Other urls found in this thread:
wew lad
As if we needed more proof that kememes is cancer.
confirmed normalfag shit
What the fuck are they doing?
This shit is wasted on Sup Forums. It's just a souless porn board now.
Is this what happens when you're nuked twice
oh shit
For what purpose?
That's why they need Friends now more than ever
Someone have that background image?
It means something. Furryshit go to Sup Forums
What the fuck
But why?
Didn't know anyone still bothered to do shit like this on Sup Forums
This. We need the spirit of good old Anime/Random back.
I feel like the staff is becoming more and more stupid each minute.
That or they are just that salty.
Should have done it here in Sup Forums, it would have gotten a better reaction.
Source of the music playing?
Yeah, kemoshit belongs on Sup Forums all right.
Do people even go on Sup Forums anymore?
Why didn't they do this on Sup Forums?
The video is literally the first post in that thread.
Nevermind found it.
Sasuga /s4s/
I like the song.
i dont get it
You can right click an embedded Youtube video and copy the URL.
What in the fuck
It's not even a mod that made the thread.
What is happening?
>mod/mook actually having fun
Damn I wish they could do something similar here
>not even shitposting here on Sup Forums
Come on now.
>he doesn't know mods tend to post anonymously from time to time just to screw with this site
user plz.
Friends invade other boards, this is amazing!
>Mods can't be anonymous
we just get this shit
Sup Forums mods have a stick up their butt
No i did not know that.
But none of that matters in the end because
Who the fuck even goes to Sup Forums anymore?
Mods are global.
They're at least better off than Sup Forums, a soulless porn board that contains no actual porn.
>Sup Forums
Looking at the posts in that thread reminds me just how far Sup Forums has fallen. As if it could fall any deeper.
are you a wizard?
i want to know why
only that
Why not do this with crap like boruto? They could also take their shitty threads back to where they belong.
>most of the posters hate it
What in the fuck.
I know Sup Forums is newfag the board but still what compels people to come to this site and not like anime?
Not that this MLP shit is anime anyway
What the fuck is mlp?
It's a nice song though, Ive had the thread open just listening to it the whole time.
Not working for me.
Why don't you just take Kemono Friends, and put it EVERYWHERE mods?
It is very catchy.
>it's a nice song though.
no song sounds nice when it's being blasted in you ears.
Why are there like 6-7 Sup Forums variants now anyway?
Kemono confirmed Brony Bait
Turn your volume down a few notches then.
me to i still dont know whats hapening doe
Sup Forums seems a lot worse than I remember it being.
For that matter why do we have like five random boards now?
Except Sup Forums actually likes kemono. Narutocrap was pretty much forced down our throats when the mods decided to babysit their shitty threads some years ago.
This desu.
It really is a waste on Sup Forums
There is an alarming amount of normalfags and other assorted cancer pouring in that need containing.
seems normal to me did I miss it?
Maybe if we make enough dumpster fire boards, there won't be so much trolling in the good boards.
Welp. I guess we were long overdue for the next wave of ironic weebs.
>tfw you pass the casual test that is KF
dude why are screaming like you have a fucking autism?
>Except Sup Forums actually likes kemono
You're generals aren't all of Sup Forums, plenty people want you're budget rotoscope shit axed FOTMfag
This is the first time in a long fucking time that I've been reminded that Sup Forums still exists. And this must be the first time that I have visited Sup Forums since 2007.
Holy fucking shit how things have changed there. Its not even recognisable to what it once was anymore.
This song is so fucking good.
Guarantee there would be even more faggots mad and shitposting if it happened here, just for different reasons.
An endless stream of newfags and normalfags who hear about this epic porn site called "4-chan" and its "b board".
Sup Forums is disgusting to look at
good god its even more newfag than I can even remember
>So new he doesn't know what "what could it mean?" comes from
Next time think before you start posting
Jealous much? KF rules the Internet now, while your show stays irrelevant.
But why?
user I only see letters there. If you are hearing screams, I'm worried.
When was the last time you visited Sup Forums, Sup Forums?
Probably during the WOOP WOOP incident and that was god knows how many years ago.
Im almost sad at what its become these days. I mean, it was pure cancer even at its height but at least it was a wholesome kind of cancer.
Now its just a soulless half porn half /d/ board
if only moot were here
When did I said all of Sup Forums? Of coruse most the people posting in the boruto threads won't like it and they're sadly part of Sup Forums now.
It was still easily the most discussed show of the season.
because they can
really? it looks the same as when I was in highschool, a dumpster fire littered with pictures of dicks.
Is it only stuck to that friend thread?
I don't beleive you user. Sup Forums has done loads of things worth visiting for since 2007.
I think mods are planning something really intelligent, it will happen soon.