Are Somalis good immigrants?
Are Somalis good immigrants?
Fuck no
I mean.. They're different from the Western african blacks.
Btw checks how the color of my ID fits my flag. Nice.
I don't fucking know, but if Fargo was made today that shit would look like Captain Philipps
ugly. go back
They’re not attractive that’s for sure.
They're not as bad as Sudanese or Syrian but they're still fucking awful.
Niggers seems to quickly adopt Nigger twerking culture, doesn't even matter that they are muslims its like their instincts are drawing them to twerk, fuck and chimpout
jesus chist no
i live in canada and they're the only version of blacks that cause problems, and they cause a fuck load. they get gangs of 24 of those parasites and beat up couples.
walaashaay magaca iisheeg
I prefer real black girls, not some bastardized form of one.
They don't get called zoomalis just because.
The increase in crime is something else
Rap music is so fucking terrible. I shouldn't be able to tell what genre of music you're listening to with no fucking audio.
Hell no. Any and every apartment complex I've been in that had Somali residents reeked of curry, BO, and shit.
Are they mixed with Arabs to look like this?
They are the niggers of niggers.
The first Somali cop in Minneapolis(?) shot a white woman for literally no reason. Just saw an article yesterday that the first Somali cop in Maine was arrested for something as well.
I dunno, there's a big divide in Ethiopians which I don't understand. A lot have this sort of nigger pinhead look with the goblin nose of these two girls. But there's quite a few Ethiopians that have black skin but their features are completely white and they're gorgeous.
I've never looked into it but would be interesting to examine the history of Ethiopia to trace how such genetic disparity between their niggers occurred.
I'm not a muslim but watching these women do that... despicable "dance" while wearing a hijab deeply troubles me.
Fuck western degeneracy.
But their girls are the cutest niggers
Like she would even give you the time of day you domesticated chimp.
Their countries actual economy was primarily literal piracy just a few years ago, why the fuck would you think they are good people or even understand the concept of good in the same way that you do?
That ass! Walahi I need to stick my thang on her halal vag..
Are poo/shit/assholes/animals/agressive/wellfarefreeloaders good immigrants?
Do you kno de wae?
Tell me she is not attractive. You are a homosexual.
what the hell is it with this arse moving move there? i can't believe people think this is "sexy" or makes "your dick throb"
>Somali calling someone "domesticated chimp"
Sup Forums really is a weird place
Why do all Somalis have head shaped like a Moon Man?
Aboowe Haliima la i dhahaa, adi Farah ma tihidoo?
They’re the niggers of niggers, vertical ants that are literally not even human.
If by good you mean the worst, then yes. Somalis are the niggers of Africa, the niggerist of the niggers.
how is this even a question?
fuck no mate. somalians are the worst. the niggers of the niggers. seriously.
She looks like a morrowind character. Fucking ugly.
On the thumbnail her upper lip looks like a mustache
Took the words right outta my fingers.
Its competitive rivalry with Ethiopians sorta like Germany vs England. We intermarry and see each other as racially close.
The other bantu big nose nappy haired Africans are animals and hated with nazi level zeal.
Anyone who doesn't speak Afrocentric is bantu pretty much.
She is fucking ugly. Even street urchins look better
The ones in Sweden are much lighter
Moonman? I see light bulbs!
rare flag
Is it even possible for a black woman to be attractive?
That is exactly what they are, african niggers who literately got domesticated like farm animal, we had them enslaved too we know how they operate.
jokes on you you racist sick fuck, Somalis produced more international super models than Ethiopians. Go fuck yourself with a giant cactus
she really isnt.
Post more somali qts? Also does not Somalis have a very controlling clan system? How does the clan system affect the lifes of somalis.
was the inside of her mouth bleached? He lips looks normal from the inside wtf
Dhaanto music is super comfy, I had a normie somali college roommate who played that shit all the time
What afroasiatic language branch does egyptian/coptic belong too?
What are your wievs on American niggers that think they would be welcomed with open arms in Africa? Are they delusional or is there some truth to it?
Ethiopia is the only African country worth a damn, until communism infested it in the 70s. Look into their history, it's pretty cool.
Fuck Somalians, they double down on black culture + inshallah culture. Worst workers. Worst neighbors. Worst people in the midwest. It wouldn't be so bad if they kept their head down and tried to make their communities better. They never do and never will, and will leech off of Lutheran Social Services until the section 8 housing authorities get labeled as slum lords, even though there was never a problem when the tweekers and junkies lived in those apartments. It's a crying shame that white drug addicts maintain crack houses in better condition than Somalis do in their free housing.
They look white and nigger at the same time my dick is confused.
no fuck off mohammed
Hell no. Somalians are some of the scummiest.
You should be banned for posting sand niggers trying to be sexy. That is absolutely disgusting.
Are Somalis White?
I didn't say anything about Somalis. Why so sensitive?
Somalians in England are absolute scum, especially the city I live in anyway
Semite in Ethiopia. The Somalis here speak Arabic, don't know what their tribal languages are like.
Since when is Sup Forums a vogue discussion board
your mongol nations with your ''purest white'' genes don't have the amount of super models starving somalis has. How does it feel knowing the actual world outside of your barren frozen lake interested more Somalis models than your vodka guzzling stout building mongol bitches? KILL YOURSELF PEKKA
Somalis are the second lowest subhumans, beaten out only by aboriginals.
Somalia is the shithole in shithole
Every other african hates them
For some reason we should pretend otherwise
Brudda, led me tell you about dem somali, thei don kno da wei
I think their own branch, doesn't matter though because Arabic which is their new language from Semitic branch is still linked to Ancient Egyptian since they are both AfroAsiatic languages descending from proto Afroasiatic.
>Look white but nigger
I dont understand.
They look Fucking retarded. Like what are they even doing?
Ethiopian > Somali
>Every other african hates them
That just means the others are jealous
Modern Communists are just liberals obsessed with Bourgeois fashion
Worst of all niggers
Find me one that can deploy a multi datacenter disaster avoidance solution, because when I got to vmworld or netapp insight I dont see a single black person, much less a somalian.
The clan is actually stronger than religion itself, but nowadays young generation are more like chill about it. Still it has a major influence in somali lifestyle
You have to work with one to know one. Abdullah Al-Abdullahs are the worst people. They are stupid enough to say "fuck america" when they get their gibs, then cry "racist" when they are told to fuck off to Africa.
Sup Forums needs to start a bus
Why are you bringing people who aren't equipped physically to survive in cold weather into a country that has cold weather for 9 months of the year?
can't distinguish any features if someone's complexion is like that of a shitstain
Dom är fortfarande inte människor
Haa nin Mareykanka Somali ayan ahay, gabar joogta Sup Forums waligaay ma arkin.
Halka ayad joogtaa.
No, they aren't. 5 year old me was deathly afraid of a statue that a friend of the family had in their living room. That statue was a small bust depicting a mother/daughter combo. They were Somali-looking with Hijabs on. The fear was irrational. The bust was completely harmless. It was just a piece of art. But for some reason, it actually scared the shit out of me.
Adult me now thinks there's something more to genetic imprint of memories. Sort of how we're prone to survival techniques that are subconscious to us, I think that some of our fears or predilections to in-group preference are actual survival instincts. What's more is I think this is a male trait, and not necessarily female. What would make this make sense is that males feel a sense of protecting/guarding their family/property while a females survival instinct would have been psychologically dealing with becoming a rape trophy during wars. Human history is brutal, and would lend some credence to these theories. I do acknowledge they are just theories, though.
Yeah; I still get the chills about that bust. Fucking creepy.
Ethiopia and Somalia are mostly populated by Hamitic people, which are part of the Caucasoid family. Caucasoids originated in Central Asia, and migrated West at varying times. Cushites (Ethiopians/Somalis) appear to have entered Africa first, followed by what came to be the Berbers of North Africa (and Spain). There has been Semitic and Negroid inclusion since.
In Canada, no one likes Somalians, not even Somalians.
Always responsible for mob beatings and crime. Very violent on the bus, even the kids.
Ethiopians are good immigrants though.
I feel ya, leaf bro :(
They hate us, cause we used to sold their dumb asses to the white man. In a way you could say we unironically taught them how to Pimp. lmao
And now we fuck your mongol sisters in your own country, you mad nigga? I mean autistic Pekka?
Finns are part Somali, see pic
Diary products in immigrant areas usually have increased Vitamin-D dosage.
No. They're literal subhumans. Fucking nuke the entire country and forcibly behead all of their inhabitants in and out of the country.
double niggers? or even worse, niggers squared
Lots of Ethiopians are good Christians and if you watch their music videos they are much more wholesome and traditional.
They are always polite, from my ecperiences and to my knowledge, never cause problems and integrate well, while maintaining good aspects of their culture. I really like the ones in my area and the restaurants.
They don't seem to race mix either.
I'd bet even the most hardened racists on pol would like them if they spent time with them, and no race mixing happened.
this guy gets it.
war naag somali joogta london ayan ahay. Naaska ma ku tusaa niyaw?
Lived in portland for 15 years. A fair number of somalis moved in over the past 5-10.
Most were unattractive, but occasionally you do see a legit pretty one like the models pictured. I had two of those types baby sit my kids occasionally. My experience was they're not like niggers at all. Very family oriented, admittedly they do have like 7 siblings. The family I got to know had all of the kids in trade school or college. Way better than the niggers I see in Detroit.
stop giving things to migrants
Why is it that all Somalis look like they have slight down syndrome
So are you saying we're senpai now or nah?
>E1b1b related to red sea admixture
E1b1b peaks in Morroco and its most basal clades are found in Saudi Arabia.
Vermin that should be removed from the gene pool. They are zero honor and stand for nothing but thievery, they make Somali pirates look like saints, they become millionaires and dont spend a cent uplifting niggers from their spawning ground and are broke in 5 years after spending all the niggerball money on crack.