I wonder what they'll construct there when they finally wake up and see that holohoax is just commie jewish propaganda with no real factual background
I visited this place while I was still bluepilled and got interviewed by german students on camera. I wonder how cringy it was; they never sent it to me
> memorial
This is a trophy, for the Führer and his achievement.
now some autists shoud paint swastika on every block....oh wait local rabbi will do it
top happening
>German skate park
an enormous statue of a german family
>literally just a bunch of beyond ugly square concrete blocks
how much space is this shit taking up
Nice truck barrier
total waste of space
About the size of a small park
Why did the kikes make a memorial that serves no function aside being an ugly concrete parcel of depression. The could demolish it and make a park instead.
Because they have ugly souls
I was reading the wikipedia entry to the memorial, people becoming angry over children playing on top of the concrete slabs, or fags taking selfies with the blocks as the backdrop for their grindr profiles. They termed the apparent antics of young people there as being called the "YOLOcaust".
Fucking jews man, you'd expect instead of having all these post-modern exhibits they would actually make something practical, like a library.
Quiet a bit. About as big as the Bundestag (Parliament).
Its never ending revenge.
the building is called Reichstag you cuck
Bundestag is the name of the parliament that congregates inside of it
it's a big fuck you to germany, making it clear to them that the central part of german culture is to feel bad for the past.
So much space wasted on this ugly shit.
literally just there to psychologically abuse the german people
parkour anyone?
We don't mind fags, but we wish they would be monogamous. Take the picture for your none hook up profile. Don't use the tragedy to get laid. It's tacky
fuck this is so funny
It is a memorial to naked Jewish greed and control. A big fuck you to Germans. I’d love to take a D9 Cat to it. It should be a beautiful park.
i've always liked this monument!
also i'd love to play paintball there
>holohoax is just commie jewish propaganda with no real factual background
nice bait mate
Una estatua de Carlos V
>nice bait mate
nice bait mate
Good goy
They build a mosque because the caliphate demands it.
Statues out of every block. One statue per block, of some importance, sent to the town that it was supposedly representing, as a sign of conquering the jew lie and rediscovering their german soul.
"Q*bert remastered" has some really nice textures.
>the french jew has appeared.
The holohoax was and is not real, and if you keep pushing that meme, sooner or later it might actually become a reality.
ah come on, no one really believes that conspiracy theory crap do they?
ah the bulgarian with no arguments has appeared. keep talking shit, we still won't listen.
Nice. One can dream
a block
someone post the aerial view of this that looks like a giant merchant NOW!!!!
I once shitted in that memorial during a school trip kek
id say that jews were murdered in ww2, but i dont think it was that much and that brutal as they describe it
its pretty overexaggerated, but its stupid to deny that retarded nazists who blamed their own problems on others and used jews as a scapegoat didnt commit any atoricites
Really? Because as far as I remember, yesterday you couldn't give an answer to a single one of my arguments. Your butthurt went so far, that when I told you I'm going away, you started spamming my posts with some random images and links that didn't make any sense.
Dude that looks like an awesome parkour spot.
Dude, nobody here is arguing over whether jews were killed. Of course they were, everyone was getting killed left and right during WWII. Atrocities were committed in every territory. The whole point of the holohoax argument is that it was a organized genocide of a 6 billion jews, and that simply did not happen.
Like they say though "good propaganda doesn't need to lie."
ok round two - post one of your winning arguments from yesterday (because I don't remember you having any)
>i dont think it was that much
why not?
what happened to the three million polish Jews (who did not escape, did not emigrate, did not come back from the camps)
I believed that it was some far right mockery of the holohoax, but I laughed even harder when I found out that (((they))) coined the term
I think it'd be nice if the Sup Forums community would capture that hashtag for anons specifically going there to yolocaust the memorial.
Then the image is uploaded, and the logo is added, only that this time it reads, a nice way to throw that (((ebony))) back in (((their))) faces.
Brings back memories back in early High School where we would jump from block to block and pose and make "happy/cool selfies".
My subconscious mind and gut hated jews even back then.
>genocide of a 6 billion jews, and that simply did not happen.
correct it was about 6 million.
you got the number wrong.
by a factor of 1000
pretty bad at math aren't you?
Im liking this idea
There's an archive for that. Thread should be easy to find. I won't waste my time posting shit that your delusional head will quite simply ignore anyway. But sure, I'll post something I have saved:
No official documents signed by Hitler ordering the Holocaust have been found. See Holocaust documentary evidence.
In March or April 1942, Lammers stated in a document that Hitler had repeatedly informed Lammers "that he wanted to postpone the solution of the Jewish question until after the war"
summarizing Eichmann's 1942 report, Nazi propaganda minister Dr Joseph Goebbels writes that there are still eleven million Jews in Europe. 'For the time being they are to be concentrated in the east [until] later; possibly an island like Madagascar can be assigned to them after the war.'
"Efforts absolutely must be taken to reduce the death rate in the concentration camps by improving the nutrition and, whenever possible and necessary, the working conditions. The camp commandants are to be held personally responsible for this."
"The Reichsführer SS has ordered that the death rate absolutely must be reduced." "The mid-day lunch should consist of 1.25 to 1.5 liters – not thin soup, but thick, substantial meals. Receipt of additional [food] parcels is to be encouraged. Meal time and proper digestion requires rest.
Lammers replied that it was "here" at the Nuremberg trials! Herman Goring also told the court that the first time he had heard anything about a holocaust was, "right here at Nuremberg!"
>Hitler on losing Auschwitz
"The attacks along a continuous line from the Tichau area to Auschwitz have been deflected; however Auschwitz itself was lost," Hitler finally interrupts to ask only, "Where is the main coal area?"
Which kind of implies that none of the higher ups knew about any holohoax going on?
You're such a fucking moron.
remember when that one kpop group did a photoshoot session there? lol
I've been there a few times. It's a weird place. Kids playing, jumping over those stones, playing hide and seek. Grown-ups standing there like "wtf is this shit monument"
World Jewry will suffer a great catastrophe at the same time as Bolshevism. The Fuehrer once more expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness. We shall thereby render an inestimable service to a humanity tormented for thousands of years by the Jews. This uncompromising anti-Semitic attitude must prevail among our own people despite all objectors. The Fuehrer expressed this idea vigorously and repeated it afterward to a group of officers who can put that in their pipes and smoke it.
Jewish race is the most dangerous one that inhabits the globe, and that we must show them no mercy and no indulgence. This riffraff must be eliminated and destroyed.
Jews always remain the same. You must either stigmatize them with a yellow star, or put them in concentration camps, or shoot them, or else let them saturate all public life with corruption, especially during a war. There is no halfway measure.
I am of the opinion that the greater the number of Jews liquidated, the more consolidated will the situation in Europe be after this war. One must have no mistaken sentimentality about it. The Jews are Europe's misfortune. They must somehow be eliminated,
and so on adnauseam
also you might find that no official document signed by Margret Thatcher authorises the sinking of the Belgrano. Is it still afloat?
this is a sillya rgument. Not only was it usual for non written orders to be given, but also we know masses of documents were destroyed. It would be the firs tthing to burn.
the fact that no one has forged one speaks volumes...
its the same (((French)))) dude in every thread, he posts fake proof of holocaust and all that, dont even bother, he will never ever acknowledge your points and instead reply with shit from the nuremberg trials or the goebbels diaries, ive seen him do this at least 4 times
So, I am reposting, but what do you think?
I believed that it was some far right mockery of the holohoax, but I laughed even harder when I found out that (((they))) coined the term
I think it'd be nice if the Sup Forums community would capture that hashtag for anons specifically going there to yolocaust the memorial.
Then the image is uploaded, and the logo is added, only that this time it reads, a nice way to throw that (((ebony))) back in (((their))) faces.
the himmler quote about better treatment for the people in labour camps - do you really think this applies to the jews taken to the extermination centres?
now you are just being silly.
as for the idea that it was the first time Goering had heard of it - really? Did he also say "I am shocked to find out that there is gambling going on in this place" as he took his winnings?
and the quote about hitler - I can only find it on denier sites. source for this story?
Man minecraft is looking good nowadays
make a point then.
or show how anything I have posted is fake.
literally the same dude everytime, give it the fuck up kike loving frognigger.
>you wanted to go to hitler's bunker
>there was none
>you opted to go to the lame holocaust museum.
Probably a gigantic mosque
>those ugly commieblocks in the back
why has berlin not been nuked yet, and an even better question, why the fuck is it g*rmany's capital?
>when they finally wake up
lol no
At this point, I can't believe I can't imagine something so positive and wholesome actually happening. Anarchy would be preferable to this. At least maybe something better could be created from the chaos.
and you are the same dude too, and every time I show you the truth and debunk your nazi scum lies, and every time you come back and lie again. Do you have no sense of decency at all?
try arguing, and proving your lies. then I might have some respect for you even if you larp behind that flag which shows you instantly for what you are.
>Euros treading lightly on the subject so their police don't arrest them for posting on Sup Forums
Hail Hitler for ever he holocaust never happened.
Came here to post this
no one has ever been arrested for posting on Sup Forums have they?
we have free speech here and even democracy, unlike you - where it is all bought and paid for by russians..
>World Jewry will suffer a great catastrophe at the same time as Bolshevism
Nazis viewed "international Jewry" as a system and culture, not people. Hitler in Mein Kampf said he wants to eradicate "Jewry" by education. The Nazis also viewed Jewry and Bolshevism as the same.
>to clean up the Jews
Does that imply killing them? I don't think so. Also, the most accurate translation is: The Jews must be driven from Europe, if necessary by using the most brutal means."
>The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them
Again, nothing to suggest that the jews were being genocided. We knew Nazis confiscated their belongings and put them in work camps.
>Their destruction
Again, nothing to symbolize a holohoax. It's grandiose speak. By the destruction of his enemies did he also mean genocide them, as well?
>We must hasten the process with cold ruthlessness
The previous sentence is never quoted by exterminationist sources because Goebbels wrote: "Beginning with Lublin, the Jews in the General Government are now being evacuated (abgeschoben) eastward."
>inestimable service to humanity
if we permanently remove them (entfernen) from public life and stick them in quarantine.". You missed that part.
>anti-semitic attitude
Is that a crime? It's no secret that Nazis were anti-semites, I am an anti-semite. I don't see how that makes me a genocidal person though.
>riffraff must be eliminated and destroyed
"This riff-raff must be rooted out, stump and stem ". This is the accurate quote. It doesn't imply genocide.
>Jews always remain the same
Which is his opinion, as it is stated. Not Germany's policy. Also, I don't really remember this quote. Is it real? Is it properly translated?
>I am of the opinion
I AM OF THE OPINION. It is his desire, it's not mandatory.
Also, you're using typical jewish tactics here. You completely ignored my questions and asked yours without answering mine.
>Literally a bunch of stepping stones so you can get that TRVE ROMAN feeling of when the Romans sacked Judea and conquered it on a literal mountain of corpses
I don't think they thought this one entirely through.
>the himmler quote about better treatment for the people in labour camps - do you really think this applies to the jews taken to the extermination centres?
So... wait. The holohoax wasn't an annihilation of jews, but of specific jews? Is that what you're saying? I'm getting confused with this holohoax shit now.
>as for the idea that it was the first time Goering had heard of it
Sure, make your own headcanon on what happened, but I'll believe Goering over some autist over the internet, thank you very much.
>and the quote about hitler
Dr Karl Thöt, a Hitler-stenographer
>if necessary by using the most brutal means.
you know what happened to the jews of Lublin?
where did they go? where are they now?
"evacuated"? really?
come off it you know what happened to them. Don't be coy. and don't lie
" By the destruction of his enemies did he also mean genocide them, as well?"
ahhh, Yes? yes he did. quite definitely.
as for ignoring your questions I have answered them all. You really are not paying attention.
but how about asking another.
oh yes and I just found this Goebbels quote
Goering realizes perfectly what is in store for all of us if we show any weakness in this war. He has no illusions about that. On the Jewish question, especially, we have taken a position from which there is no escape. That is a good thing. Experience teaches that a movement and a people who have burned their bridges fight with much greater determination than those who are still able to retreat.
and this one
Beginning with Lublin, the Jews in the General Government are now being evacuated eastward. The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor.
[By General Government is meant German-occupied Poland. It is obvious from this entry that Goebbels knew of the gas-chamber atrocities, but it is significant that there was any form of human depravity which he would recognize as barbaric when resorted to by Nazis.]
my question is what happened to the 60%
also he goes on to say
The former Gauleiter of Vienna, who is to carry this measure through, is doing it with considerable circumspection and according to a method that does not attract too much attention. A judgment is being visited upon the Jews that, while barbaric, is fully deserved by them. The prophesy which the Fuehrer made about them for having brought on a new world war is beginning to come true in a most terrible manner. One must not be sentimental in these matters. If we did not fight the Jews, they would destroy us. It's a life-and-death struggle between the Aryan race and the Jewish bacillus. No other government and no other regime would have the strength for such a global solution of this question. Here, too, the Fuehrer is the undismayed champion of a radical solution necessitated by conditions and therefore inexorable. Fortunately a whole series of possibilities presents itself for us in wartime that would be denied us in peacetime. We shall have to profit by this.
what did he mean by this?
Im Jewish and running across the tops of those was really fun. That being said being inside the maze really feels like you're in the Holocaust again. Good monument
You are fucking ridiculous. Outside of Duterte, regimes aren’t open about exterminations and purges. How utterly retarded to acknowledge camps, attitudes that entire world would be better off without Jews and then find it unbelievable how that government would do something violent to Jews.
Like, it’s clear you agree with the goal- why pretend it didn’t happen? Because that’s the one thing limiting the number of supporters for what you believe?
You neo-nazis love a black and white narrative and it’s why so many autists support your movement. But it doesn’t reflect the real world. The world you believe in is a caricature and it’s why despite all the hate for post-modernity the right uses heavy irony and meta humor.
and you're a kike larping as a frog (or the other way round). i bet you get teary-eyed in these threads fucking lmao.
>reddit spacing
no wonder you're so constantly buttblasted in these threads kek.
Thank you Bulgaria, it‘s a part of the NSDAP Leadership to have a rather harsh choice of Words.
But they considered themselves to be better than others by applying higher standards for POWs and inmates of KZs.
They found the state of KZ inmates disgusting and unworthy for National Socialists and where eager to change that.
Just look at all the commodities in Ausschwitz:
Swimming Pool, Theater, Soccer Team, Bunny breeding, Music groups etc
An enormous statue of this image
>being in the holocaust again
Lemme guess, your grandpa, just like every other jew’s grandpa, survived the holocaust
fuck nazis
>So... wait. The holohoax wasn't an annihilation of jews, but of specific jews? Is that what you're saying? I'm getting confused with this holohoax shit now.
No one has ever denied that jews were put to slave labour. the process in Auschwitz-birkenau was well described - men separated to go to labour camp, women, children and the old adn infirm sent to the "showers2 immediately.
the men in the labour camp were not treated very well,a dn often when they got ill sent to the gas chamber as well. If they had enoug labour thay just killed everyone immediately off the train.
this is documented in vast quantities of testimony.
this did not happen at all camps of course - some were just labour camps. But often the jews there were later sent to the extermination camps.
I am not certain that hitler actually wanted them all dead - merely that it was convenient to kill the non useful, and keep the others as slaves.
> I'll believe Goering over some autist over the internet, thank you very much.
did you read the thing you posted - does that sound convincing to you - here mr goering you are quoted as saying this...
oh no that wan't me, i knew nothing...
yeah yeah.
>>and the quote about hitler
>Dr Karl Thöt, a Hitler-stenographer
yes A hitler right hand man quoted by David Irving, a hitler fanboy and convicted liar who was shown to be a dissembler and distorter of the truth, who said the hitler diaries were real because they showed Hitler in a good light
hmmn really convincing that.
If Hitler did not know why do we have documents typed up in large type (used only for hitler so he could read without glasses) adn marked "seen by Hitler" that detail mass murders.
>you know what happened to the jews of Lublin?
What? Explain.
>ahhh, Yes? yes he did. quite definitely.
Kek, so I guess Nazi Germany was going ot genocide the entire world. This is the jewish mind on holohoax.
>as for ignoring your questions I have answered them all. You really are not paying attention.
No, you really did not. Sarcastic replies filled with no substance is all that you did.
>Beginning with Lublin
Are you retarded? He clearly speaks that jews will be deported east and be forced to work there. As such, many of them will die, but it is not gassing, shooting or whatever is implied in the holohoax. It's basically forced labour and whoever survives, survives. Here is another part that follows that quote:
>The ghettos that will be emptied in the cities of the General Government will now be refilled with Jews thrown out (ausgeschobenen) of the Reich. This process is to be repeated from time to time
Where does he imply that jews will be genocided? Here's another one:
>In large part the Jews are once again being evacuated from Berlin. About one thousand per week are shipped to the East. The suicide rate under this Jewish evacuation is extraordinarily high. This does not bother me
>Domestically speaking, not much to report. Against all expectations, the [German] suicide rate is declining extraordinarily. Today no one has the desire to freely end his life. Only among the Jews are suicides rapidly increasing. That is welcome too. In Berlin we now have a little over 40,000 Jews. This is of course a sharp decline from the pre-Nazi state, but it’s still too many. At the moment I cannot conduct rigorous evacuations, because the strong remaining Jews are needed for the armaments process. But here too a remedy will surely be found in the coming weeks.
> Therefore the Führer does not at all wish that the Jews should be evacuated to Siberia. He would much prefer to resettle them in central Africa.
oh dear. I miss /new/
we didn't even know what reddit was in those days.
what newfags call reddit spacing is just good typing practice for clarity.
would you like me to just present walls of text that you would then say were unreadable?
and I have yet to be butttblasted - is that some gay kink thing you do? Sounds awful and I am not interested.
fuck off nazi scum
nice bait
>Just look at all the commodities in Ausschwitz:
>Swimming Pool, Theater, Soccer Team, Bunny breeding, Music groups etc
oh dear I was waiting for that.
where where these "commodities" (I think you have the wrong word there, perhaps you meant "amenities" but anyway)?
where they by any chance not in Auschwitz II or II (Birkenau)?
or are you suggesting that all 100,000 slave labour prisoners at Auschwitz had a nice dip in the small reservoir every evening before grooming their horses and playing in the orchestra?
you could at least try to come up with a decent argument and not one that has been debunked a thousand times.
>modern fps level design
>Black cubes everywhere
These jews are demonic
Shut the fuck up commie
Black cubes!
>>you know what happened to the jews of Lublin?
>What? Explain.
about 30,000 were deported to the Belzec extermination camp (some of them through the Piaski ghetto) between 17 March and 11 April 1942 by the Reserve Police Battalion 101 from Orpo helped by Schutzpolizei.[9] The Germans set a daily quota of 1,400 inmates to be deported to their deaths. The other 4,000 people were first moved to the Majdan Tatarski ghetto – a small ghetto established in the suburb of Lublin – and then either killed there during roundups or sent to the nearby KL Lublin/Majdanek concentration camp.
The last of the Ghetto's former residents still in German captivity were executed at Majdanek and Trawniki camps in the Operation Harvest Festival (German: Aktion Erntefest) on 3 November 1943.
But what is your alternative history? what happened to them?