After GITS failed to garner interest from the west looks like they're going to try something darker who's going to play Kaneda & Tetsuo
I actually liked the 2016 Ghost in the Shell
After GITS failed to garner interest from the west looks like they're going to try something darker who's going to play Kaneda & Tetsuo
I actually liked the 2016 Ghost in the Shell
I want an American Touhou live action with west coast bitches playing all the girls. The battles won't be about power levels anymore but who fucks the most chads.
Fuck fuck fuck no I don't want hollywood to ruin this one. I was fine with GITs because of the amount of shitty adaptations that already exist of it - but not Akira, goddammit.
Gibs dat Olympic money gaijin.
honestly, why do they keep trying to make these adaptations? didn't gits bomb? there's a million western cape comics they can try first before this.
what? sac is better than the movie. is the other one that bad?
cast tetsuo
pic unrelated
Akira is already one for one in the "shitty adaptations" department.
What would they call the movie since its going to be white washed?
Certainly not Akira, that's too foreign. I suspect something like "Psycho City"
Something totally garbage
they probably forgot the manga exists.
please don't
that's the whole point. they have an "exotic" sounding name to appeal to the "culturally enriched" moviegoers.
>"Akira" becomes "A Killer"
>white washed
They'll call it Akira since it's an identifiable "brand" for their publicity.
>let's take art and make it not
speaking of GitS, has any more info been released about the new animated series that they're apparently planning to make?
Akira: Subtitle
The very first post proves the people posting in these threads are faggots from /r9k/ and other edgy normalfag boards. Can we disallow Western live action adaptations from Sup Forums already? The rule is obviously intended for Japanese adaptations like Aku no Hana, not this trash. Take shit back to the
They will have learned their lesson from GitS and will cast it entirely with Korean-Americans.
>Movie name will be Akira
>will take place in New-New York
>Main character is Sam (Kaneda), a canadian, and his friend Fred.
>They discover AKIRA project, acronym for A Killer In Recent Atlantic
>AKIRA destroyed a large chunk of atlantic ocean, including new york, hence the name
>Akira is BLACK
>They will have learned their lesson
>implying "whitewashing" was the issue with GitS
if they've learned their lesson they will pay more attention to the source material and write a plot that isn't typical Hollywood cookie-cutter garbage. Scar-Jo's casting would have been fine if the rest of the movie was worth a damn.
Akira can't be that hard for them to adapt but yet again the atmosphere and scenery won't be as good as in the animated film. No Geinoh Yamashirogumi, none of my Gaijin dollars.
This has been in development hell so long that kids won't get a lot of the jokes in the old Happy Harry cartoon.
After Gits hope these faggots don't touch it any time soon.
At least Jin Roh will never be handed to some Hollywood incompetent money grubbing Jew.
>I actually liked the 2016 Ghost in the Shell
Can't account for your cancerous tastes.
Not if they decide to make about some conspicuously white freedom fighter OCs.
kill yourself, my man
Ebin. Simply ebin.
akira will be a space baby.
jin roh was forgettable.
Only adapting the first third of a story makes for an objectively shit adaptation no matter how you look at it.
Akira is succinct and hermetic, anything more is useless.
>implying they are capable of learning that lesson
>live action.
>Jordan Peele not directing
What's the point?
I remember it better than I remember Akira.
>cool armor suits
>kind of a Romeo and Juliet thing
>but he kills her, huh, I guess he's the wolf, makes sense
>some kid wants his buddy's bike
>messes with... some kind of genetically engineered psychic baby?
>blows up a city, and there's also some military guy?
>do I remember a laser satellite?
I probably remember more details about the riot scene in Jin-Roh's opening credits than in the entirety of Akira. It was just that forgettable to me. Maybe it was groundbreaking when it was released and it's just the Seinfeld effect.
Christ, did we learn NOTHING from Ghost in the Shell?
By Hollywood classification, Akira and GitS are the same: Sci-fi action. It doesn't matter if you cast 2 A-list actors as Tetsuo and Kaneda, people won't go see a movie just for the cast anymore.
The rest of the manga was shit anyways.
>live action movie decides to adapt the manga insted on the anime
>2+ hour long chase scene
God that shit was awful.
>forgetting the motorbike chase
Akira is just as important for what it did to Japanese animation as it is as a film.
I mean, Akira is a classic for a reason and jam-packed full of iconic scenes. Forgetting them is more on you than it, I think.
It's a "classic" because it looks good. That's the only reason. The only scene anyone remembers is the bike chase. Akira is shit.
Do you actually believe what you're saying, or are you just trying to be a mother fucker?
And the prom's tomorrow.
Both, those aren't mutually exclusive.
I don't know any popular movie directors. I've become completely out of touch with Hollywood. I only know who Christopher Nolan is because I used to be into capeshit.
Who do you think will be the western director least likely to butcher Akira?
The story is too deeply rooted in Japan for any kind of Westerner to do correctly.
Doesn't matter. The second-string will listen to the execs and fuck it up.
Is it bad that I liked it more for its animation rather than its story? I had no idea what was going on for most of the movie.
It's not just a classic because it "looks good". It's also a classic because it was hugely influential to a generation of animators and their styles in Japan and is an extremely rare case of getting so many of the very most talented animators of their generation working on one project at one time.
I mean, it IS brilliantly animated. But the story's brilliant as well. I wouldn't worry about not understanding it at first, it's allegorical and there's a lot to read into, plus it goes into some surreal bits which can be a lot to take in. You'll pick up on it when you rewatch.
I do wonder if the story seems better to some than others depending on how and when you saw it. If you got into watching seasonal anime and had been doing that for a while then decided to watch Akira I can imagine you not thinking the story was incredible. I remember when I first watched it at as teenager sometime near midnight on VHS and hadn't really seen anything quite like it before and was completely mind blown in all respects.
I had the opposite experience, actually. Watched it before I really got into anime, thought it was convoluted shock-value nonsense. Now I'm quick to call it one of the best ever.
I see. Just watched a stream of it, so that makes sense.
>streaming Akira
I want to die
they're going to try something darker who's going to play Kaneda & Tetsuo
So they're going to be portrayed by black men?
Akira: [subtitle that spoils the movie]
But Akira already have a live action and it was kind of good
The Blu Ray is cheap, Akira doesn't deserve such low standards.
>an extremely rare case of getting so many of the very most talented animators of their generation working on one project at one time.
So, it looks good.
He was a regular man until one day the government took that away from him. He is the AKIRA!!!!
just check nyaa I had a 720p once,should still be there
A Kieran
Arise was shit but the live action was worse. It was more like robocop.
I want to see Hollywood adapt Patlabor as an 80s style buddycop movie
Ota would be the crazy guy who shoots up ghettos
You know what I want to see?
An adaptation of a giant nuke smashing into Hollywood's giant asshole
Don't worry, they'll just change locations to Japamerica and copy/paste the movie.
They are still on this. Next thing you'll tell me is that live action Cowboy Bebop movie starring Keanu Reeves as Spike is still in the works.
Will they remake the film?
Or do you think they will do the whole story?
K-on live action Western adaption when?
going by how they handled GITS,it'll be a hogepodge of everything and the kitchen sink
There was an article about trying to revive that project a couple of months ago where they mentioned that now Keanu looks too old.
Those Jews at Hollywood simply won't stop until they've conquered the samurai with their multiculturalism agenda, huh?
When Disney has multiple popular young female singers under contract again.
Well the Jews are losing their stranglehold on the vidya industry so they gotta do something to compete with Nippon
They should really stop. Please.
Why not start on that Jojo movie starring Daniel Radcliffe as Jotaro and Sylvester Stallone as Star Platinum.
Can't they just stick with capeshit? MCU owns the box office every year and Japan actually loves superhero movies.
On the other hand, it may be a good thing if Hollywood finally bends and casts an Asian for a lead role in an anime adaptation - but it's a Korean or Chinese instead.
>uproar in Japan over having a gook play the role of one of their favorite characters
>boycott and subsequent refusals by authors to let Hollywood touch their titles
>forgetting the toy monsters scene
>forgetting the motherfucking satellite laser scene
>forgetting jb tits
>forgetting the unpeeling of AKIRA's tomb chamber
>forgetting KANEDA, HELP MEEEE
And that's just literally 10 seconds of thinking about it.
No user, you are shit.
Rob Schneider is Akira
Rated PG-13
as long as they keep the OST intact it should be fine
one's horror m8 the other could be a buddy cop movie with Aramaki
>keep on making anime-based movie adaptations likely to fail, and expecting different results
Hollywood sure does fit the definition of insanity.
It legitimately might have been Peele.
They better fucking cast Kanye in it
two black guys and a third brown guy added
Chronicle is good in part because it's inspired by Akira without trying to be Hollywood Akira.
Since they are thugs now it would make sense to make everyone black.
In the way that it's not and you're a fucking liar, sure
There are no white people in AKIRA anyway, everyone looks like a Mexican
To be fair this one has been in purgatory since the early 2000s when Spielberg was thinking about it iirc. Besides there was already an Akira rip off a few years ago, called chronicle or something like that.
It'll fail for the same reason GitS did. They'll keep the visual to cater to fans and throw out the plot to cater to mainstream. And fail both.
At this point, I'm thinking that Edge of Tomorrow is the most faithful adaptation and that's terrible, since they threw out everything about the second protag and made her love interest only.
god fuck, why don't they just try gundam
the MC is white
>"It is also signed by Kanye West as well ass his producer..."
They say this like it is a good thing. That motherfucker should have never signed it in the first place, much less his fucking producer.
nigga this shit is as close to an akira movie as you'll get
I am aware of the song and the video for it. Maybe I was being a little harsh in my post, considering that it seems like he genuinely is a fan of the film, but I still feel that you shouldn't sign something like that bike unless you were somehow associated with Akira. Regardless, the producer should have also not signed it