Finns LOVE Lauren!
She's /OUR GAL/!!!
Finns LOVE Lauren!
She's /OUR GAL/!!!
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ebin lanka :DDD finland menditoned :DD
Tee kaikille palvelus ja ammu itsesi
Defend your queen!
Stop giving her free advertisement, you stupid fucking scum.
Finnish men are such beta cucks. Even me and other swedes fuck their women all the time.
Never. White women are fucking disgusting.
>Stop giving her free advertisement, you stupid fucking scum.
Half jewish canadian larper. You all give her money and attention....Sad.
Tapa itter hintti
lauren is coal burning thot
When will she start having white children?
Lauren Southern is hot and Finland is based. Finland has the best commie killers.
the original tradthot
Jidf niggers be like. Just stop it. No one takes this seriously.
Steppe epigenetic memories triggered.
Throat singing intensifies.
Too bad Jamal has already been there, done that
Fucking leftist traitos
>leeching off from heavy beta orbiters
You must be below 50 IQ for supporting an e-celeb of any kind
Days thread
give it another couple of years and she will hit her wall and change political opinion and whine about how evil men and the patriarchy is
Lauren Southern is by no means a thought leader, but she’s bringing MASSIVE attention to the South Africa problem. If you basement dwellers are seriously not understanding the net benefit you are retarded.
I like Rose more but Southern is fine too.
>I want whites to continue getting butchered in SA because the reporter exposing it might be a roastie
Petulant child.
(you) should eat a shotgun too.
>Finns LOVE Lauren!
What I wish I could do with her...
You have literally ZERO arguments against her.
Kakkapyllyt :DD
this e-celeb shit reeks of utter soyism and is really pathetic
Women belong at home with the children, not in front of the camera.
what about she is a coalburner whore mr FinnKnight?
>implying you give a fuck about SA.
Why is she wearing so much make up?
Men belong out conquering the earth, not shitposting and jerking off on Taiwanese dehydrated noodle forums.
She's not you fucking brown skin manlet. That guy was half black half Irish so basically whiter than you moor rapebaby
Time to stretch your V A G I N A.
Lauren Southern: Is she the one that used to perform inter-racial porn?
Politics and discussing politics is a male thing to do. Now if this was to be the ONLY thing a person would do, than yes, that person is degenerate.
Half black, half Irish is just all nigger.
>even though I live in a sick Jewish dystopia amidst a brainwashed populace I want anyone who wakes up from their conditioning to be perfectly pure
Neck yourself you kike-loving degenerate piece of shit.
No. She is the one keeping betas around sending her money to fuck Chad at the free speech convention.
If you believe these women are anything but betabux farming attention whores then you haven't woken up from your conditioning.
We have a word for cringeworthy situations, we call it "Spanish shame" in Russian. I feel it right now.
Yeah she mostly is, but I can’t deny the good field reporting in SA can accomplish. I don’t see what it accomplishes to constantly REEEE at any of these women
ugly whore OP is faggot
Cute but I get so sick of these whores sticking their tongue out in every picture. It couldn't be more obvious that they spend huge amounts of time in front of a mirror trying to figure out which "faces" they can use for the camera.
>half black is white
Good luck getting married with your vagina sniffing attitude.
What a fucking pathetic joke some of the "men" here are.
Can you thirsty incels stop bumping these shitty threads?
I already am married and have children. You “thot patrol” autists come across as bitter omegas.
Jesus fucking christ.
Go back to your shithole. When did Croatia ever do anything of note? You aren’t really in a place to criticize what the Anglosphere does.
Das rite
Anglos & Finns run the world
>be 105 IQ roastie
>see the anti white Jew agenda
>quit your easy Jew roastie job to become independent
>propel yourself to ground zero of white genocide using NEET bux betas have you
>expose the stories of SA farmers that the Jewish media covers up
>be you
>basement dwelling omega male
>repost embarrassing images of a 19 year old Stacy over and over again
>dimwittingly spread images compiled by Jewish infiltrators
>spend all your time worrying about the past of a female e-celeb
>never contribute to the salvation of your people
ingroup preference is strong in Finland it seems
Lets be realistic here mutt. Give me a pocket knife and you can have a handgun.
>All this beta rage in defense of mudshark bimbo who is mutilating her face with plastic surgery, your Botox beauty.
She also has a masculine voice. If her voice were something in the woods, it would be a big fat tree trunk.
I'm not finnknight. I like defending Lauren because it makes ya'll niggers mad.
She was 16, and he was half-black not full black, you left out a few details there nig. Southern is useful to whites and her personal history literally doesn't matter.
Kys you degenerate.
which one of you is the REAL finncuck?
As I said, she’s not a thought leader. Why would anyone read her shitty book? All I’m saying is give credit where credit is due, and LS is one of the few people in the world exposing SA genocide, a major redpill for most.