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I wonder if I'm just getting older or these are just getting less funny.
Probably the second because i didnt laugh in this chapter nor the previous one either. I do remember laughing before that though.
I can't believe this fan parody is so much better than the new series.
I like it so I'm happy.
>The stinger with the Bug Planet
8-Bit Theater did that joke better
Yamcha is the most useless DBZ character next to Krillin. They should've stayed dead.
I think it has just become what it was parodying. The characters feel and joke like what you would believe to be themselves and the VA is very well done.
It's evolved into a passable dub, like a SparkNotes version of an anime as opposed to an anime.
*a parody.
Whoops lol.
Friendly reminder that Frieza is a fucking midget and that is the reason why he is so much popular so nips can relate to him
It was way less funny. It was mostly just skipping between Satan trying to explain the others' powers, Goku and Cell being gay, and "We Are Number One" pasted over a fight scene. Maybe one or two decent little lines in between it all.
Shit came out relatively quickly for once, but sucked a lot.
I smirked at a few lines but overall not very funny. Hard to say what's causing it. Maybe this arc just doesn't have many potential jokes, maybe they've forgotten it was supposed to be funny altogether and have just started doing their own normal fandub with occasional weird/snarky lines.
this is the only joke that was kinda funny
>this mediocre thing is better than a big pile of shit
How are we liking the roster so far?
you're 12
Yeah, the videos leading up to this episode were better.
Don't know if your just shitposting, the parody is just following the original series with bad jokes basically your saying the original is better then super and i agree with that.
I don't think this is a DBS trhead
goku is also a manlet
8-Bit Theater thread when? Sup Forums refuses to talk about good webcomics. Also, an earlier TFS joke did that joke better too
Maybe it's their favorite saga.
For some reason these guys are only funny when they do what they hate, like Broly.
it is now, nigga
or it will be later
it's easier to rip apart shit you don't care for
whats your powerlevel
>just started doing their own normal fandub with occasional weird/snarky lines.
Might be this. Last time I belly laughed at anything TFS related was in season 3. After Imperfect Cell it just wasn't that funny anymore. When you rely so heavily on repackaging jokes, which was already getting a little annoying in season 2, you're gonna kill your audience's patience. I usually don't watch these episodes more than once now
It is just a commercial series now, and I can't help but think it's my fault. A few years back I made a comment on a TFS abridged episode. This was back when they claimed that the show was non profit at the start of every single episode. I told them that they should tear down that disclaimer because they were obviously profiteering with their gaming channel and their t-shirts. I got like a hundred negative replies from TFS fanboys and surprisingly I got a hate fueled reply from I think it was Kaiserneko (the gay one). It was odd because TFS never freaking replies to youtube comments since they get a million of them. I must have pressed a button. Anyway after I said this they stopped claiming that their show was non-profit.
Huh, Goku never invented a move on his own, though.
Never thought about that.
How about a DBM trhead?
>Specials galore
no thanks
>Huh, Goku never invented a move on his own, though.
please watch dragonball, you fucking retard
>This has been going on for almost a decade
>This has been going on since my senior year of high school
The abridged version took many times longer to air than the original and it's still not even over.
tl;dr but you sound like a faggot YouTubecommenter with a God complex and no you're not the reason TFS has dipped in quality. That's TFS's own fault.
Seems like for the last ~20 episodes the humor has been more "look how silly this character is" rather than "framing, set up, punchline" style joke. Also there's been a lot less subversion of expectations lately.
But I did, you cunt.
>I told them that they should tear down that disclaimer because they were obviously profiteering with their gaming channel and their t-shirts
Ugh, the episode wasn't even out before they had an add up for their new Cell University shirt.
It's sickening really.
Is everyone on Sup Forums a newfag? Who REALLY falls for bait this easily?
It sounds like you just gave away your newfaggotry. People don't usually talk about the website as a whole unless they're newfags
When the whole site is filled with newfags such as yourself it's easy to do
Whatever you say man
then watch it again
There was one last week nigger, but it's similar to seasonal anime who talks about non-ongoing anymore.
Pretty Big
So like has this fallen from grace or is it just me?
An 8 bit theater thread or a webcomic thread, cuz I don't believe the former, and by good webcomics, I really just meant 8 bit theater
Not him but what did he even invent? jan-ken came from his grandpa and kamehameha came from roshi, he has no iconic technique that came from him originally.
Dragon Fist (Ryuken)
>Movie technique
Well then.
wait why is frieze in the line up
Since when was King Piccolo a movie?
>8-Bit Theater
hey grandpa
At this point it's stopped being a parody and more a straight dub. Everything with Mr. Satan right now feels like it's straight out of the actual series. They're trying to make a joke out of what was already a joke, which just feels stale.
I don't know if it's an anime difference or what but I don't remember any special technique with that name.
Could you show an example of it?
Since when was that the Ryuken?
The Cell vs videos are terrible though
Since he was wrong and wanted to be right.
Not all of them.
you're getting old grandpa, epic lazy town maymays made the episode for me
I like how he treats every character differently. He likes 16 and Yamcha. Hasn't interacted with Gohan at all yet though.
Okay, all but two of them
I'll admit, the Kenshiro one was good, and I did like the OPM one, even if it was pretty much exactly as you'd expect.
All the rest were just terrible, with jokes that just weren't funny, or just lacked a punchline
if there's one joke I like it's Tien just seeing how far he can push everyone
Called him a nerd on this one.
It's this sense of "we're going to decide the joke you like" that bugs me the most of the current videos
abridged finally starting the cell games?
That joke's shit though, too deliberate.
The series was a lot better when they didn't have a stick up their ass and that's coming from someone who likes them
Check the catalog it might still be there though it didn't make it past 100
It bothers me because they're writing seems to be going down, while they are clearly prioritizing T shirt ideas to make money over putting out a quality parody.
They want to make money? Fine. But make something funny first. Its the whole reason why people supported them in the first place.
>make something funny first. Its the whole reason why people supported them in the first place.
Not really, most people like to throw money at "content creators"
Seriously it just seems like instead of making jokes that catch on everyone is deciding what's going to be a meme just so they can sell shit.
You want to get patreon bucks so you can keep doing this shit? Fine. That's one thing. Entertainment is a viable service. But this is bullshit. You're charging people for the chance to charge them
Yeah, that is a problem. People stop expecting quality and if their audience doesn't hold their feet to the fire, TFS is just gonna keep going downhill because the patreon money keeps flowing in regardless.
If I was part of their patreon, I would have pulled out since the majority of what they've been putting out lately is crap. This episode and the last, and the majority of their "Cell vs" series are shit.
The main issue is that the main 'funny' characters are generally no longer absurd.
They literally need to be ridiculous caricatures of themselves. That is the joke.
I thought something was off early on, didn't laugh at some of the jokes and I dislike Satan in this though I do enjoy his character in the Buu saga. This series is only good when you're binge watching or watching the best part of each episode though.
The problem with Satan here is that they're playing him completely straight. Theres no joke here that the series itself didn't already do.
Its blatantly lazy on their part.
>the best part of each episode though
Isn't the whole point of an abridged series to only show the key points and most best parts? Does someone need to make a Dragon Ball Abridged Abridged?
Better yet, call it Dragon Ball Re:Abridged to appeal to the audience.
Now that you mention it, yeah. I fucking hated Satan when I was younger during this shit. Just wanted him to shut the fuck up.
Tbh I just watch people edit together the best scenes of cell if I ever want a laugh. He was pretty damn good in his first form, less on this 2nd, and he's a mix on his 3rd. At least for me. One of the best scenes is when he talks out of his ass.
Honestly most of the cast are good voice actors but it's just a meme dub now it's not funny and they are just trying to make money while getting pissed at any criticism
They've never been good with criticism, though
For example, they always got super butthurt when people joked about how long the wait between episodes were even way back in the day.
>The problem with Satan here is that they're playing him completely straight.
They're playing the whole thing basically straight. This isn't a Dragon Ball parody it's Dragon Ball with the occasional joke or glib eye rolling bit of dialogue
You're in for a surprise soon user
Say whatever you want, I love cell and goku hate boner.
Of course they've just gotten worse while their both the Quilty and time for each episode has also gotten worse.
But don't worry buy this shirt or watch our lets plays where we get pissed off a lot
I would argue 1, maybe 2 are decent VAs. When most of them are just imitating what someone else sounds like, it just devalues what skill there might be.
Eh, the joke of Goku being a wife beater gave me a chuckle
Because it was an actual joke. Framing, Set up, punchline. It played off the audiences expectations to insinuate something horrible that was really just mostly innocent.
And even then they ran with it too long by having both Chich and Gohan comment on it when you just needed to boos from the crowd
Thats what i see. It stopped from being a completely silly dragon ball parody to "what if we tweaked the characters a little towards humor and played the series straight?".
This. They are trying too hard to give the characters badass moments (mostly vegeta).
>Tournament deciding if the universe keep existing or if its poofed out of existance
>Who should fight for it, yamcha or the guy who is almost at SSB level.
"That's Yamchas move!"
Was legit hilarious.
The Lazy Town shit was pretty bad.
The more serious they get with telling the story the more the series loses it's charm.
That's why the Broly movie was so great.
Freeza did like 10 push ups on the way back, he's Beerus+ level now.
>Lazy Town
How did this become a thing? I mean not in the childrens programming sense it's mostly harmless in that regard but what the fuck is with it and the internet
>That's why the Broly movie was so great.
If you haven't watch it with the subtitles on
This reminds me of why I hated Satan in cell saga, he was really unbearable. His character really improved a lot in Buu saga though.
Not just almost SSB level, he is higher. He has stamina problems like SSj3 but he's actually stronger.
I dunno. "You are a pirate" is an internet thingy for over a decade now. I guess people went for other songs.
>That's Yamchas move!"
Yeah that was funny
Yup but with the kaioken goku would rek him now. Pretty sure vegeta would, too.
But you're right, at the actual fight, frieza was stronger.
Yeah, by now, both Goku and Vegeta can easily defeat Golden Freeza.
I just want more ninjabride. It's alot funnier when you don't give any fucks.
Frieza gets more from training than those two monkeys, he'll be caught up after he finishes his warmup.
People who were kids when it was on are now old enough to have their first nostalgic wave. Simular to all the spongebob memes before