>that feeling when senpai noticed you
Let's have a thread to celebrate. Which loli would you fug? The thick loli or the redhead loli?
>that feeling when senpai noticed you
Let's have a thread to celebrate. Which loli would you fug? The thick loli or the redhead loli?
go back to Sup Forums weeb faggot
Kill yourself
Digibro is a total faggot and is not /myguy/
>The thick loli or the redhead loli?
its thicc or 4head
Digibro is one pretentious cunt.
Kill yourself.
Fucking cancer.
Global Rules:
10.No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
11.Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Do your job mods
Kill yourself.
That Anime Snob
Knowing that Digibro likes this decreases my enjoyment by 25%.
For fuck's sake mods.
Maybe Digibro is /ourguy/.
Remember when he went full retard and called out Supereyepatchwolf for having competent videos-I mean, for having pleb taste.
Whatcha doin digibro
I wonder who could of made this thread.
Kill yourself faggot
Making another shitty rant about how this incredibly simple aspect of anime fandom is actually complicated and worthy of halfassed introspection
Budget isn't what makes an anime good, the things budget buys does :^)
Mods gave up back in 2016, all you have now is a janitor who really loves memes.
Reminder that this neckbeard likes
I'm at a loss. Why do you care? Why do you think we care? Sure, tweet about it saying "lol they mad" or whatever, to make yourself not look fanny-tickled but geez, I would try to do something more respectable rather than be a youtube anime critic or whatever the hell it is you do
bronyggers aren't ourguys.
Kill yourself you fucking asshat
Remember to put Tatami Galaxy, Akage no Anne, LotGH, Lain, Porco Rosso and SAC in your 3x3 to trigger him.
Who actually watches digibro besides pleb tier new anime fans who got into anime because attack on titan?