You're getting your wish guys. What now?
You're getting your wish guys. What now?
Waiting on Spics to follow suit & fk off
Marcus Garvey would be so proud
Didn't the freed slaves that went to Libera immediately enslave their fellows and put them on plantations?
fucking celebrate
I wish this was happening same for all places
fulfil rasta mission
This is sad. They believe anything MSM says at face value. Goodbye though
File not available. Looks like printed in 2008. What's taking them so long?
Please yes. All of them leave nao.
Uggg its like a wet dream.....Cuz it aint true.
Tfw it turns out that Wakanda doesn’t exist
Liberia 2: Back to the Kangdum
Pic related never felt more applicable.
This time we can watch it unfold live :DDDDDD
>afraid of racial tension in US
>moves to africa
>gets machete'd for 2 bananas by a brudda kang
>??????? profit
I'll have a coke.
Maybe they would if your president would get Ahmeds dick out of his mouth
If I had a dick that post would have made it so fucking hard. kek
What about African Europeans? They can leave too...
>not all
Tell me when it's more than 3 niggers doing it. If every nigger left this country it would be tremendously improved
With their positive networth of 8$ they could probably buy even 4 bananas. They will live like kangs
>the worst blacks in all of the world except purebred somalians move back to their continent after decades of selective breeding making them fucking retarded and kinda strong
>even dumber than the average african
>gets fucked by their fellow "brothers" who they have no connection with other than their melanin
>like I would've expected to be treated like a long lost relative if I went to fucking Poland "b-but, I'm also white, love me"
>no infrastructure or social help to take care of their useless asses
>gets macheted and cannibalized day 5
>comes running back, crying their eyes out, knowing Sup Forums was always right
Africans in every traditionally White country need to go back
would be better with
or even
let me guess, they are moving back to the cities previously built by colonial powers.
dangerous? isnt the danger caused by themselves? lmao
Good, maybe Americans and Canadians will finally take the hint and get the fuck out of here, the current method of replacing whites by breeding is much to slow for my tastes.
Why'd you cut off your dick tranny?
And they'll return stateside when they discover Africans see them as a different and unsavory kind of people.
Kel Pro tip America niggers Africans don't want you either
Liberia is the fried chicken capital of the planet; amirite tho?
I am already here, but wish my fellow spics nuke the place before leaving
Not enough.
As soon as they find out the Colonel isn't there they will be right back.
who am I kidding, this is a slide thread
It's kangdom brainlet
Liv be hrd n shit in whiteys land becuz tyroneishas half-bros couzins dads friend got killed by dem white devils becuz he wuz robbin a shop and killin
So I be movin back to Liberia or some shit cuz I herd dey go dem programz for dem people I tink they call em the U.N, standin for Union of Negros
You should wish death upon the parasite not the host. Swine
Its usually so bad that they move back to America, because not only is their country of origin a shithole, but they are also constantly treated as foreigners.
good for them lol
finally, the black is in its natural environment and wont be looked at with a strange face for smashing stone on contester of the bananas
This is too good to be true, I don't know how to react. Brazilian niggers can't read, so I shouldn't expect them to get out
okay see you with cholera
This, if it means emigration of educated people to Ghana, that country economic up turn will continue. If however the American Blacks going there are the retards in the inner city, well so much for Ghana's success.
That's good.
You know Jews shut him down?
they're still falling for this slide thread bait
Post the bob
>what now
1)Keep promoting this on social media, under the false flag of being a black American
2)See #1
3) Profit $$$
so all whites leave to europe now?
Funny about this thread being up. Just saw a commercial for Blackpanther and was wondering how many nogs are “thinking” WE WAZ KANGZ ....and how amazing it is in Africa.
now that the shackles are off we colonize space
Fucking hell, this place is full of trannies
This. There's an interesting book called Out of America, where a black journalist talks about his time in Africa. He had bought all the usual bullshit, and got a rude awakening. He said he got treated much worse there, because the natives assumed any whites who showed up had money to throw around, so they kissed up to them shamelessly, while a black American like him was ignored. In the end he decided he didn't want to be *African*-American at all, but just American.
We need to start putting up back to africa posters again
tears of joy
I knew a Liberian at one of my old jobs who talked about that, the migration of American blacks went on for a long time, and because they came from America they were more educated then the African blacks and basically created a class above the other Africans and didn't fit into any of the ethnic groups already there. The African Americans would then go on to get slaughtered in the civil war.
Please please let them renounce their US citizenship
Except they haven't got the slightest idea who their ancestors are. Sad.
>american more dangerous than africa
Keep your dick in your pants leaf. Let's just get the kangz out first. Baby steps.