How did he go from this...
How did he go from this this?
what the fuck happened?
looks like an improvement to me
the artists last hoorah before the officially didn't give a fuck anymore
that's why the series is great up until the shitty ass league
He was always an ugly gay mexican.
That mustache is pretty bad.
>Sun and Moon has bad ar-
I unironically have no problem with this. Better than the animatron he once was
He became a lot more expressive. Looks good to me.
>spics whining about new anime art styles
Every fucking time.
At least we got this out of it.
I'm glad I actually like the SM anime, that it's not just spite that I also prefer this Satoshi
Nobody watches Pokemon anymore after Ash lost the Kalos league. That was a good chance to finally give him a title, yet they didn't.
EoE reference?
wtf? I love Ash now.
I really like the new poke lolis.
Is it worth going through the pain of watching this autist just for them?
i forgot about this change
it looks like the new designer thought the squiggles on his cheeks were really important even though you dont even notice them on the old design
erase those and it wouldn't even be weird
The best one isn't even in the anime
Best gay date. Webm when?
Fuck Ash. TR is the new hotness
>mom out of fucking nowhere
I like the new style better desu
Brain damage after lost final
Sun and Moon is getting better ratings than XY
What's wrong? Can't self-insert anymore?
You guys are obviously younger than 25.
Tone shift
I stopped watching SM after the first 4 episodes but it seemed like it was trying to be a lot more comedic and there's nothing really wrong with that.
>hurr pokemon now looks too childish and it makes me feel insecure about myself
27 here, but I stopped watching after Charizard cucked Ash's chances of winning the first tournament
>this projection
It'd be a lot better if the lines weren't so fucking big that they made him look like a burnt frenchie
If you're older than 25 and still watching pokemon, you have brain damage.
>Sup Forums
Fuck off back to your containment board.
>le bland """badass""" ash
who the fuck cares, he was only good up to the end of sinnoh and since then they've been fucking it up.