Based Icelanders

>iceland aborts all retards
>suddenly there are no theists left
Lmao you can't make this up

Other urls found in this thread:

God didn't create the world.

The world created God.

>No retards
>Elected a woman leader

I'm an earthrocker.


Don't worry; like the rest of Europe they will import drastically backwards religious zealots who will outbreed the atheists.


Ooooooooooo so deep

yall motherfuckers sound like varg, shitting on christianity just cause
All the while iceland is importing thousands of muslims, offering homes and wives to breed, literally

Perfect sound bite for a gritty action movie trailer.


Sounds legit.

good thing atheists are known for their high birthrates

Enjoy your circular reasoning and pretending you don't have brute faith in things you can't even possibly verify.

So you're saying that Iceland can no longer be considered a secular country as it's populace is turning more & more toward Christianity ?

t_le fedora wielding childless scientist extraordinaire

Been there, they have beautiful churches. People there live off the land and probably are better off worshiping natural Gods like the Vikings once did. The Christianity attempt didn't work on them too well. This poll is complete trash btw. Probably only done in Reykavik or however it's spelled, where they live from tourism and there is a bunch of foreigners.

I'm a Christian - that post is directed toward gaytheists.

You're literally retarded.

oWo what did he mean by this??

>inb4 coping, bible thumping amerimutts show up

>circular reasoning
>is a christcuck

What's this cunts meme name? Jordan probably knocked her up after the show.


literally not a Christian

pick your words then faggot
circular logic is the stamp critique of the bible

Is that some ancap shtick to rationalize why you're an uneducated moron and can't be bothered to actually look deeper into science stuff, so you just call it quits and pretend everyone is as retarded as you ? Sounds pretty pathetic t b h f a m

Circular reasoning is NECESSARILY what all scientism worshipping gaytheists commit to - it applies far more to faggot atheists than it does to anything in Christianity.

What? Circular reasoning and believing in something without evidence is as Christian as it gets.

>Implying that theists were the retards
Maybe a country that doesn't believe in god is also a country that sees no problem killing unborn children.




I'm not reading your shitty comic


daily reminder pagans are WE WUZ tier,only the Roman pagans and Ancient Greek pagans were not shit tier,rest like VIKANGZ who raped,pillaged,looted are nigger tier faggots.

and Atheists are not even atheists yet anti-theists.explainable how they mock everyone else (While thinking they are superior kek) and constantly shill against christanity than other religions makes you wonder (((who))) is behind that.




Then read how everything you believe is based on faith.


>when you don't realize insulting dumb believers means insulting your side

So? Christians did that all the time as well, just like everyone when it suited them.

who cares

they elected a lesbian

>0% of gen Z believes in the kike king on a stick
Gen Z is truly /ourguy/

Is that some kind of elaborate troll ? Both your image and your response are massively retarded, but if you're in it for the (you)s I guess that's pretty successful

Tribalist retards gonna get dumber by the day, since their desire to merge into a hive-mind is never realized.


B T F O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fruits of secularism.


No it is not.


Literally everything you believe is based on circular justification.



and unlike christians,VIKANGZ literally only done that and did nothing else for their society and advance.

they even fucking came to america first and didn't stay.



wow that's actually really convincing, i believe in god now. thanks user!



Good. chruches won't be able to import refugee there anymore.

Nice one he he


Lol, implying shitskins in Iceland won't drop dead after missing one vitamin D pill.
It's literally hell for them.


So Iceland has zero Muslims? Sounds like they need some diversity!

Or did they only poll white Icelanders?



You are an utter moron. what do you think Romand and Greek were doing? not raping, not pillaging, not looting? Spartans for example enslaved native population living with them and constantly attacked and raped them anyway.

Welp this fucker's broken and wiping threads with dead babies. Take him away bois.


but God are tribals, they choose sides. how many levels of mongoloid are you on?

Missing a 'unless they are black' sign.


Murder is murder you faggot

Are you trying to get us to like abortion?


How dare you insult yahweh like this pagan? People with down’s are g-d’s children so based ohio made it so that only children without down’s can be aborted.


why are atheist racists like myself so rare? why do you have to believe in god to realize that jews must all be eradicated?

>black child

Someday he will learn how the world sees him.

>most feminist country of the world
>highest percentage of bastards raised by single mothers in the world
>highest chlamydia rates in the world
Daily reminder that people on Sup Forums think this is an ideal white ethnostate.

Only if you consider blacks to be human, pussy.

if you're upset that a literal cluster of cells that has never been sentient was aborted then you're fucking retarded

Romans and Greeks actually developed their nation into cities and god architecture.

what did vikangz and other pagans done? literally nothing,vikangz were only pirates,they only done that while the romans and greeks actually made humanity develop.
most modern paganists worship and treat nordic paganism as the best of them all when it's literally the opposite.

I've never seen a roman or greek paganist and probably never will.

Abortion should be a legal medical procedure.
Fetuses aren't babies.

But even if they were.
Fuck babies.

Most ath*ists are racist faggots. Why do you think they push for shit like evolution?

Meanwhile people are discovering gravitational waves and approaching quantum transistors
Fuck them, right ? Bunch of circular reasoning, proto-religious believers who empirically analyze reality backed up by powerful logical and mathematical tools to produce sound, tested hypothesis on how that reality works

Answer this question tripfaggot, what's your sorry ancap ass' science education level ? I'm guessing highschool ?



Romans and Greeks had the best environment to do it.

excellent, now time to important some diversity.


>I've never seen a roman or greek paganist and probably never will.
Then you haven't looked hard enough.

What a tumor

they derive all the nutrition they require from white pussy

Because both mindless religion AND mindless racism are for absolute morons. One could be a coincedential rasist if was born in total ghetto, learning to hate nogs from the childhood. Otherwise, its just stupidity.


and evolution has produced some races better than others

Muh autistic word games!
Nobody cares loser, science works.
