Bitconnect performed exit scam with $2.5 bln and investors are suicidal

Crypto shills on suicide watch.

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Delete this thread. I mean it's obvious shit like this will happen

>inb4 300+ replies

Nothing more than karma being paid to those greedy enough to put money in a get rich quick XD scam

>Suicide Hotline



>Bitconnect promised 1% profits daily
Fucking brainlets, who would fall for that?

What's Bitconnect?

Ya prishel to steal your money

"guys it's the end of the corrupt banking cartel"

Good. Investments are risky, cry me a fucking river of blood from your wrists you dumb cunts.




What happened? And what is bitconnect?

>What happened?
Alot of people just gave away their money for nothing




Anyone who doesn't join a pump and dump group deserves what they get, it's always a conspiracy on the normies.

>Crypto shills
funny how no one says bitcoin shill anymore
implicit acceptance?

Thread theme

They really need to teach finance, investing and general budgeting skills in schools instead some of the useless politically correct shit.

this is why we need communism

This a delight to read.

Did he die?

Superior thread theme:

Meanwhile i just made about 40k profits on forex, stupid millennials. Now i will buy a foreclosed home for pennies on the dollar and rent it out for 1300 a month to some bitcoin retard

why is he grilling inside?

>I'm literally shaking

This has to be Sup Forums

Why are people so retarded? If a bank can't even promise a 1% return daily with thousands of dedicated Jewish bankers, then you know it is a fucking scam.

Can anyone explain, in pasta words, what has happened?

they overcooked the spaghetti

Big dumb dumb retards threw many much money away because of SCAM

Because he's rich

holy fucking hell my sides

I bet the morons are dropping like flies

Redpill me on forex trading?

No he fucking failed to kill himself.

It's only great if you're into tax evasion.


Nerve gas

A boppy boopy bepidy bapa my muddahs sauce

>buy bitcoin they said

Well you need money first off and you need to be keen on whats going on in the world, also sometimes you may buy into a currency and end up sitting on it for a while before you can sell and make a profit. I have lost some shekels before but as long as you are patient you can usually get profits or atleast your money back.

Bitconnect isn't Bitcoin and it isn't a crypto.

Same thing that will happen to all Bitcoin exchanges sooner or later.

Via a bank company I bought 1500 euro a bitcoin two weeks ago, but I never received my coins in the mail. Anyone else has done this? Will I still get them?

>invest in a crypto
>crypto turns out to be scam
>crypto takes all the money leaves investors with nothing
>investors can't sue anyone
>scam is so good everything is legal

>people are killing themselves or are thinking about it

is lying on the internet. Shame on him.

Idiots fell for this pyramid scheme just like they fall for "real life" pyramid schemes. What the fuck do you think that "sell coffee and make millions from home only working 2 hours a month!" bullshittery is? It's to dupe low IQ mongrels and they fall for it every fucking time. This is just the next iteration of the ponzi scheme.

proving once again dividend investing is best investing

This guy predicted it all. Hail Doug Polk

check yo wallet

>Will I still get them?

Save this picture and use it well. I don't often help out newfags, but you seem alright. Go with God my son.

This better be bait


bizfag, no one bought bitconnect and we're all laughing at the bitconnect niggers killing themselves left and right

if you think all of crypto is a scam stay poor, almost 6 figures from this shit

Its called section 988, you pay the taxes on your gains unless you like the irs coming after you

What the fuck is it then? First I've ever heard of it

>I never received my coins in the mail

This is my first encounter with Belgian comedy. It's not half bad but what worries me is the number of fucking retards in here going "lol r u trol me?".


I'd smash that pussy

gibs money promise 1% growth per day

Were you given a tracking number and the name of the courier?

> what is bitconnect
a hilarious ponzi scheme that was as obvious as a dumpster fire shilled nonstop by nigger e-celebs.
tldr;whitey ran off with a shitton of nigger gib money because niggers are inherently stupid.

i want her to cosplay as misty so I can smash that ass


>don't keep up with cryptocurrency
>jewgle it
>Guaranteed to earn investors up to 40 percent total return per month, BitConnect followed a four-tier investment system based on the sum of initial deposit – the more cash you put down, the bigger and faster profits you could rake in.
>Regardless of the stake though, investors were promised a one-percent return of investment (ROI) on a daily basis. To this end, the company had developed its own proprietary “trading bot and volatility software” that would turn your Bitcoin investment into a fortune.

this is natural selection.

>Pearl-Jam Evolution.gif
Love that song man.

People should have known this shit was going to be a scam when the news started covering it and saying "you should totally invest into bitcoin!"

You must be really poor and stupid if you think that is a lie. Keep working at taco bell

Could I have sex with this girl, please?

>bitcoin is legit guys!
>its totally not a scam, youre just mad you don't have coins!
>it doesn't need and govt backing it, its' totally safe

There is a saying in Hungary that goes like : "You can only get rich by exploiting dumb people".Its so true.

>this is natural selection.


how is hungary? never actually been there. are you guys rich like the EU or poor like eastern europe?

You deposit your bitcoin on the bitconnect platform, they claimed to have a trade bot that would guarantee a 1% per day return, compounded annually that means +3700% guarenteed returns.

Everybody told them that it was a scam, it turned out to be a ponzi/pyramid scheme, it collapsed, cuckolds are now crying about falling for a pyramid scheme.

That's a clean fuel source I tell ya hwhat

Uh yes, the company is Cohen Coin International Ltd and the tracking number from email was 6000000.

>Conflating the scamcoin of the month with btc.

Honestly we should raise the posting age to 25 and make a rule wherein you need to have a net worth of over 50k usd to post on this site.

Nothing you should be concerned with at the moment, forexample you should worry about bot getting killed by a nigger death squad in the middle of the night

>gibs money,
>invest for you in thing that will replace money oh wait it's not an asset like gold,
>profit plz
Classic ponzi scheme. this was the same shit madoff did

But then we'd lose all the rare flags

>2 suicides hotlines
>that "I'm sorry" post


btc was just the hook to get idiots on board. They had to buy Bitcoin Connect Coins with btc, thus giving up their REAL coins for a scam coin.
The real money made was made off of affiliates which was the ponzi scheme.
The btc price dropping this week crushed their whole system and it collapsed leaving the BCC coin worthless but the owners have all the BTC(which is the hilarious part).


>I'm literally shaking. This can't be happening
holy shit my sides

why is the board called biz when all they do is talk about crypto.

I kept telling idiots... this is now how the monetary system works... but those dumbasses were blinded by their greed. You can't create something from nothing and back it up with real money like the US Dollar. If you create 1000 bitcoins out of thin air and value them at 0.01 cents in real money in the beginning and some people kept that... they would have had 1.6 billion USD at one point... 1.6 billion USD created out of thin air. \

Now imagine the price of 1 bitcoin had exceeded 1 million dollars as some idiots claimed. All those people with even just 100 bitcoins would as rich as Jeff Bezos at 100 billion dollars each. Still no real value to back that up.

The simple fact is... the reason idiots thought bitcoin was valuable because they compared it to the USD that in their hearts believed has real value cos it is actually backed by gold and the world wide economy.

This was the biggest scam of the century and for some people it will hurt big time. Whoever came up with bitcoin or the main people who promoted this low IQ bullshit need to see the day of the rope or get free helicopter rides.

Who got these peoples money? They gave their money to anonymous people or what? Is someone going to be held accountable?

Its poor as fuck,everyone is a gypsy its hell on earth.Save yourself,dont come here!



The owners of bitconnect, they are not anonymous.

anyone who ever saw a CryptoNick video knew within 5 minutes that it was a ponzi. He even SHOWED the viewer his acct balances. His acct balances were TAKING A LOSS(on the bitcoins) but he was making serious bank on Affiliates. Last vid I saw he was 64k in the red on BCC but 750k in black on affiliates.

these tears...

Quick rundown?

What do you mean by 'invest in bitcoin'? You supposed to mine it.


Wow, is this a cult?

I also recommend buying the Zynerba Pharmaceuticals stock while it's only $11 bucks. Do your research thank me later.