What's she holding Sup Forums?
What's she holding Sup Forums?
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Condom wrappers sure looked strange in the 70s
A save button
It's a mini computer.
A solid state drive
keycard to open red doors in quake I
Some suspicious thing
1.44 mb of memory. Ahh, the memories...
Usagi you had 20 years to learn how to use a fucking computer, you dumbass! You stupid girl!
>Latex condom
Boy, I'd sure love to live in one of those
One day this will be asked without irony.
the art style is so charming
>one day
You realize that 99.9% of teenagers today have never interacted with a floppy disk, right?
Good, floppy disks were terrible.
The thing i kept naked pictures of her on in the late 90s.
Soon it'll be VHS tapes. Within our lifetimes it'll probably be all physical media.
I just hope to god hipsters don't bring that shit back VHS tapes like they're doing with vinyl and to a lesser extent audio tapes.
Don't they still have them in schools?
When I went to school, most of the pcs were still from the 80s.
>I just hope to god hipsters don't bring that shit back VHS tapes like they're doing with vinyl and to a lesser extent audio tapes.
They are adding filters to random videos to make them look older.
It was a different time.
Tell me the percentage for laser disc, senpai.
Not when I was in highschool (10 years ago). They had the drives but were never used. We'd just use flashdrives to bring in projects, and anything teachers would be sending to us to work on or access would be over the school network, using physical media at all for an entire class would be just asinine.
Might be that way in other parts of the country though.
I want these to return
99.9999% of people even up into their 20s have never even heard of a laserdisk, much less seen or touched one.
hand painted cells are a lost art.
I feel like I could watch this forever for some reason.
I would have thought that Sup Forumsnons would be very familiar with things that are 3.5 inches and floppy.
I'm in my mid thirties and never personally interacted with an LD in my entire life. If I wasn't an anime fan I probably wouldn't even have cause to know what they are.
>mfw used to play with the circle in the center of the floppy disk
>used to bring it to computer class to play Doom
I remember watching Sailor moon on TV when i was, what, 4? I assume it was just a heavily censored translation.
But tell me, was it actually good or just meh?
They're stiff though. The real floppy disks were fuckin huge.
>One day
Wow people will happily swallow any bait if it lets them get angry and feel superior.
1.44 mb worth of porn. That's all you get. Make it count.
Formulaic, but good. Also has my favorite girl.
Three and a half inches and stiff is even worse for Sup Forumsnons, user.
It's crack in the form a SoL/Magical girl series. Twelve years and running, nigga.
>Not using ZIP or Jazz disk
Does anyone have the "1.44 MB of Chaika" version of this gif and could post it?
>e Machines
The only laserdisc player I've ever seen functioning in person was in the classroom of my 8th grade science teacher.
I finished high school 4 years ago, in the back of the computer class we had old computers, keyboards, ect, i stole a box with 8 floppy disc because heh, they didn't care, and i made a pair of shades with them
that's pretty cool dude
>Japanese Blu-ray is another upscale
When will Toei's reign of terror end?
that was a funny episode
The core principle of the internet.
>total tomboy
>but wants the d constantly
Damn it lads, why can't more anime waifus be more like Sailor Jupiter? Or real women for that matter?
Dokyusei is on it.
I guess you could say she's sailor kino >_
>This post has a 50/50 chance of being genuine
Why did I have to get older
Because you were too much of a pussy to do it when you had the chance
>you will never Rei
I didn't want to be sad, user.
>there will never be a lesbian, puu and child house spin off of sailor moon
Neither did I, then I saw this thread.
Hotel Venus is such a nice doujin, anyway. You have some good taste there.
A `Floppy DIsk`.
But it's only 1.38MB after formatting.
>not streaming a raw tar on it
I distinctly remember a laserdisc being used for the driver's Ed video simulator when I was 15
Do people really get that upset about the passage of time and the changing of customs? Our era is but a moment in the cosmic timescale. For galactic beings, in just the next moment humanity will already have forgotten about earth.
Sup, Clint?
Is there a clip of this? I still haven't seen it.
A real shame
in less than 10 years it will no longer be bait.
Fuck, are you me?
No, just another person that loves Jupiter. Didn't make that last picture myself, though.
Negro I dated a girl yesterday that didn't know what a discman was. We're already there.
>waiting for someone to post the "Windows 10 install on 1700 floppy discs" pic
dont copy that floppy
A treasure trove of porn.
Even when I was a kid and I thought girls were icky, I fucking knew Jupiter was best girl wife forever
An inferior storage device.
Get on my level, fags.
Maybe you were in the same class
I feel like looking at that would cause it to catch fire
...did someone just trace over a Houtengeki pic for this
Why is Mars and Venus so best?
I once had a USB that could hold 256 kb. Not even kidding.
They still use them in aerospace, you need 3 floppies to program the 777 lighting database. Half the time the drive on the aircraft is broken and so is the spare. You spend like 8 hours going onto other aircraft to find a working one.
Dat girl in blue is cute!
>you will never suck on Usagi's toes
but muh source fidelity.
Suspiciously pedo
TFW the ZIP drive started acting weird about a year after the company making them went bust.
And you'll never recover all the porn you put on them.
>Best animator on the show went on to create Princess Tutu
What retard thought using any style other than this for Crystal was a good idea
Woah woah woah, I'm gonna let you finish, but Kunihiko Ikuhara is a much better animator and director than Junichi Sato (and I say that being a huge fan of Sato's).
The Japanese version is fantastic and has only gotten better with age to be honest, especially when compared to the spades of generic shows that followed in its footsteps.
The strength of the show is in the characters. They're well developed and the girls are all very cute. There's also some of the best comedic animation ever made for TV in there.