Buyfag Thread

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The guide is down again, isn't it?

Don't start a new thread until the other dies, fucktard.

It is

Fuck I love that woman.

The old thread was imploding with faggotry and closed five minutes before you posted.

The new link is you stupid ape.

I hope it goes up before the cartel tries to make their own version and monetize on it.

and I'm the gullible retard who checked to see if it was real

what's the point of this if it's not cast off?

The top looks castoffable

amiami usually has a disclaimer when you can cast it off. it doesn't seem that way to me, either

Looks castoffable, the bra layer seems thick enough to be separated from the body easily, otherwise id expect to see some skindentation.

Also Amiami not always adds that disclaimer:

If you don't want that they forget about her, keep asking in their twitter and FB accounts about her

Is this one based on a Ban! artwork, right?

Here is my other BanBro

nigga, they're from persona 5.


They are form P5

>they're from persona 5.
I see, I haven't played P5, so makes sense that I wasn't aware from they come from
Thanks for the info

Dang. I didn't know I was posting on Sup Forums.

No need to be posting on Sup Forums, considering there was even an ova about it and the sheer popularity among any weeaboo community including this board



If you don't own this, you are a pussyniga.

how good is that hestia? looks nice from the images

i wonder if they could tell me if it's castoffable if i ask them. i want to buy it, if it is

They only list what the manufacturer tells them to, the castoff feature on freeing figures is sometimes an added extra and not revealed until near the release date, so no you wont get any info from the store.

well fug. no sale then. i don't want to get ntr'ed by an animu figure


she always looks so trying too hard to be sexy that my penis shrinks a little every time I see her

Damn these things are just too cute.


Them tamas though

I just looked up what those are and damn, it looks like those plushies are pretty expensive to get. How much did you pay for them if you don't mind me asking?

Hey guys check out my halo figure. Man, that Halo ova sure was great.

How long does it usually takes 2you4 to send you the shipping invoice? They sent me the warehouse arrival mail 4 days ago.

They were gifts from a friend so I have no idea, but I am very grateful.

I really like the tiny top hat a lot.

that's a cool friend. well, i won't spoil the price for you then

I don't get it. You ask if it's castoff when it's already confirmed but not mentioned by manufacturers.

How is Alter these days? Still top tier?

He wasn't asking about Hestia.


bunny sora is perfection so yes.

I bought a doujin a few days ago and I noticed it came with one of the plastic on the corners undone.
Should I fix it or just leave it alone? (Like cutting the piece that's unglued off or gluing it down?)

leave it

i expected bigger nipples from that hestia. still like it, i guess. also, one of them being inverted would make it a lot better imo

I know I should but I'm a perfectionist and it's bothering me immensely.

Throw it out and procure another copy.

Then as a perfectionist you should be aware that cutting it or removing it is further damaging the doujin , and getting rid of the layer that protects the paint from breaking down and the paper form yellowing.

You are not getting any better results than what you have there, and instead you are upping your chances of fucking it up further.

You're right.

Does this actually work? I'm not going to be that much of a desperate faggot unless it's been shown to get results in the past.

This is the right time for it, though, with the second season on the air.

burn it then buy another one

I'd have guessed Oyari original characters if I didn't know better.

They can't ignore it if you spam them.
That's how VANK get map drawers to rename Sea of Japan to East Sea.

They can take a long time sometimes. If you don't hear from them in a week or so, contact them using the form on their website's front page. They usually respond pretty quickly after that.

goddamned sexy lolis always enticing me to break the law.

Really hoping for a prototype of the Makoto figure at WonFes.

The announcement of a Shadow Futaba fig would be a marvelous gift too, but I doubt that'll happen.

Ok so why did amiami tell me my order's shipping method was changed from DHL to EMS because DHL doesn't allow age restricted products?

I've used DHL on other sites for lewd stuff no problem so what's the deal?

I also checked DHL's shipping restrictions and pornography related items aren't restricted from being imported to the US.

>so what's the deal?
why don't you ask amico?

Im still hoping for a Maid Kawakami figure

In the meanwhile I'm pleased with Ann by Amakuni and this Futaba although I would have preferred to get her in either her cargo pants or her Kaito suit.

ThreeA actually makes some pretty sick 1/6 Halo figures.

I wonder how they're going to do that Morgana mode. I assume the two arms and the jacket are cast-off? It's a neat idea.

Sorry if this is a newbie question, but I'm curious : what's the criteria for the 100 "Items on Fire" list on MFC ?
Is it just the combination of everything else ? (Most wished, most owned, best rated, etc.)

>amiami usually has a disclaimer when you can cast it off

It frequently doesn't. That isn't really a reliable indicator as far as I can tell. Risty here is an unmarked cast-off I own for example.

I'm about to di it, Sup Forums, preorders end tomorrow and they opened them for only 10 days and I noticed just yesterday this was being sold.


It was auto-saging.

Is she forced cast off?

Is that the biggest she's been? Just curious.

I think it is. It's definitely bigger than Phat's version.

Art is incredible.
Shame I'm not into lewd dakis nor am I that big of a Syaro fan.

where can i buy it

Wish she was holding a empty can of coffee she just downed for sexy time.

I would totally buy this if they had an All-Ages version. The art looks fantastic but I'm not into ero covers.

This would also be my first ever lewd cover, I have the official one but I couldn't let this one pass.

where can i buy it

Did you have to ask twice? It's sold by a doujin circle.

yes i do because i asked last thread as well after searching for 30 minutes and none of the FAGGOTS answered


You didn't search hard enough, I found where it was with the twitter link from the artist last night.
Didn't end up buying it, I bought another daki though.


get this one instead

I would if the artwork was a good. I can't really pick it but there's something off about this one.

You should come over to /fumo/ sometime.

The only problem with them though is it's 343 Halo.

I love fumos as well.

But both sides are lewd. That's too lewd.

has anyone made a uexkull fumo or plush

Anyone know who' making this?

Aquamarine, I think

Aquamarine, and they are really portable

I wasn't 100% sure if I was going to get them, but I kinda like that they're not too big. Definitely buying now.


I like her split versions more.

Loli femdom is too good.


I am not familiar with that name, so I couldn't tell you.

I wish

This ever get made?

No, and it was never intended to be made

Is it normal to not be able to get an erection to a daki unless you know a figurine of her love interest is watching you?


Normal and dakis never go together


Buying this now and regretting it latter because the faggot never makes enough and always sell out.

God, I wish; I'd buy a dozen. Bunnybro didn't get a tenth of the respect he deserved. I'm glad I'm not the only Sup Forumsnon who remembers him fondly, though.

The best thing about Flip Flappers.

fuck, i'll see about doing it then. i can talk to the guy who did the Twingos and see what it would take. i could make a prototype no problem but i'm not going to sit and sew them in production.