Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records

Riel is cute!


Celica a best. A BEST.

Sisti and Lumia a shit. A SHIT.


Where is the gif/webm of that scene?

they all look the same just different hairstyle and eye color

Riel is a clone!

That's a pig.

Sisti is the cutest, not your old hag

>strongest mage, solos raid dungeons
>immortal, but wants to become mortal and grow old with her husbando
>intelligent and kind, but also playful and feisty
>perfect body, perfect fashion sense
>has been grooming Glenn since he was a little boy and got him out of his edgy NEET phase
How can those generic heroines even compete?

Dumb girls are cute, and Riel is very dumb.

>>immortal, but wants to become mortal and grow old with her husbando
That's stupid. Can't she just make her husbando immortal?

Who's Riel? Do you mean Re=L?

Riel is dumb!


yandere brocon

Charging Riel from the front!

My precious /jp/ for me~

Cumming inside of Wendy!

Impregnating Celica!

I like how this ln has no faggots sperging over the worldbuilding or plot and everyone's just honest about watching it for the cumdumpsters

He's a girl (female), right?

Quick, I need to know.

I liked how Glenn blew the fuck out of the students learning by rote.

Can't you see the skirt? If you wear a skirt you are a girl.

Also, I like the theme of spells needing to be chanted and the chants actually representing something.

Glenn calling Celica "Mama" is also pretty cute. I like that type of interaction.

>If you wear a skirt you are a girl.
That's right, user! You can be a little girl, too, just by wearing a skirt!!


Reminder to stop bullying Sistine. She's someone you must protect not for your amusement

She has a cute laugh.

I want exclamation mark posters to die!


Sensei has cute gfs

The is the perfect M. I don't think it's possible to see her and not feel a little S.


The plot hasn't even appeared yet, both the akashic records and the sky castle are still things that villains mumble about obtusely according to LN spoilers. The only thing to sperg over is Glenn's backstory, which is pretty great as a setup but basically gets ruined through how quickly he drops the bastard act and starts romancing 16 year olds.

Just picked this up because muh outlandish schoolgirl outfits. Like all grills, except Riel, dandere is japshit I don't get, not being able to pass a Turing test is creepy and hurts my boner. Sisti is the sort I love to hatefuck, Lumia is solid and sugarmama a best.

Sorry user, she's a girl (flat).

I'm gonna marry!

>Sup Forums loves it
>japan hates it

Explain this.

Japan hates everything fun. If you've watched anime for more than a few months you would realize this by now.

>wants to be Justice
>doesn't become a policeman
>doesn't become a judge
>doesn't become an attorney
>becomes a fucking imperial murderssassin instead
I say Glenn only has himself to blame

Wasn't he basically a child? He made the Kenshin mistake.

That's what makes it so great, he followed the 15 year old prodigal protagonist route of signing up to fight for the royal court only to realize that such a decision means killing, watching comrades die, and killing some more. I actually kind of dislike the whole dead waifu thing because it detracts from his reason for becoming a NEET (instead of being pure disillusionment).


How come so many people are confused about whether Sisti and Rumia like Glenn or not.


>Glenn calling Celica "Mama
But he did not, if you are referring to the scene where she grabbed his face in anger, Glenn called his mama to save him from Selica.

Atleast that how I understood it

Well, animation quality is shit. The girl's school outfits didn't get any attention, so they look like shit. The dialog is shit. And superman sensei taking multiple swords for minimal damage, only to pass out, and wake up with just enough time to save the princess was the asspull of the season.


It's a shit. A shit.

>The girl's school outfits didn't get any attention, so they look like shit

They are literally the best thing about the show.

>literally the best thing about the show
You forgot something


You're correct, Celica>Riel>Sisti>Rumia

Riel is cute but we haven't seen enough of her for me to be comfortable putting her in the ranking.

Celica is okay but personally I'm not into grannies.

>I'm not into grannies
>Forever stuck 20 years
>Would resume aging normally after curse is lifted.
I am not into little girls, so I think it's best to agree to disagree

>Forever stuck 20 years

When did they say this? Or is it from the light novel?

Agree that dead waifu thing is shit, but NEET and disillusionment go together perfectly. Does everyone else hate the whole new grill is copy of dead waifu trope?

It's something not mentioned yet in the anime/manga. But short story, she got cursed and is unaging. And she is trying her best to find a cure by soloing raid dungeons.

I see. In any case, Sisti still best cat.

Is this a newfag thing? Even trolls never used that as an objection to Korbo who's way older than our lovely sugarmama.

Quite possibly, I'm relatively new to anime. But the point is that you'd have to be a retard to go after a woman in her 20s rather than her teens.

Celica a shit. A SHIT.

>he says while describing a generic heroine

>impregnating an old hag

>pic unrelated

>old hag first
Opinion discarded.

>I am not into little girls
Get a load of this faggot.

I'm all about younger hotter tighter but if she's got something that makes it so she'll never hit the wall, teens don't stay teens while she stays the same age.

But it's a curse, so I assume there's some drawback or she wouldn't be trying to end it. Even if there isn't, she's trying to end it so it can't be relied upon.

The drawback is watching everyone she ever cares about grow old and die, she wants to become mortal again so she can die with Glenn.

I see. Well she still seems a bit Mary Sueish tbqh so I'm not sure I can actively support her over the qt schoolgrills.

After living though the shit she did and finding someone worth (Glenn) to live for she doesn't want to see him die just like everyone. So she is litterly putting herself into danger a lot to find a cure.

>Mary Sueish
Try finding out the meaning before posting shit

>he's a Reyfag


Can't she just kill herself when Glenn dies? Does she have to physically age for their relationship to be worthwhile?

>Can't she just kill herself when Glenn dies? Does she have to physically age for their relationship to be worthwhile?
What part of being immortal was hard for you to understand?

>cant she just kill herself

That's basically what I was asking. If she's immortal, why didn't she just save the Queen's life last episode by ripping the necklace off like Glenn eventually did?

They are all "mary sueish"
>disowned princess with reincarnating demon power
>some kind of alien mage from the sky castle who also looks like the MC's dead waifu
>vat-grown clone of some powerful magus
>leader of the royal court magi
Glenn basically has his pick of the top five women in the nation, top six if you throw in the queen.

Celica is the best though, and the strongest.

Retard moe, best moe!

Because the trap spell would've activated and killed the Queen?

Because the queen would have died? Do you lack even basic reading comprehension.

"They all have backstory" doesn't equal "they're all mary sueish". The schoolgirls fuck up all the time, and have personal flaws. Sisti is aggressive and prideful while Rumia feels abandoned and worthless. Celica is just a powerful woman who people like and does whatever she wants and it turns out okay.

IIRC, the necklace activates if anyone mentions it or the Queen tries to take it off. How was it different to Glenn taking it off?

So is the anime good?

>she's a girl (flat)
The best kind of girl.

>How was it different to Glenn taking it off?
You truly lack basic reading comprehension. I am not going to spoonfeed you, kill yousrself

>Celica is just a powerful woman who people like and does whatever she wants and it turns out okay.
It's too bad we're not getting to the arc where she gets fucked up while dungeon crawling. I mean, you're just a hopeless retard, but it would have been nice to see her bandaged up in animation.

>inb4 how does she get hurt if she is immortal

at this point I'm sure you're just pretending to be retarded but I'll reply anyway just because it gives me an excuse to post Tarot


How does she get hurt if she is immortal?

I'm actually not pretending to be retarded, I just want to be spoonfed coz I don't remember the last episode that well.

This guy litterly posted the fucking answer.

I'll cut you some slack since you admitted you're a newfag, lurk for a year and then try posting again, that's actually generous, I spent 4 years lurking the chans before making my first post.

Oh yeah I forgot about that (watched episode at 4am). Personally I had an issue with the Arcana stopping the necklace from activating because in a previous episode we were shown that the Arcana only stops new spells from being cast, and does nothing to prevent spells that are currently in effect.

I'm not new to the chans senpai, I've been here over a decade, I'm just new to anime.

Then lurk Sup Forums until you have 100 different series under your belt

The anime cut out the yugioh match which was supposed to showcase that curses activate at the point they are triggered. Fucking adapations.

The anime glossed over it pretty fast, but they more or less said Glenn's "fuck magic" disables curses too.

When did they say that?

It prevented the spell that would kill her from activating.

This isn't 2007 anymore senpai, Sup Forums is just plebbit in disguise. No need to worry about site etiquette or customs anymore, just come and post your half-assed barely thought-out beliefs to trigger the oldfags. I figured that I'd give it a go tbqh.

Last few minutes of episode 6 starting at 17 minutes.

>dude why didn't the curse go off?
>Glenn pulls out fool card

I want to charge at Riel from the back!

>spend life studying and pursuing magic
>my trump card in any fight is literally nullifying all magic and beating things to death with my gangly school teacher body
Kinda dumb.

She's the one who stabs from the back.

LNfags, do the tarot cards assigned to each of the military mages work as a power rating scale?
Celica happens to be 21 (Le Monde, the higest trump in the deck) and she's described by Glenn as "the greatest mage on the continent".

>Spend life studying and pursuing the way of cutting stuff with a sword
>my trump card is literally beating people up with a blunt piece of steel with my thin and girly Rurouni body.

Wow the most thinly veiled Rei clone ever. All they did was add an L

You'd figure he'd at least carry a sword or something.

That doesn't really count since that is after the fact. The entire point is that the anime fucked up by withholding information related to the dramatic stakes of the arc. Based on the information presented up to that exact point, the audience had only one minor reason to suspect Fool's World would negate curses (Celica saying that Glenn and only Glenn could fix the situation by showing up in front of the queen) despite the first arc resolving under the opposite principle. It literally would have been better to cut Sisti's fight in order to explain how curses work before the entire arc hinges on those mechanics.

That was dumb too.
If it is, that's really interesting, because...
>The Fool is unnumbered; sometimes represented as 0 (the first) or XXII (the last) Major Arcana in decks