BGTOW! Sup Forums what did you do?
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>Tom*, 15, from NSW is what you couldcall the growing number of TGTOW (Teens Going Their Own Way).
>“It’s probably not true of all women, but I’ve got the feeling that women are dangerous. Maybe the men around me have just had bad experiences,” he tells
>“It’s scary being a teenage boy; I’m not sure how it’s all meant to fit together in the future,” says Tom.
Good, they are finally realizing that women are not worth it.
As demand falls, prices, or in this case, perceived worth, also falls. This is basic economics and it will all sort itself out eventually.
Homosexual recruitment camps are real.
We did it reddit!
edit: thanks for the gold!
I hope this shit really catches on so there are more lonely single sluts to fuck
those kids are going to save a fortune
Indian picking up discipline is merciless
ohhh what the fuck is this shit about no one makes since on here anymore.
The Cazador makes the most sense here and same for me.
Oh cool, you posting that bloke's highlucks from /o/. Sweet. Highlucks thread.
>sponsored by NAMbLA and Heart Progress, KY jelly and Trojan condoms
Got another one for you
Last one.
It's some Norweigan bloke's highlucks over there in snow country. He reckons the nudge bar is illegal over there but they dont bother him.
I'm a white guy but fuck negresses for free. The single mother nigresses are easy. Worst case you have to buy them a big mac or their fucking kids a happy meal. As long as she's got a lock on the door, i hit that shit all day everyday. They don't even no where I live.
MGTOW are faggots.
The walls are closing in, roasties.
LoL faggot ass roasties eat shit. Eat fucking shit.
mgtow doesnt have a problem with fucking sloots
>fucks monkeys
>has edgy ass queer flag
>calls other faggots
Gettin dem almonds activated.
> That flag
> Fucks single moms in da hood
Really gets the ol' noggin knocken'
youtube link plox..
unfortunately the amount of beta males that will continue to give them attention is increasing
Honestly MGTOW are the only ones who really understand how the world is fucked up.
The enemy isn't even women. It's the ones who allow the system of law that favours women to exist.
Women simply need to have their rights taken away and everything will become better from there.
Until that happens, all the talk about race and immigration and guns and whatever else needs to take a backseat until we understand what the root cause of modern problems is. The cucked feminist-supporting Anglo nation states.
>what is blocking
thats it im done with fucking pol. you bunch of fucking inbred cunts.
>what is not as much fun as posting the messages to social media so you and your harpy friends can laugh at the pathetic loser
When you have a woman destroying a man's career because she suddenly changed her mind despite giving him multiple blowjobs. Why do you not expect this result.
Even boys are realizing roasties are not worth anythimg
>le women are all liberal meme
haha nothing will change really, more suicide deaths maybe, highly likely, but girls will still get fucked by chad all the way to their 40's now
>Women did almost as good as men at something
And? How exactly is it an endorsement of women voting to demonstrate how they are not as good at men at voting? Why not just trim the fat? You know, like the men who founded the goddamn country did.
Wrong it is predators who are seeking women out aka male feminists
Then when these fuckwits do something wrong all of the "men" will be marked as serial rapists because stupid bitches keep letting creeps into their circle
This is why I dont bother with women. I aint got the energy for that shit. Never have, never will.
what the fuck is that thing
She's australia's entry into the miss world contest for this year apparently or whenever it is, I dunno. Stupid contest anyway.
>Finish and throw used condom in the trash
>takes the condom and makes herself pregnant
>tfw he expected more from a welfare queen
you're playing a dangerous game.
Apparently, the most beautiful woman in Australia
I hope this isn't a new shaming tactic to infantilize MGTOW.
Because competition is about equality amirite XD
>not flushing the used condom down the toilet, followed by one of the niglets' toys so she blames her spawn for the clogged pipes.
>what is attention
The longer he fucks with her the more chances she'll have to poke a hole, slip it off on "accident" or steal it before he can flush it.
never stick your dick in a baby mama
>Finish and throw used condom in the trash
Before leaving you add chili into the condom, habanero, if they try to use it they will suffer burns in vagoo.
roasties can't even defend themselves because
all they know to say is
>you are beta loser virgin
Enjoy your AIDS
Yea, I'm sure it was Sup Forums that caused this. Not the constant harassment men/boys endure by females for looking at them wrong. Yep. I'm sure they are just mindless zombies, incapable of logical thought.
to their credit it's worked for ~200,000 years
I can understand their position, I survived a divorce and it crushed me! But I remarried had more babies. I really enjoy a woman in my life. It's getting very scary out there with the presumed guilt rape shit though.
>Lashed at, contained and deprived of influence in almost every single human culture on the planet
>Everyone else but women are to blame
1) Aristotle said that man is by nature superior to the female and so the man should rule and the woman should be ruled.[1]
2) Demosthenes wrote “We keep hetaerae for the sake of pleasure, females slaves for our daily care and wives to give us legitimate children and to be the guardians of our households.”[2]
3) “A man who teaches a woman to write should know that he is providing poison to an asp.”[3]
4) Euripides has women characters make disparaging remarks about their sex:
a) I am only a woman, a thing which the world hates.[4]
b) No cure has been found for a woman’s venom, worse than that of reptiles. We are a curse to man.[5]
c) Men of sense should never let gossiping women visit their wives, for they work mischief.[6]
5) Hipponax had this to say about women: “There are two days on which a woman is most pleasing---when someone marries her and when he carries out her dead body.”[7]
6) Hyperides said, “A woman who travels outside her house should be old enough that people ask whose mother she is, not whose wife she is.”[8]
7) In his Funeral Speech Pericles said, “A woman’s reputation is highest when men say little about her, whether it be good or evil.”[9]
Gee, I wonder what causes all these articulate philosophers to write in such a manner? Maybe they just had some innate prejudice against a gender with a beautiful form which is responsible for birth? What could possibly prompt such hatred against those whom by your very nature you are supposed to cherish? Could it have had anything to do with their behavior?
>not eating your jizz filled condom
>wasting protein
Never gonna make it.
>implying niggers are smart enough to do that
I'm all for hating on nignogs but you cant be dumb enough to think that hasn't happened before.
She's just as pathetic as he is
>Practically half and half
>For a blatant criminal and traitor globalist like Hillary
>Literally endorsed by the avatar of Satan himself, George Soros
>This is somehow protrayed as a huge win for women
True that, homie. This whole "I'm a princess and a raging narcissist deal with it" meme is totally delusional and disconnected from reality. I stepped out as a teen some 20 years ago and have found great fulfillment in love and relationships by not subscribing to ho-bag women like that.
>there will be laws against manchildren in your lifetime
Isn't there the age factor, older women voting for Trump?
Sup Forums personally has reached out to all men using russian tools
Basketball players and other professional athletes are advised to put their used condoms in their pockets and take them with them to dispose of at home.
>perceived worth, also falls
you wish
women will solve it by importing shitskins and then blame all men for shitskin rape
>Mountain dew is Hitler did nothing wrong
The guy who made this is truly an oldfag and /ourguy/
Juvenal also had some striking observations about women. Read Satires VI sometime.
>Nobody wants excess white males
>They decide to pretend it was their decision
MGTOW is hilarious.
>brags about playing the game on Easy Mode
>White women become cucks for white men
>White men want to take away their ability to vote
>Not just pulling out and shooting all over her carpet
Fucking rookies man.
>nigger mode
>go to prison because a woman decided that you stare-raped her 20 years ago
Hmmmm, surely it's the males who are to blame.
>what is hypergamy
>what is female manipulation
>what is female shaming
>what is divorce rape
truly our companions
What's the divorce rape laws in Germany like?
shitty like everywhere else m8
MGTOW is the final degenerate nail in the coffin for western civilization
Shut-in & vidya addict issues.
Like holy shit, do you not go play beach volleyball and siphon random girls like crazy?
Autism - the post
Lol you fucking idiot. The demand is falling for excess white males, not women.
>women for decades pull the "we dont need men shit"
>message received
>modern men adjust their priorities
i dont expect logic from women but seriously get real what the fuck did you think would eventually happen?
Women don't care. You imagine they do to make yourselves feel better. What actually happened:
>Men act like shit for millennia
>Enact evil policies in the modern era that make people turn against them, make them irrelevant and cause the top 1% of white men to abuse the bottom 99% into non-existence
>Women take advantage as best they can and tell men to fuck off
>Men pretend they won a victory
>Men pretend women want them back (they don't)